

Sermal is an angel who revolted with the decay of humanity and decided to create a new superior race in a secret laboratory. He uses his divine power to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrid beings with extraordinary abilities. However, his ambition is discovered by other angels, who try to stop his plan before he causes a cosmic imbalance. Sermal will have to face his former allies and defend his creatures, while questioning his own nature and purpose.

PlayerOliver · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Sermal was an ambitious and powerful angel who revolted when he saw the decay of humanity. He felt that the human race had lost its purpose and no longer deserved heaven's protection. Determined to create a new superior race, he built a secret laboratory where he used his divine ability to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrids with extraordinary abilities.

Sermal was successful in his experiment and soon his creatures spread across the world, each with their own unique ability. There were beings with wings that could fly at high speeds, others with bullet resistant skins, and even some that could camouflage themselves in any environment. Sermal was satisfied with his creation and believed he had achieved his goal: creating a master race to rule the earth.

However, his ambition was discovered by other angels, who saw his experiment as a threat to the cosmic balance. They warned Sermal of the risks of their plan, but he refused to listen. Determined to see his creation rule the land, he continued his work, ignoring the warnings of his former allies.

The other angels then decided to act. They sent an army of divine creatures to destroy the hybrids created by Sermal. An epic battle ensued, with both sides fighting fiercely for control of the land. Sermal defended his creatures with all his might, fighting side by side with those he had created.

In the end, the divine army prevailed and most of Sermal's creatures were destroyed. But Sermal managed to save some of his hybrids by hiding them in a secret location. They have become a rare and valuable species, protected with great care by Sermal and his loyal followers.

With the battle over, Sermal questioned his own nature and purpose. He realized that his ambition had blinded him, and that he had strayed from his true role as a guardian angel. Sermal then decided to redeem himself for his mistakes and swore to protect humanity, even if it was imperfect. He recognized that all beings deserved a chance to evolve and promised to help them find their way back to the light.