
My Sails Are Set

Cherry watched Yetta stomp back and forth, packing provisions, armor, ammunition, and weapons. Growling softly, he stalked over to her, nudging her hand with his nose. She let out a soft whimper, her lip beginning to tremble. Distantly, she could hear Louella's uneven foot falls outside her door, the handle twisting open. Yetta plopped on the floor, picking Cherry up and holding him to her chest. The elder neighbor sat beside her with difficulty, groaning in pain as her hips creaked.


"I could hear you seething from my apartment," she gently prodded. "What happened, Dear?" Louella handed Yetta a small piece of candy, letting the hunter unwrap it and pop it in her mouth before talking.


"It's just Carman," she began. "She doesn't think I'm strong enough to go into the Traveler. I am, though. I know I am. She just…doesn't trust me." She leaned on Louella's shoulder.


"She could be scared. Everybody gets scared sometimes." Louella looked around the messy studio, sighing. "You're really going to go?" Yetta nodded. "Well…I wish you all the luck in the world. Come back safe, alright?"


"I have every intention to."


. . .



Yetta settled into the captain's seat of her ship, running her hand over the console. That was her luck ritual. Greet the ship with respect, and it'd get you far, and fast. She flipped the switch to turn it on, looking out her window to watch Carman storm over. The warlock waved her down, and Yetta turned off her engine, wincing as her head pounded. "You live without purpose," a voice hissed in her mind.


Yetta yelped, grabbing onto her head. "Anguish, bliss. A meaningless cycle." Cherry whined behind her, growling and snarling, snapping at the air. She looked at Carman one last time, watching her mentor wave her away, while climbing onto her own ship. "Of action, and reaction."


The ship was on, the thrusters were thrown. And Yetta let herself collapse in her chair, eyes rolled back, blood spilling down her cheeks, trickling from her ears. Jason screamed for her to wake up, as the ship left orbit, as Carman's comm link cut out.


. . .


Yetta groaned as she came to, wiping the wetness on her cheeks, and staring at the golden toned crimson coating her fingers. "What…?"


"Yetta!" Jason beeped frantically at her, flying into her bloodstained face. "You're ok!" 


She affectionately swatted him away, chuckling. "Relax, Jase. Was just taking a nap."


"While bleeding?!" Yetta looked at her bloody hand again, rubbing her fingers together. 


"It's all over me, isn't it?"


"Yes." The alarm went off, startling the three passengers to look at the window. Cherry nuzzled Yetta's arm, whining. The portal into the Traveler loomed in front of her ship, pulling her in. Literally. The ship engines were shot, and the portal was approaching at rapid speed. "Shit!" 


Jason transmatted them out first chance he got, Yetta landing harshly on her knees as Cherry tumbled beside her. The ship flew past them, vanishing into a void. "Shit," she mumbled again, checking on her war beast. The runt groaned, shaking himself off. "Shitshitshit." Yetta ran back and forth, eyes widening. "Carman's so going to kill me…"