Destiny 2: What legacy will you leave behind, if you aren't the big hero? What will become of your story, the student of the best guardian around? What shall you do, constantly clawing for some credit, to be called a hero too? Simple. Just be a dumbass, trust me. You'll get a name for yourself.
Corrupted was quick, Crow saw that now. Of course she was. She was Carman, after all. It hadn't clicked until they encountered her, her sword ripping into Yetta's side like warm butter. Like it was nothing.
Blood still dripped in the snow, carving a dangerous path behind them as Yetta leaned on him, heavily. She gasped and winced, clutching at the injury in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He was afraid that it was too deep for that.
They got to their hideout, Crow setting Yetta down. She landed harshly, groaning in pain as her side pulled. He knelt beside her, lifting her clammy hand away, and wincing in sympathy. "How bad it is?" she gasped. "Be honest."
"Um-." He wasn't sure where to even begin. Her entire side was stained a golden red, and blood continued pulsing out. "You're losing a lot of blood."
"We can't stop moving." Shushing her, he put his hands over the gash in her side. "What are you doing?"
"Save your strength. I'm going to try to burn it closed." He received a whimper in response. "Just trust me. I'm not letting you bleed out on me. Not when-," he cut himself off, shaking his head. "Just, don't talk or move."
The Solar rushing into her body burned white hot, the smell of scorching flesh filling the air. Yetta screamed in pain, back arching against his hands. "I'm almost done," he soothed. "Just a bit more." The burn faded down into a dull ache as he removed his hands. He wrapped warm arms around her, holding her closer. Yetta went with his pull willingly, sobbing softly as she clutched her side.
"It's ok, I'm sorry." He said the words over, and over. "It's ok. I'm sorry. It's ok."
. . .
"We need to split up," Yetta reluctantly admitted as Crow came back in with the day's rations. "It'll keep her busy."
"You can barely stand," he pointed out. "I'm not leaving you here to die."
"I can still crawl. I have my knife, so I'll put up a fight. But if we stay together, it'll just be easier for her to kill us, both."
"One more day here," he relented. "That's my condition. One more day of rest for you. And then we split up. I'll work on getting you something you can lean on." He stood up again, Yetta grabbing his arm. She pulled him to sit beside her.
"Just stay here," she murmured. "Just for now." She leaned on his arm, lifting her head to allow him to wrap it around her. She listened closely to his heartbeat, humming softly. "Crow?" she called out.
"Yeah?" His thumb rubbed circles into her shoulder. "Are you ok?"
"What were you going to say?" She looked up, golden eyes meeting gold. "When you were sealing the wound, you cut yourself off. What were you going to say?"
"It's not important." He kissed her head.
"We could die here," she bleakly said. "Apparently, whatever vex energy is in me, doesn't wanna send us home. So, we could die here. Might as well."
"Jeez, you're bleak today." He chuckled, tightening his hold on her. Yetta placed her hand in his lap, his free hand covering it. "Just don't die before I get to kiss you."
"We've already kissed, dork."
"You know what I mean. More than a peck," he said, softly. Yetta laughed softly. "Zavala doesn't get a say in my relationships, I've decided. Which means, when we get home, not if, but when. When we get home, I am treating you to a dinner-take-two, a dance, and gifting you the world."
She pulled away slightly. "The world?" she laughed, a grin on her face.
"No, not the world. The universe."
"And how do you plan to do that?" she asked, smugly.
"A silver platter, just for you."
. . .
She woke up, alone and cold. Crow's warmth had been removed from her side, and the room was dark. A small puddle of shimmering blood sat by her hand. Yetta only noticed it when she put her hand in it, gasping in shock. "Crow?" she called. "Crow?!" She yanked her hand away, looking up in distress.
She could hear the Lament in the distance, a chill running down her spine. Struggling to her feet, she grabbed her knife from the floor, trying to run out of the building. The snow had built up, blocking the door shut. "Shit."
There was nothing to do, but either wait for Corrupted, or face her. Either option, she got killed. Sighing in disgust, she looked at the knife in her hands. The tri-dagger. She had a chance. Turning, her side panging in agony, Yetta grit her teeth, and marched forwards.
The halls stretched on and on before her, blood stains on the walls from long ago. She traced her hand over them, noting the fresh stains on the floor. She was on the right track to find Crow, and Yetta knew she'd find a rather nasty addition as well.
The Lament stopped roaring, and the huntress stopped. Her breaths were almost deafening, labored and quick. Corrupted was nearby, the temperature dropping in the same way it did whenever there was Stasis nearby.
"Little rabbit~," Corrupted sang, hidden in the shadows. "You've come back to play~! And you brought a guest! How sweet…"
"Where are you?" Yetta whispered, slowly turning. She just barely missed the butt of a gun headed towards her face, arcing down. She slashed with her dagger, a boot landing heavily on her arm.
"Hello, sweet rabbit. How I have missed you." The gun cracked down on her face, and Yetta blacked out, groaning weakly.