
~Chapter 4~

Aera’s POV:

I shrug and start eating, trying to suppress my emotions and enjoy the boys company. They were all like I had imagined, cheerful and kind, each and every one of them being special in their own way.

If you didn't saw them on tv, you wouldn't even say they were international stars.. they were just 7 normal friends, having fun at lunch. I was smiling at myself thinking how lucky I am to meet them, when Taeyong that was sitting next to me interrupted my thoughts with a question:

"Hey Aera, since you were at our concert and fan meeting... I was wondering, how long have you been a fan?"

"Oh well, since the very beginning actually. I loved your music from the start, it's very special to me.. and so are all of you. You guys helped me a lot with you songs, and I think every fan would agree." As soon as I finished my sentence I could feel all the eyes on me.

"Aawww... My heart!"

Hosung put his hand on his chest like it was in pain and then sent me a finger heart... I could feel my face starting to heat up and I let out a chuckle.

"Yaah, don't send her hearts like that!" Jihun said and glared at him.

"Whhyy?? Are you jealous?" Seokju asked wiggling his eyebrows

"What? N-no, of course n-not!!" Oh my, he's blushing?!

"Plus, she has a boyfriend!" Jihun said with a low voice

"Oh! You do? Sorry Aera.. I didn't know" Hosung said

"Ah don't worry about it.. It's ok really" I tried to compose myself thinking about him, but I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

I get up from my chair.. "Please excuse me, I need to use the restroom, I'll be back!"

I enter in one of the bathroom's cubicles and sit down on the cold floor running my hands trough my hair. I'm so screwed... I take out my phone and read Jacob's text again.

Jacob: " You bitch! I come home early from my business trip for you, only to find out what?! That you went to see those fucking pussies without my permission?!! WHERE THE FUCK even are you?!! Just wait till you get home! Useless hoe!!"

Tears start flowing on my cheeks and I quickly wipe them away. No! I'm not going to cry! I'm gonna enjoy my day with the boys and face him later, I need to get it together...

Jihun's POV:

"Yah, Jihunie.." Seokju said with food stuffed in his cheeks. He looks like a squirrel making provisions for the winter. "Is Aera ok? She's been at the restroom for 20 minutes now."

"I don't know hyung, I should probably go check on her."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The oldest gestured with his hands and I get up from my seat and head towards the bathroom. When I reach the door I peek inside and see Aera washing her hands.. I let out a sigh of relief seeing she's ok. My smile slowly fades when my eyes reach her hands.. she had her sleeves rolled up and I could see a bruise on her lower arm. It was pretty big and it looked old, I wonder how she got it...

Did someone hurt her? Was it an accident? Does it have anything to do with her reaction at her boyfriend's text? A thousand questions run through my mind.. But, maybe I'm just overthinking. As I was lost in my thoughts I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"Jihun, what are you doing here?" Aera glanced at me, her eyes were watery and a bit red, has she been crying?

"Uhm.. Jihun?"

"Huh? Oh.. sorry, I-I zoned out. You were taking a bit long so I came to check on you. Is everything ok?"

Aera's POV:

"Oh, y-yes.. everything is ok. Let's go back to the others."

I quickly turn and head towards our table. Me and Jihun sit back down and my hands were starting to sweat as I can feel his gaze lingering on me.

"Aera..." Jihun slowly whispers while leaning towards me, he opened his mouth to say something when suddenly a phone starting ringing.

"It's mine, sorry guys, I should take this." Junghoon said while answering his call. After a few seconds he hung up and turned his attention to the other members. "It was our manager, he said he has something to tell us and that we should go to his office."

"Oh ok, let me go get the check then." Namgi got up and paid for our meals, and being the gentleman he is, he insisted on paying for mine as well.

Jihun's POV:

We all headed outside and Hosung hyung went to bring over the car. I could see Aera was even sadder than before, her cute little eyebrows turning into an equally cute little frown,but who am I kidding.. I was mad too because this lunch ended so quickly.

"We're sorry we didn't have more time for you Aera" Taeyong said while pouting.

"Yeah.. But, where do you live? we can give you a ride home if you want" Yoongjae said.

"Thank you guys, but it's ok... I won't go home now anyway. I'm just gonna take a walk or something" She answered looking down at her shoes. Something in her face expression tells me she really dreads the idea of going home. Then a light bulb turned on in my head.

"Junghoon.. Did our manager say that we all have to go to the meeting? Was it something important?" I asked while my eyes were still on the girl in front of me.

"Well he didn't say if we all have to go. But it didn't sound really important" He shrugged.

"Great, then you guys go without me. I'll hang out with Aera a bit more."

Aera’s POV:

My eyes shot up at his words. "If that's ok with you.." he continues while still looking at me.

Ofcourse I wanna stay more with him, but I don't want him to miss something important because of me..

"A-are you sure? I mean, I don't want you to get in trouble.."

"Naah, don't worry.. They'll be fine without me. Right guys?"

"Yeah ofcourse, we'll make some excuse for him. Don't think too much about it." The oldest said giving me a reassuring smile.

"We'll get going then, have fun you two!" Junghoon winked at Jihun and climbed in the car.