
Serendipity (Missing Room)

Have you ever met someone who is constantly telling you about his or her heart's burning desires? Feelings that make people feel more gloomy, sad, or even worse? Every human heart is filled with feelings. When a person loses or is separated from another person they love, this emotion is constantly present. A sensation that can only be relieved by meeting someone. Yes. That is the feeling of loneliness. It's a lovely name, but it's also painful. Some people will go to any length to avoid feeling suffocated. And now, because I share your feelings, I'm taking advantage of this opportunity. I'll tell you about some of the lives of people who are yearning to leave this world. Life's journey is filled with twists and turns, challenges, pleasures, tragedies, and other experiences. Nothing goes unnoticed. Even inanimate objects can be animated. Because we miss them, it's not just about wanting to see family and friends, especially non-official partners. However, there is also a yearning for the Creator. These are their stories, told by people I chose based on my own vision, fantasy, and inspiration. Welcome to the room of the missing. A place where you may pour out your emotions without having to hide your worries or your secrets.

AnaEmiya · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Between Us 1

Morning sunny day ─ with still cold ─ very feel in body , I and my cousin , Andin, go buy sugar ordered granny Wan, our neighbor who lives alone , to shop Uncle Mario who's on the other side road highway .

While on the trip , Andin always make me smile until laugh . The jokes that come out from mouth he is talkative , making the people around who hear laugh giggling .

However , when arrived on the road sidewalk and will cross past zebracross , from direction side Andin 's left driver speeding motorbike , and _ almost hit Andy.

Almost … yes ! Andin almost crashing a motorcyclist if _ only , Ian, no is behind Andin dan _ no interesting Andin's clothes up to torn .

Andin a little surprised , "Ian…!? Thank you , thank you a lot , I do n't know if you no is in behind me , and _ no help me … i do n't know what will occur later ."

Ian replied with relaxed and also pretentious cool , " yes , you're welcome ."

I only notice they from across road , place shop Uncle Rio stood up .

After buy sugar , I approached _ them , " Come on , Andin! I already finished buy the sugar . We're going home ."

Andy nodded . Then waving hand to Ian, and follow me from back . He pat slow my shoulder , " hey ! You why the hell with Ian? Still no like ? whereas he already help me yo…"

I turn around looked at him , "Andin, listen yes . That Ian child man who doesn't OK ! You right often clay he argue with child neighbors who do n't wrong though . You remember what he _ _ say a month then me ?"

We imagined Ian's words to me a month ago , and words that is …

Ian spoke in front my house in a high pitched voice , " Hey girl weird ! Go out you , come on fight with me ! Do not only usually standing behind _ uncle and your aunt ! Come on out you , basic child spoiled !" After that he laugh hard , no clear .

I to outside . And reply said , " Hey " child scumbag ! Do not you only usually babbling no clear up front people 's house and challenge the person inside for fight with you arbitrarily !"

Ian no stay shut up , he Keep going talk until Sir chaplain come and bring it go from in front of my house .

We're back continue trip .

Andin continue thinking , " but " how if Ian meant so that he near with you ?"

I replied , " no " possible Well , Dean."

" But right that can only ," replied Andin.

I Keep going walk , no pay attention to Andin who doesn't stop babbling .

We arrived home _ grandma close _ garden corn owned by ma'am hahaha Amen . We are soon enter meet grandmother in the kitchen .

" Assalamu'alaikum , Grandma ...!" We exclaimed . Grandmother answer with a tired tone , " wa'alaikumsallam ..."

I and Andin each other swap look . Then we put sugar that has been bought was in on table near stove .

I and Andin say goodbye for go home to House each on Grandma , "we're home " before yes , grandma ! Assalamu'alaikum !" I said .

On the way , I and Andin separated at the fork road Rose near Rose's pharmacy .

I to right and Andin headed for road middle .

On the road , my mind no stop think about very problems _ complicated that long lately this I face . No problem about love or problem teenager other . However about family .

I know , I life and born in a very family _ simple . Because , sometimes when we feel trouble , feeling that very very deep . I no too think about about that one , because I not yet can help my family .

inside _ my family , there is a older brother man and me , child youngest ( child ) last ).

Many mention _ if a child youngest own same degree _ as child single . That is , the child who always pampered by second his parents . However no all child youngest treated as it .

But depends on second parent each one who treats her children as what the hell.

Formerly before my mom died , I only a girl always a teenager very happy , because I still have a mother always _ accompany in when like or sad . He always make me comfortable , though often being scolded , that 's attitude a mother educate his son to be good child , filial son _ _ on religion, parents , people around , and nation .

However , something things that are not I want as a child happen . My mom suddenly attacked disease , then died at home sick .

Incident that make my mental ' up and down '. I always cry sobbing , remembering all memory with my mother .

Father who already die moment I even children , sometimes I remember it .

Moment a girl lost teenager _ a very mother _ he dear . Mother always _ pay attention , understand about feeling his son . Now already lost . But … sadness no will have change everything . Only spirit and taste not too I care what I have for me no too feel down .

And of course only , all this on Allah SWT's permission always there is for his people , in when that person hard , happy ... Allah always there is together us .

My age time that still 14 years old . And now , I the more Becomes girl teenager and a number of year again , will Becomes a woman .

I no once think for dating . Not once and no will .

Islam forbids every Muslim for dating . Because will lead on adultery , whatever that the reason , wallahu ' nature .

Even though I'm at raised in a very family simple , moreover now I should more independent , study about permanent religion Becomes number one .

Moment I'm 7 years old , my mother enter I to an MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ) in the area the place I live , namely in Bandung.

Yes …! From elementary to now will enter high school, I studied in Bandung, Indonesia. Because I'm a native Bandung , though some people call me as half-blood , but I original sundanese .

And now , in this modern age , I stay together my aunt , Aini , in a House simple owned by Bi Aini's husband , Ujang . In a quite area far from used my house and my mother is in Bandung.

to be continued...

EITS don't press the next button, let alone the exit button. Haha. XD

Hi , waiting and connoisseur in advance earth .

safe come , in the room miss .

A place where you can pour out all contents long heart _ this is you guys hiding , without should something is being covered up .

First I will ask you. If one day, you had a brain so smart that the whole world knew about it, and you met someone who offered you two choices, but you could only choose one, which choice would you make?

With the first option, having a hundred billion dollars will make your life needs very fulfilled, but you have to change citizenship and let your brain be 'used' by them. Or the second option, you will not get anything, only applause from people who 'know' but can develop their own country until they get a sense of pride in their hearts.

Which choice will you take? Money? Or country?

Your answers will be in the future, and that is the choice you make. Do not give up or regret for choosing it.

On this occasion, the story that I will bring is about a teenage girl who has a unique nature and attitude.

In my opinion, his attitude and unique nature are the main points of this story.

Then, what kind of attitude and character do I mean?

You will find out after reading the whole story. And don't forget to tell me what you think about this girl.

Please read the story carefully.

Keep reading and waiting for the stories of the waiting, in the longing room.

Congratulations, enjoy~