
Seraphine Aile

Isabel a senior agent of Secretglaives tasked to search the Ancient Artifacts Seraphine Aile, while in search she encounters many mysteries and secrets that should not be opened. Can she find Seraphine Aile or the death found her first.

Vanillattesama · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 2-2

Iris lay down after taking a bath. A warm bath after a busy day mingling at her birthday party, refreshes her and restores her energy. She sat while holding a book on healing magic but her mind returned to the events of earlier that afternoon with Leon.

Leon was still young for a Duke where that rarely happened.

In her heart, Iris admits that her uncle is good at selecting a husband for her. Originally, she had imagined the candidate to be introduced to her would be someone old and scary.

"Are you thinking about Duke Greyson?", Isabel's voice broke Iris' reverie.

The maids' work was done and now only Iris and Isabel were left in the room.

"Yes. What kind of person do you think Duke Greyson is? Is he the right candidate for me? Does he really love me or…is he only approaching me because of an arranged marriage?", Iris asked with a worried face.

Isabel seemed to be thinking, "Hmm…If you want, I can find information about it. His past, his secret or maybe even the disgrace he's hiding."

With a panicked face Iris immediately rejected Isabel's idea, "I don't think it's necessary to go that far. I mean…the impression you got when you met him in person."

"Hmm. To be sure he is very handsome, dashing and it seems he is quite popular among the women. I've heard glimpses of a few women seem to be discussing his presence at your party. The type of person I wouldn't expect to be close to your uncle."

"What do you mean?"

"Your uncle is a strict and serious type of person. It was a complete contrast to the young Duke who looks still liked to spend his time having fun. Maybe he has some quality in your uncle's eyes. For example…maybe he's the type of person who has a plan like your uncle???"

Iris seemed surprised by Isabel's opinion, "Why do you think that?"

"Because earlier I could feel his eyes staring intently at me when I suddenly appeared in the midst of you this afternoon. Did I interrupt something important earlier to make him so annoyed?", Isabel answered while crossing her arms.

"Oh that… I don't know…. we were just chatting. By the way…you are older than me Isabel… has no one ever told you to rush into marriage?", Iris immediately changed the subject.

Iris was too embarrassed to tell what happened between her and Leon.

Isabel sighed as she held her head, "We commoners…different from the nobles, Iris. We didn't care much about getting married when we were your age. There are much more other things to think about…"

"Even to find a boyfriend too? Have you ever dated Isabel or have someone you like?", Iris asked in a low voice.

Afraid to offend Isabel.

Once again Isabel sighed but in a louder voice this time, "In the past maybe I did."

Iris stared at Isabel with rounded eyes, a gaze waiting for Isabel's next answer. But Isabel turned around and said, "Sorry, Iris. I don't want to talk about this. It's a topic that I can't share you because I'm inexperienced myself."

"It's fine, Isabel. I understand.", Iris nodded. Somehow, Iris felt Isabel looked sad and she didn't want to force it.

"Oh yes, Isabel. There is something I want to show you.", Iris tried to change the topic so that the atmosphere was not gloomy.

Iris took something out from under her bed and put it on the table. A potted plant with a wildflower that seems about to die.

Iris put her hands on it. Then she closes her eyes. Slowly she caught his breath. At first nothing happened, but slowly a greenish-white light gathered in her palm, descending towards the wildflower. Wildflowers that had been wilting suddenly looked alive and fresh.

"Iris…is your power back?", Isabel stared in surprise.

But it only lasted for a second because the glow in Iris' hand suddenly disappeared and the flower withered again.

Iris opened her eyes while looking at her hands, "This is all I can do. My strength isn't as strong as it used to be. I don't know if my ability returns or not. But I would be very happy if my white magic returned…"

Isabel hugged Iris from the side while stroking her shoulder, "It's okay. Slow down, Iris. Don't worry too much about this. Who knows this is the beginning of your ability to start returning."

Iris rested her head on Isabel's shoulder with a dissatisfied sigh. But she knew frustration would not get her anywhere.

Outside the window the sound of owls began.

"It's already night. You'd better get some rest Iris. Today you are very busy. You must be tired. Is there anything else you need? Should I call Catherine again?", Isabel helped Iris into her blanket.

"No need. I'm about to sleep. Good night, Isabel.", Iris curled up in her blanket and closed her eyes.

"Good night, Lady Elizabeth.", Isabel then left the room and closed the door slowly.

Isabel walked to another part of the house which was on the east side carrying a candle. She climbed the stairs one floor and walked to the end. The room where she lives is at the end.

After placing the candle on the table, she walked towards her bathroom. The moonlight was shining through the small bathroom window. She checked the water in the tub

"Ugh… it's not hot enough. The maids had prepared hot water earlier. I forgot." Isabel muttered. She put down her rapier and then opened her jacket and took off her tights and boots.

After taking off all her underwear, Isabel dipped herself into the bath.

In the dim light, several scars were visible on Isabel's body. After a long soak. Isabel got up and put her towel on. She was walking towards her bed about to lie down when suddenly she felt someone's presence behind her in the darkness.

Isabel quickly grabbed her rapier and drew it. But the intruder is also no less fast and fends off with his weapon.

Sighing in annoyance, Isabel confronted him "Shit, Malcolm! You surprised me. Why aren't you in the servants' quarters in the basement?"

A man with messy hair appeared in the dim light. A katar was in his hand, "You forgot, did you? I brought what you asked for earlier."

Malcolm is a former member of the Secretglaives and also Isabel's childhood friend. After the Secretglaives disbanded, he decided to work under Isabel directly by disguising himself as one of the servants at Barrington Manor.

"No. I didn't forget. I just didn't think you'd come tonight."

Malcolm looked Isabel up and down and gave a little whistle.

Realizing that she was still wearing a towel, Isabel immediately threw the blanket at Malcolm, "Close your eyes. I'm going to get dressed first."

Malcolm tried to peek out from under the blankets, but Isabel realized, "You pervert. I told you to close your eyes instead to peek!", this time Isabel threw her pillow.

"Okay, okay. Take it easy. Geezz…", Malcolm hissed as he turned his back on Isabel.

Isabel quickly put on her clothes and stood behind Malcolm.

"So, what's his profile?"

"Leon Greyson. Twenty-two years old. Became Duke five years ago at the age of seventeen when both of his parents died in a shipwreck. Leon has always been famous among women because of his good looks. However, since becoming a Duke at a young age, he has become increasingly popular and many women have vying to approach him. But he doesn't seem interested and spends his time taking care of his family's inheritance in his residence not far from Lindheim. It was then that he met Lady Elizabeth's uncles who were also close friends of her late father. To ask for advice and guidance. And since then, they have become close."

"That is all? No illegitimate children, affairs or suspicious activities? Weird sex or a regular brothel?"

"Nothing. He's clean. I don't think it's surprising that Duke Albert set him up with his niece. He's a top breed."

Isabel seemed dissatisfied with Malcolm's report.

"Why are you still looking pissed off? What's the matter with you and Duke Greyson?", Malcolm sat down on the chair while crossing his legs.

"There isn't any. It's just that this afternoon he was alone with Iris for a long time and what a coincidence when I wasn't there because of that drunken thing."

"I see… speaking of drunks. I found something interesting. You said that when that drunk saw you from afar, he immediately ran away. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Yep. Because of that I left Lady Elizabeth for quite a while."

"Before I continue….", Malcolm crossed his arms.

"To be honest, I didn't accept it when you scolded me because you said I am sloppy. I'm really sure I've been keeping an eye on the fence before, according to the task you gave me. And nothing suspicious."

"Get to the point Malcolm." Isabel said matter-of-factly.

Malcolm sighed in resignation when Isabel who didn't care what he said. He continued his report, "You know what I found when the party was over? I found a rag and a hat that matched the drunkard at under one of the tables while the servants were clearing up. What a strange coincidence, isn't it?"

"Yep. That's a weird thing. Either the drunkard made it into the party. Or is there an invitation disguised as that drunkard.", Isabel bit her finger.

"But Isabel, you said yourself managed to catch up with the drunk after he circled around there for a long time. Until finally he fled alone out of the venue. So how could the clothes be there? Unless there's two drunks." Malcolm looked at her with a serious face.

"But that's impossible Malcolm. Except…they worked together from the start to trick me.", Isabel continued Malcolm's words in a furious tone.

Malcolm nodded his head, "That's right. There were no drunks from the start. That person intends to play you Isabel. He knows you will chase him. That's why when he sees you, he immediately runs away."

"And I know roughly who the mastermind is. Even though I don't have any proof. You damn geezer.", Isabel snorted in annoyance.

Malcolm laughed "Haha. Lady Elizabeth's uncle was indeed an eccentric person. Speaking of him. I heard rumor about him when I was touring around as a servant."

Malcolm smiled full of grin," According to the rumor, he was close to one of the three wise councils and worked as his right-hand man.

Isabel widened her eyes in surprise, "Is that true? The three wise councils who hold important positions in the kingdom of Edetish?"

The three wise councils are councils that are directly involved with the King in giving advice and making important decisions related to royal affairs.

Its members are Prince Reimund Evrat, Archduke Wilhem Rondo and Archpriest Jerome.

Prince Reimund Evrat was the younger brother of King Raimundus Evrat IV who assisted his older brother in managing the monarchy.

Archduke Wilhem Rondo, comes from a noble family who has served on the council for generations. His responsibility was to take care of the economy of the Edetish kingdom and was the only Duke who had his own army of knights.

And lastly Archpriest Jerome who was in charge of religious affairs with St. Varos Church as the center of religious teachings.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing he's a direct subordinate of Archduke Wilhem Rondo." Malcolm glanced at Isabel.

Isabel seemed speechless for a moment hearing that, "Good job Malcolm. You brought me some interesting info."

Even though he didn't say anything, Malcolm's face showed satisfaction when he heard Isabel praise his work.

"Enough for today. Return to your room so no one suspects you. You are still in the status of being employed as a servant here."

"Ready. Even though being a servant makes me tired. Tired of boredom.", replied Malcolm with a big smile.

Quickly Malcolm disappeared into the darkness without making a sound. The night was getting late and only the sound of loud owls broke the silence.


The next day proceeded as the usual routine.

After breakfast, Isabel was getting ready to meet Iris when suddenly a maid approached her in a hurry.

"Isabel, here's a package for Lady Elizabeth. The courier demands that it be handed over to her immediately."

Isabel stared at the letter and gift in her hands. Letter with seals as well as gifts that appear to be wrapped in expensive paper.

"Who is this from?", Isabel asked while checking briefly.

"From Duke Greyson. The courier is his own butler who specifically delivers this package. And he is still waiting at the front for a reply from Lady Elizabeth."

For some reason, Isabel suddenly felt annoyed hearing this, but she had no choice but to take it to Iris.

Isabel immediately walked towards Iris' room. Iris had finished dressing and was about to go to the dining room when Isabel came.

"Morning Isabel. I thought we would meet in the dining hall?"

"That's the plan, My lady. But there is an express delivery that requires your attention."

Iris looked surprised, "What is it?"

Isabel handed over the letter and gift with a sour face in contrast to Iris who looked curious.

Iris immediately opened the present and looked pleasantly surprised. Inside is a gold hairpin decorated with white Iris flowers. And a greeting card with the words:

[For our little secret - from Leon]

Immediately Iris opened the letter and read it.

Isabel watched everything curiously. Her mind was wondering what Duke Greyson might have written for Iris.

But Isabel didn't take long to get curious because Iris came up to her saying with an excited face, "Isabel, Duke Greyson invited me to watch the opera in Lindheim. The show is tomorrow night."

Isabel cleared her throat, "Oh, tomorrow night, huh? Is it not too hasty, My lady?"

But Iris looked at Isabel with a shy face, "I'm considering accepting the invitation, Isabel..."

Isabel knew she couldn't do anything since Iris had already said her wish, "Fine then. We will leave tomorrow afternoon. I will arrange it."

"Thank you, Isabel.", Iris replied with a gentle smile. Iris knew Isabel didn't like Duke Greyson much because of what happened at the party yesterday. And she appreciated Isabel supporting her wish.

"My Lady's joy is my satisfaction too. It is better if My Lady has breakfast soon so the food doesn't get cold. I will convey that their master's gift has been received and My Lady also accepts the invitation.", Isabel answered swiftly.

Iris nodded happily and walked towards the dining room while Isabel walked forward to convey a message to Duke Greyson's butler.

On her way, Isabel saw Malcolm who was seen cleaning the room.

As she passed him, Isabel whispered, "Tomorrow we are going to Lindheim. Be prepared. You will come with me to look after Lady Elizabeth."

Malcolm didn't say anything and just smiled briefly while continuing to work. As if there had never been any conversation between them.

Malcolm also appears in my other novel - Seraphine Aile Before Tragedy.

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