
Seraphical Candenscence

One impure, the other the polar opposite. One dangerous, the other heroic. Are they actually what we perceive them to be? Are what we see normally what we shall seek and believe? Let's keep it simple. The Network's Association plans on bringing us both down, despite the good deeds both of us have done. Even if it may seem like what we're doing is wrong. Even if we may be portrayed to be evil and insidious-like. What happens when you put one and one together? What do you get? Any normal person would say two, but this isn't a story of simplicities. Fret not, for it is not too intrinsic either. hzertgrey welcomes you to... This tells the tale of a perfect but in fact, broken woman. After all that she has gone and been through, experienced up and down. This tells of how she meets her predestined fates and partner as well as friends throughout her entire few lifetimes she's lived out. Join in, for a world of mystery awaiting your wonderful presence.

hzertgrey · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs


Hum. That happened.. quite a long time ago. How long has it been? For when exactly did that date back to? Time just flew by so fast. Even though she had lost herself within time. Within this game, she played with the administrators.

Standing by the edge of the cliff, looking forth at the horizons. Her figure looked as if it did not belong to the world. A complex situation yet one that could not be explained through just words. Such complicity... She thought.

" ..How had it been? " A system-like voice rang against her ear yet she remained indifferent to it. No sign of any emotions stirring. She stood silent for a while before deciding to speak.

She gently touched her black mask with the tip of her fingers and smiled. " Indeed something. " She said. The other party kept mum and waited for her to continue on with her words. Yet that did not happen. She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes.

The wind gradually picked up. The silence broke as the rustles of leaves sounded. Even her clothes were now fluttering in the direction of the wind. Her black shadow cape went accordingly with the wind as if they had the same mind of their own. She had to hold onto the fedora she wore tightly with her fingers so as to not let it fly away. She looked forth as her thoughts began to drown her once more. A sight worth stopping by to take a second look. One that seemed as if time had stopped just for that moment. One that seemed as if a scene is taken right out of a painting. Her long black silky locks flew with the wind itself. Eyes closed, seeming as if a beautiful statue.

Everything around started to quieten down. As if they were just focusing on her. The wind became gentler, the rustles of leaves no longer as loud as before, only.. that the moment was unfortunately interrupted.

"Stop doing that!" The voice that usually sounded robotic started to break into a child-like one instead. The voice sounded.. hesitant and nervous if described. She only kept quiet and appeared as if she had not heard what he said. Only, her lips rose into a slight smile. As if she was teasing the System. If the System had a physical body, he would most likely have a face full of black lines right now. But he was actually really crying right now.

Host, be gentler! I cannot handle your teases, Great Aunt! (_ _|||)

A chuckle escaped her lips and her lips lifted into a smirk. She slowly opened her eyes and stared after the cliff edge. " What will happen after this? " She suddenly questioned. She wanted to hear the answer from her dear System. She just wanted to despite knowing the answer to her own question anyway.

"You have completed all your world missions. So you'll have to go on to the next one. This.. " He suddenly cut short his sentence and instead said, " Time is ticking. We need to head over to the next world. " She knew he was not lying. At the same time, he was not telling the truth but she did not press matters. They were irrelevant right now. She just needed to hurriedly head back to the Oblivion and rest up.

She sighed and lifted her head up. With a lazy smile, she merely nodded and closed her eyes once more.

[Starting Initialization Process...

Recording data,




Classified information.


Process Completed.

Transferring to Oblivion…]

¹³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ³⁵ ⁶² ⁷ ² ¹³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷

"Things changed." She merely stated, glancing around her surroundings. She reached out to pull her fedora down but forgot that she had returned back to the Oblivion. Meaning that her clothes were changed back to before she had entered the missionary world.

She sighed and looked down instead, having her long hair cover her face. After being in the last missionary world, she had gotten used to a fedora on her head and a mask covering most of her face. She had almost forgotten how it was before she started wearing those. Forget about that, she was even receiving stares from the people around. She continued to walk forward, ignoring all the eyes on her. Pushing her loose hair behind her ears, she lifted her head up high.

"Woah, who's that girl? She looks so pretty!"

"Are you kidding? She's far from pretty! She's a fairy!"

"Hurry, hurry! Take some pictures for me!"

"She's now my goddess!"

But there were some who had reactions that differed from the positive ones.

"She's back?"

"Heavens, let's go now. I don't want to stay around with that monster."

"Ugh, calamitous star."

Still, such reactions only came from the minority of them. Most by now had taken a picture of the female and started licking the picture of it. Most. There were some just relaxing around as they watched this. As if they took this for entertainment. And the target of all this attention? She started to walk faster and got out of everyone's sight soon enough.

She heaved a sigh of relief once she entered the Lounge. She looked around as she went forward to take a seat on the couch. She crossed her legs freely yet that did not ruin the aura she gave off. One of the reigning Empress, showing off her power. "Little Nine, go and find out what happened to the Lounge while I was gone." She ordered.

‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ Host.. give me some pity, please!

The poor system had no choice but to succumb to her orders else he'd face the wrath of hers. He sniffed and thought to himself, how had he met such a host as he got to work. She had no idea what went through that head of her dear system's but she could roughly guess what. Though, she could care less about that right now. She sighed, closing her eyes, pinching the space between her eyebrows.

This had once been her comfort zone, her home. But what happened? She sneered at that thought. She took another deep sigh and wondered for how long she had been gone. It shouldn't have been that long, right? But why did she feel like everything had changed now that she was back? She ended up getting lost in her thoughts as she waited for her wonderful system to complete the task that she had requested for him to do.

A blaring alarm sounded in her ears. If this has been the past, she would have been physically and mentally scarred by the scare she had received. She merely blinked and rubbed her ears. "Was it necessary?" A line, just one to respond to 009's method of having her out of her thoughts. She expected a shameless response, or a playful one- anything but fear. She clenched her fists and calmed her emotions.

The system couldn't help but feel the fear shaking down to his very core. His host wasn't exactly too faulted but he still felt.. this terror. He knew his host had a story to tell but sometimes he often wondered if her own past too. Even with the close friendship they share, he still felt like he didn't truly know her either. Isn't he just a system? Why was he even feeling all these emotions in the first place too?

(×﹏×) The endless questions! Just give me answers now! QAQ

"Sorry.. " A whisper came by this round. Her eyes lifted upon hearing those words. She breathed lightly and responded, "This can't be blamed on you alone. " She heard no reply but continued her words. "Hum, You still believe those rumours.."


"Well? " She got an answer but it wasn't the one she had wanted. She smiled and just left the topic just as that.

"Host, I have gathered all the intelligence you needed. The building for the Lounge is now also occupied by some other hosts. But they don't seem to be anywhere close to your kind of standing. At the same time, it is weird. Their stats have nothing much yet they've managed to enter your private Lounge. It shows no data on that note, and from my guess- it's probably deleted. Moving on, ever since those people occupied your Lounge, they had completely changed the entire building. I've sent you a list of what exactly they changed out."

She nodded. As expected of her very own system. At least he was intelligent in this particular area. He always reaches her expectations when completing her requests, needs or orders. She lightly tapped the arm of the couch. "En, I have my own plans. Just follow my lead for the time being." She lazily leaned against the couch and smirked.

nothing much on the MC yet but how's it so far? pretty interesting, eh? this is more of a prologue rather a first chapter. the next chapter's coming up soon~

hzertgreycreators' thoughts