
Sentinels & Nightmares

In the aftermath of the devastating Seattle Incident, Daniel awakens in the mysterious world of Locbroalm, far removed from the desolation of Earth. In this realm where magic and cultivation reign, a grand struggle against a looming menace, The Nightmares, unfolds. As ancient wars scar the land and extinction looms, Daniel finds himself thrust into a world shaped by the Creed of Sentinels. Will he seize this second chance and fight against the encroaching darkness, or will he succumb, fading away into the sands of time? The journey ahead holds the key to his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of calamity. _________________________________________________69 Thanks for tuning in, hope you guys enjoy the book! ,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"-

ReignyDays · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

The Battle To End All Battles

Daniel grounded himself, feeling the firmness of the arena floor beneath his feet as he prepared to face the twins. The Coliseum, with its towering walls and echoing silence, provided an imposing backdrop for their confrontation. Unlike previous encounters, Daniel chose to adopt a defensive stance, allowing the twins to take the initiative in the fight. It was a deliberate strategy aimed at conserving his energy while honing his defensive skills.

Despite knowing it placed him at a disadvantage, Daniel recognized the tactical advantage it offered. By forcing the twins to be the aggressors, they would theoretically expend more energy in their attacks, leaving them vulnerable as the duel wore on. With the odds stacked against him due to being outnumbered, Daniel understood the urgency of ending the fight swiftly.

As Gaemon and Michael poised themselves for the assault, Daniel braced himself, ready to deflect their attacks with precision and efficiency. The tension in the air was palpable as the clash between the three combatants seemed imminent, each one poised to test their skills and determination in the crucible of battle.

In an unspoken agreement, the twins surged forward, aiming to overwhelm Daniel. One veered left while the other flanked right, their movements swift but lacking the grace of Daniel's Heart blessings.

Michael launched a punch from the left, seeking to divert Daniel's attention away from his brother. Simultaneously, Gaemon dropped to one knee, executing a low sweep to catch Daniel off guard.

Daniel, however, remained keenly aware of both attacks. With a spontaneous leap, he executed a flawless mid-air twist, narrowly evading the twins' strikes. As he descended, he delivered a swift kick to Michael's head, sending him crashing to the ground, motionless.

Despite his success, Daniel struggled to maintain his balance upon landing, his lack of experience evident. Seizing the opportunity, Gaemon pressed on, launching a punch toward Daniel with lingering sorrow in his eyes.

Daniel's reflexes kicked in, reminiscent of countless playful scuffles with his brother. With practiced ease, he intercepted Gaemon's punch, causing the latter to recoil in bewilderment. It was a move Gaemon had never encountered before, leaving him momentarily stunned and vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Daniel swiftly retaliated, delivering a powerful blow to Gaemon's abdomen. The force of the punch drove the air from Gaemon's lungs, leaving him gasping for breath and wide open for Daniel's next move.

In a blur of motion, Daniel deflected Gaemon's desperate jab and seized his wrist. With a swift and decisive maneuver, Daniel wrapped his hand around Gaemon's throat, lifting him effortlessly off the ground before slamming him down with bone-rattling force.

The impact reverberated through the arena with a resounding boom, leaving Gaemon sprawled on the floor, blood trickling from his mouth as unconsciousness claimed him. 

The medics and clean-up crew made their way up, grabbing the twins and cleaning off the blood on the floor. Many of the Neophytes gasped, fear evident in their eyes. Yet, some still had a fire.

Greed... is a powerful thing. 

"Come what may, your fate will be no different," Daniel spoke with an air of arrogance, his confidence unshaken by the continuous challenges. Someone in the crowd couldn't bear the taunting any longer and impulsively rushed onto the stage.

The boy leaped into the air, his expression contorted in anger as he aimed a flying knee at Daniel. In response, Daniel's eyes narrowed slightly, a calculated expression crossing his face. <If I don't put on a show, I'll be stuck in an endless cycle of challenges. Time to make statement.>

As the nameless boy grazed past him, Daniel swiftly sidestepped, seizing hold of the boy's calf. With all the strength he could summon, he hoisted him overhead and slammed him onto the floor, the impact splitting the air.


The stage cracked and crumpled under the force of the blow. Before anyone else could comprehend what had occurred, Daniel executed the move again, this time in the opposite direction, over and over.




Daniel released his hold and stood above him, observing with a mix of anticipation and concern. The boy lay there motionless, his labored breaths echoing in the tense silence. <Come on, give up,> Daniel thought to himself with a grimace, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation. Despite his pity for the boy, he knew he had to be ruthless to avoid prolonging the fight.

*Cough,* The boy spat blood as he turned his head, his eyes locking with Daniel's. Anger smoldered in his gaze.

<Fuck, you really couldn't stay down?> Before the boy could fully rise, Daniel delivered a swift, decisive punch to his face.


The impact reverberated throughout the arena, a collective gasp escaping the onlookers as the boy crumpled, knocked unconscious by the force of the blow.

The healers swiftly approached the fallen boy, their movements efficient and practiced. With gentle care, they lifted him from the stage as they tended to his injuries and cleaned the blood that stained the floor.

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