
Pewter City

"So let me review what you guys have taught me, each Pokémon has an attribute and that provides them with both advantages and disadvantages. For example, Pinsir is a bug-type Pokémon and it's strong against Dark, Grass, and Physic type Pokémon. On the other hand, Fire, Flying, and Rock types have the advantage when fighting Bug types."

Samurai and Gary nodded, "That's right, you are a fast learner. Our job as trainers is to think of ways to increase our Pokémon's defenses against the types that they are weak to. Just because they have a disadvantage does not mean that they will lose after all."

"Samurai is right Ethan, only by carefully and responsibly training your Pokémon can you become a Pokémon Master."

'That's obvious however now I'm curious to see how much of an advantage the types provide.'

"I can see what you mean when you say that a trainer should try to have a Pokémon of different types. The more types that one has then the more prepared they will be when catching more Pokémon and winning more battles. Based on what you told me though there seems to be one type that is superior to the others. If I understood correctly doesn't that mean that Steel types have the most advantages out of all the others? It only has a disadvantage to Fire, Fighting, and Ground types. Meanwhile nearly if not all the other types are less effective when facing them."

Samurai seemed to be thinking about it for a bit but Gary nodded," That's exactly right, they are also immune to poison. The only problem is that there are not many Steel-type Pokémon in Kanto, in fact, we only have Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, oh and Steelix"

'Kanto? Is that the kingdom that we are in?'

"Well fellow travelers you have reached the end of the forest, if you follow this trail it will lead you to Pewter City. It was a pleasure to travel along with both of you. May we meet again."

Both Gary and Ethan nodded before they began walking towards the city.

After having walked for a few more hours the women and Gary sat down, "I wish we still had the car, it would have saved more time. I'm also starving. I didn't prepare any food."

Ethan had been feeling impatient since they were moving at an incredibly slow pace, the stamina of Gary and the women were nonexistent. They seemed to have fared better in the forest due to the shade but now that they were in the grassland they were being hit with the full force of the sun.

He pretended to dig into his armor and took some berries from his storage, "Here have some."

"Oh thank you, Ethan."

They quickly took the fruits and began eating them while they sat down.

'Well while those guys rest I might do something useful'


A transparent red screen appeared in front of him.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Host: Ethan Guerrier]

[Reputation Points: 137.5 RP]

- RP records

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Upgrade: 2,000,000 RP]

[Unlock Host's World: 250,000 RP]

[Unlock New World: 500,000 RP]

[World Week Pass: 5,000 RP]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


'Hmm looks like I already started collecting reputation points, If I remember correctly I can see how by doing this...'


"((RP Records))"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[OOO's savior (+25)] (4D,5H,20M)

[OOO's savior (+25)] (4D,5H,40M)

[OOO's savior (+25)] (4D,5H,37M)

[OOO's savior (+25)] (4D,5H,15M)

[Gary's savior (+25)] (4D,6H,2M)

[Samurai's respect (+10)] (4D,5H,40M)

[Gary's respect (+10)] (3H,36M)

[Gary feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Wow, that is a lot of information...….. Oh hehe, so even being nice to them gives me points, in that case"

Ethan pulled out some more fruits and gave them to the group including the Pokémon. They took it without a second thought, when Squirtle finished eating his fruit it spewed a small amount of mist which helped them cool of.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Gary feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[OOO feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[Nidoran (M) feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[Nidoran (F) feels thankful (+0,5)] (1M)

[Squirtal feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

[Spearow feels thankful (+0.5)] (1M)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"At this pace, it's going to take forever, I need to start making plans on how I can get points more efficiently. The points that I got from being a savior are amazing compared to being nice, I wonder if...…"

"Ethan, we're ready to go."

He nodded and together they resumed their trip to Pewter City. Along the way he spotted some odd pokemon walking around, one was a walking blueberry and another was a skinny plant. Gary had said that they were Pokémon which surprised him.

After having walked for a few more hours they could finally see the city, Ethan was momentarily stunned by the large buildings. They were all very colorful and though they didn't reach the sky as his father had said in his stories, they were unlike anything he had seen before.

"It's amazing"

Gary looked at Ethan in confusion, "The city? I guess it's not bad."

"Since we are here we should split up, could you ladies go to the police station and report what happened in the forest? Ethan and I will go to the Pokémon Center and talk to my grandfather. I'll also get my Pokémon checked while we are there so that they are at 100% strength so that we can challenge the Pewter City Gym. We'll wait for you in the Pokémon Center and then we'll eat something."

The women agreed and they went their separate ways.

Gary led the way and after a few minutes, they arrived at a large, oddly shaped building. On Top of it, there were three large Pokéballs.

"I take it that this is the Pokémon Center? What do they do here?"

"This is where all trainers come to heal their Pokémon, it's also a place where trainers can stay during their time in the city, as long as they don't stay here for more than 3 days. There's also a cafeteria but the food they give is not as good as what the surroundings restaurants have."

Ethan nodded and gave the building one last look before they went in, 'So in other words, this is practically just an Inn.'

He followed Gary to the front desk where a pink-haired woman who was in a phone call signaled them to wait. After she was done she looked at them and smiled, "Hello, what can I help you with today?"

Gary pulled out his pokemon and placed them in a tray that was on the desk, "I would like to have these Pokémon checked. I would also like to ask for 3 rooms, as for how long I don't know yet."

The woman nodded and grabbed a sheet of paper and handed it to Gary, "Fill that out first, also might you guys be interested in joining the Pokémon League? If so that poster will give you the information you need."

They thanked her and while Gary did the paperwork, Ethan looked at the poster. 'Gary said that to become a Pokémon Master one has to win the Pokémon tournament, he also said that nearly everyone watches it. If I win this tournament then I won't have to worry at all about the Reputation Points. First things first, I have to get that Pokémon Trainer License that Gary mentioned.'

"Hey, Ethan now that everything is settled let's call my Grandfather."

Ethan nodded and began following Gary, he was confused when the kid stopped in front of an odd green object. Gary picked up a part of the object and put it on the table and started pressing some buttons. Not much time passed before a face of an old man appeared.

"Oh hello..... Gary! What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Gary nodded and brought out his broken Pokédex "While we were passing through the Viridian Forest my fans and I had a car accident. We crashed into a tree that fell after a Pokémon used what I believe to be Hyper Beam. The craters and the destruction show that it's a large Pokémon but I didn't actually see what it was. The girls are reporting the incident to the Police station so that they can recover the car and investigate what happened."

The old man was clearly worried about his grandson but he seemed to get his feelings under control, "I see, make sure that you are more careful in the future. About the Pokédex don't worry give it to Nurse Joy, I'll have a new one back to you tomorrow morning."

A big smile appeared on Gary's face, "That's great, grandpa I thought it would take a lot longer. Oh and I also want to ask you if you could prepare my friend Ethan with a License, Pokédex, and Pokéballs. He's the one that bandaged us when we were unconscious after the crash, he even put my arm back in place."

Before he could react Gary dragged him in front of the magical tool. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

The old man gave a short nod and he seemed to be looking at him from top to bottom. After a few seconds, the man smiled, "The pleasure is all mine, Ethan, thanks for taking care of my grandson. Say I hope you don't mind me asking, but I noticed that you have quite the unique attire, where are you from?"

"Well, you see..."

"Grampa sorry but my friend has some special circumstances, do you think you could still do what I asked without knowing where he's from?"

The man seemed to think about it for a little before nodding, "Well, as you know Pokémon trainers are supposed to get their Pokémon from the nearest Pokémon professor. If I accept him as a trainer then I'll be gathering all the data from his Pokémon, It'd be like robbing another Professor."

"I see if that's all then you don't have to worry. You see my friend here was actually raised in the Viridian Forest by his father. Together they trained their bodies and now that his training has finished he wishes to become a Pokémon trainer."

The old man's eyes opened wide and he nodded several times, "If that's all then just say so, there's no problem ..... Oh wait, I have no starter Pokémon left."

Gary nodded, "Then just give him the Pidgey that I caught during my way to Viridian City. I only caught it to test out Squirtle's skills and I prefer a Spearow any day over a Pidgey."

"Hmm, what do you think Ethan? Does that sound like a good plan?"

'Gary said that Pidgeys were the bird Pokémon that we kept seeing in the forest. It wouldn't be my first choice but as long as I become a trainer, I'll be able to get stronger Pokémon by myself.'

"Yeah, I'm fine with that, thanks a lot."

"No problem, thank you for helping Gary when he needed it, I'm surprised to see you guys have become such good friends. I think this is the first time he's ever talked to a boy his age without arguing"

"Real funny Grampa, but now that you mentioned it, has that sorry excuse of a trainer arrived at Viridian City, or was that too hard for him?"

The old man smiled and nodded, "Yes we spoke in the Viridian City Pokémon Center a few days ago, right now he should be in the forest. Hopefully, he doesn't run into the Pokémon that damaged the forest."

"Sure whatever, say do you remember the bet? When can I expect my money hehe."

The old man laughed and suddenly looked at Ethan, "Hey Could you give me your full name and birthday.

"Hey! don't ignore me!"

Ethan nodded and began giving the needed information, "Great, now Gary get out of the way…okay Ethan give a big smile ...… Alright done, I have all the information that I need, See you all later."

Before Gary could say something the old man was gone.

"Thanks for lying about my situation Gary"

The brown-haired boy shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry about it, I know how curious my grampa is. If he knew about you coming from a closed Village in the mountains he wouldn't stop asking you questions about it unless he went there personally. That's why I asked Samurai for his story. Since both of you wear something similar I figured the story might also fit you.

A few minutes later the women arrived at the Pokémon Center and they waited for Gary's Pokémon to be healed, then they went to a restaurant and ate some food before walking outside the City and stopping in front of a big stone building.

"Alright let go and get my first of many Gym Badges haha."

Fun Fact :

Have you seen the movie: The Revenant ?

Well, there's a scene where Leonardo DiCaprio sleeps inside the carcass of a horse, and guess what it actually happened. He even ate raw fish.

My man DiCaprio, is one of a kind :-)

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts