
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Circle of life and death

Song Qingshu's smile widened, his hands rubbing together with a mix of excitement and trepidation. His fingertips cautiously explored the elevated points on Mu Wanqing's body. "But the challenge lies in releasing these acupuncture points. Perhaps I should apply pressure here or maybe here?" His touch lingered closer to Mu Wanqing's figure.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Mu Wanqing's voice erupted, her eyes shut tightly as her face paled with fear.

"But remember, my dear, you are my wife now. Does it truly matter if I lay my hands on you?" Song Qingshu's fingers inched closer and closer, an air of audacity emanating from him.

"Should you dare to lay a finger on me, I will bite my tongue and end my own life!" Mu Wanqing's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing, while her teeth anxiously gnawed on her crimson lips.

"Yet, how can I release these acupuncture points without making contact with your body?" Song Qingshu's expression remained innocent, his words dripping with feigned ignorance.

"Look for a branch nearby. Fetch it, and I shall guide you," Mu Wanqing pleaded, her distress almost bringing her to tears.

"Very well!" Song Qingshu leaped away gleefully, returning after a few breaths with a thigh-thick branch in hand. "Madam, do you believe I can accomplish this?"

Mu Wanqing struggled to contain her anger when she heard him refer to her as "Madam." As she caught sight of Song Qingshu standing by, clutching a branch of considerable girth, she felt her sanity slipping away.

"Find another one!" Mu Wanqing's patience wore thin, her desperation compelling her to imagine wielding a sword and delivering a decisive blow to this wicked man.

"Oh, if only you had mentioned it sooner," Song Qingshu muttered, turning on his heels.

Mu Wanqing seethed with frustration, nearly breaking through her acupuncture points. Suspicion clouded her gaze as she observed Song Qingshu's continued foolishness. She couldn't help but unleash a fierce warning, her voice razor-sharp, "You imbecile! If I discover that you've been toying with me, I will ensure your demise."

"Madam, what does 'toying' mean?" Song Qingshu turned around, his gaze filled with bafflement.

"You..." Mu Wanqing's impatience reached its peak as she struggled to find the right words. Finally, with a heavy sigh, she snapped, "It matters not. Just find the branches."

"Ah~" Song Qingshu began to search and rummage, eventually uncovering a suitable branch. "Madam, what is the next course of action?"

"I am needled at the Yaoshu point. You must strike my Jixia point with the branch to release the tension," Mu Wanqing explained, her cheeks flushing crimson.

"And... where exactly is this Jixia point?" Song Qingshu asked, his innocent eyes betraying a hint of mischief. Deep down, he knew the intricacies of acupuncture and pressure points, but he relished the opportunity to tease the beautiful lady, thus feigning ignorance.

Mu Wanqing hesitated momentarily before mustering the courage to speak. "It's... on the thigh," her voice trembled, gradually fading away as embarrassment washed over her. She turned away, unable to meet Song Qingshu's eyes.

"That's it," Song Qingshu nodded thoughtfully.

"No, you've got it wrong!" Mu Wanqing cried out, her voice tinged with frustration. "It's three inches above the knee."

As tears dripped from Mu Wanqing's eyes, falling like shattered pearls onto the grass, Song Qingshu's pace slowed. Witnessing her delicate beauty marred by tears, he couldn't bear to continue teasing her. For Song Qingshu, like any other man, the sight of Mu Wanqing's tear-streaked face tugged at his heartstrings.

Gently prodding her Jixia acupuncture point with the branch, Mu Wanqing suddenly regained control of her body. She swiftly turned over and sprang to her feet, ready to unleash her wrath upon Song Qingshu with an arrow from her sleeve.

She had already devised a plan to teach this despicable boy a lesson, to rid herself of the loathing he had aroused within her. But in that moment, as she beheld his innocent and foolish countenance, she found herself unable to follow through.

A mist veiled Mu Wanqing's beautiful eyes once more as she sank to her knees, burying her head in her legs, and succumbing to sobs.

"Lady, why are you crying?" Song Qingshu's voice trembled as he spoke from beside her.

"Leave me alone! Ooo~" Mu Wanqing's cries grew louder, her anguish intensifying. What had started as grievances suffered that day soon transformed into a deeper sadness. She pondered the absence of any connection between herself and Duan Yu, her heart heavy with the realization of life's cruel ironies.

Gradually, her sobs subsided, leaving Mu Wanqing with red, swollen eyes. She lifted her head, only to find Song Qingshu had not departed but had drifted into a peaceful slumber beneath the shelter of a grand tree.

"Pfft!" A momentary burst of laughter escaped Mu Wanqing's lips as she beheld his drooling visage.

"Lady, you're awake," Song Qingshu's eyes fluttered open, a playful grin spreading across his face.

For some inexplicable reason, Mu Wanqing found herself devoid of anger this time. Her innate introversion, coupled with her isolated upbringing, had left her with few friends. The revelation of Duan Yu being her long-lost brother had shattered her world, leaving her without anyone to confide in, intensifying her sense of loneliness. And now, this seemingly foolish man... though his facade fooled many, Mu Wanqing sensed a genuine concern for her well-being.

"Gougan, what is your real name?" Mu Wanqing inquired, using the nickname she had bestowed upon him, her hand gently wiping away the remnants of tears from her cheek.

"You already know my name is Gougan, yet you ask me again? You truly are dense," Song Qingshu chuckled.

"Is Gougan your actual given name?" Mu Wanqing's surprise became evident. How could parents bestow such a name upon their child?

"Yes, my mother chose it for me, but alas, she is no longer with us," Song Qingshu's voice trembled, his thoughts drifting to his late mother, a wave of sadness crashing over him.

Mu Wanqing desired to offer words of comfort, but her limited ability to articulate compassion left her at a loss. Her Tsundere tendencies emerged, and she fell into silence.

"By the way, where is your home?" Mu Wanqing finally broke the silence, realizing the lateness of the hour. It seemed unlikely she would be able to descend the mountain that day. A flicker of concern crossed her mind—what if she encountered the nefarious Crane in the Clouds? Having this dog by her side would provide an additional layer of protection. However, she couldn't help but exclude him from the category of men.

"Home? Since my mother's passing, I have had no true home," Song Qingshu's voice quivered. "I have become a wanderer, finding shelter wherever a cave may be found. Any place I can rest my head becomes my temporary abode."

Mu Wanqing regarded him with a tinge of sympathy. It was no wonder this dog appeared so simple-minded, living like a wild creature. His intelligence was undoubtedly affected by his unconventional upbringing.

"Where have you been staying these past two days?" Mu Wanqing's voice carried a sense of urgency as the cold wind howled. She glanced at the sky, sensing the impending heavy rain. A desperate need to find shelter washed over her, for getting drenched would only invite more trouble.

A flicker of excitement sparked in Song Qingshu's eyes as he pointed towards the cliff. "I've been living over there," he replied.

Doubt clouded Mu Wanqing's mind as she cautiously approached the edge of the cliff. Grasping onto a sturdy tree, she leaned forward, peering into the abyss below. All she could see was a dense veil of clouds and mist, obscuring any evidence of Song Qingshu's claimed resting place. Frustration tinged her voice as she exclaimed, "You lied to me!"

"No, no," Song Qingshu hastily interjected, raising his hands in defense. "If you don't believe me, I'll show you with your own eyes."

"How will you do that?" Mu Wanqing stared at him, her expression one of perplexity.

"Grab hold of me, and we'll jump down together," Song Qingshu grinned.

Mu Wanqing's anger flared, but she quickly regained her composure. In this lifetime, she had no chance with Duan Lang, and her innocence prevented her from harboring ill intentions. If she were to leap with him and meet a tragic demise, future generations might mistake them as star-crossed lovers who perished for love's sake. The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Observing Mu Wanqing's face alternate between pallor and flush, Song Qingshu couldn't help but mutter, "Miss, are you going?"

A sad smile etched across Mu Wanqing's lips. In that moment, she cared little for the consequences. If death was to be her fate, she would disregard all else. With a resolute nod, she silently consented.

Song Qingshu chuckled, stepping closer to her. He enveloped her delicate waist with his left arm, clasping Mu Wanqing tightly to his chest.

Mu Wanqing regained her senses, intending to resist, but before she could react, Song Qingshu had already lept off the cliff, taking her with him.

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