
Senior Spirit's Head Disciple [BL]

"Those who cry out loud are unworthy of a Spirit's status." Upon the Heaven Emperor's new decree, one hundred Spirits are thrown out of Heaven, leaving only the mysterious Fu Yating as the department head. Due to personal reasons, he had refused to take in disciples many times, but becoming the only Spirit Lord in heaven forced him to find suitable candidates. He meets the resentful ghost of Zhou Yixiao, who surprisingly meets his criteria for a disciple. He instantly feels a connection with the child, and yet he doesn't know anything about him. While solving difficult cases of resentful souls and slowly gaining a new reputation, he learns that Zhou Yixiao is much more than he seems. Hiatus

Busy_bunny · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Conference on the flourishing Sun Dynasty - 2

His Highness continued to discuss the growing number of shrines in this Kingdom.

"Not only offerings from Sun Dynasty have increased greatly in the last decade, but there is also a steady flow of finances, resources are abundant and people eat enough." The Deity of Resources pointed out. He had much less to worry about, if a big piece of land had such a stable structure.

The Deity of Harmony also gave his opinion. "The class difference between nobility and peasants, though still constricting, it is respected by the subjects. The peasant families are loyal to their respective duchies and lords, while the nobles keep the royalty updated on important matters."

'It almost seems as if, the entire Kingdom is being run by people of a single mindset.' Fu Yating thought. He felt surprised how no one spoke about the peace being too peaceful.

Perfection comes at a cost. And what that cost was, they still don't know.

Yixiao looked annoyed by all the flattery being exchanged among officers. "My Prince wasn't very active with affairs in the last centuries, but this Kingdom has been like this for a long time. It is only recently though, it has grown big enough to become the topic at the Heaven Emperor's court."

"They couldn't have maintained hundreds of years of peace. That doesn't sound possible."

"I know right?" Zhou Yixiao smiled. "I had also thought the same, but I haven't traveled the mortal realm for a long time. You didn't notice because your department only focuses on death counts, thus neither did your colleagues."

Fu Yating thought upon it and nodded.

Zhou Yixiao continued, "Well, their conference is just about singing praises for each other. Would you like to know some fun things instead?" He smirked and sat back in a more relaxed position, ready to tell a story.

Fu Yating thought it could be considered rude to ignore the Emperor's conference this way, but they were listening to some parts of it. Did that also count as ignoring? Curiosity still won over his common sense, and he agreed with the condition that, he would get to ask questions. The voices from the conference dissipated into nothing when their conversation deepened.

"Heaven's perception of ghosts... is it wrong?" Fu Yating remembered their previous conversations about how the heavens treated this matter.

"Rather than wrong, it is incomplete. In it's true form, all things in existence follow the general laws of nature. Living and dying, are both two sides of the same coin, then why are ghosts treated as such an unnatural thing?" Zhou Yixiao asked.

"Well, all entities must accept their mortal fate. If one dies, then it is their duty to forget the wishes of their past lives, and move on for a fresh start. When ghosts refuse to give in, they are going against the laws of nature." Fu Yating spoke textbook perfect answers. He had memorized such perfect replies ever since his ascension.

"That is where your texts are wrong." Zhou Yixiao smirked at Fu Yating's visible confusion. "They say, 'the soul chooses to stay behind' which is incorrect. The dead aren't given a 'choice' to turn into ghosts. If some wish remains unfulfilled in their mortal lives, they will turn into ghosts. So, if a soul doesn't 'choose' to stay behind, but it naturally occurs, then how is it against the laws of nature?"

Fu Yating stopped and thought about it. 'That does make sense.' Because, if some process occurs naturally, then it shouldn't be considered abnormal.

"What about the souls that simply refuse to leave?" Fu Yating asked again.

"Well, it depends on the soul's dying wish. The smaller it is, the easier it is for the soul to just move on. But if the wish is greater, and more painful, full of vengeance... then matters become more complicated."

Fu Yating knew, in ghosts, greater resentment meant stronger ghosts. Thus, someone with an agonizing, horrible death would be harder to exorcise. And then there are ghosts like Yixiao, who may have suffered insanely to have achieved a developed communication sense and a sturdy human form.

Zhou Yixiao watched for a few moments, as Fu Yating busied himself with new information. 'Not against the laws of nature, that is a theory worth looking more into.'

"My Prince," Fu Yating looked up. "The conference might be ending soon, let's continue this conversation another time?" Zhou Yixiao pointed towards the voices from the hall. Clatters of applauds and footsteps were heard.

Fu Yating stood up, followed by Zhou Yixiao. Then they heard a knock outside the resting room. "Senior Spirit would permit me to enter?"

Zheng Fumeng entered, unaffected by Zhou Yixiao's hostile glare. "What happened in the conference room? Is your brand mark acting up again?" He asked with a purely concerned voice.

"Yes, I believe so. These days I've started performing more duties, and the headache starts more frequently. Thank you for your concern, Senior." Fu Yating bowed. He always had a good opinion of the deity. He was a simple-minded man who spoke without twisted intentions, was older and usually a comforting presence to be around.

"Hmm, meditation and repentance help a little, but Senior Spirit would know better." Zheng Fumeng had an apologetic look as he spoke. "We are much older officers in his Highness's court. It is only natural we look out for each other."

"I didn't get to congratulate you regarding Sun Dynasty. I also apologize for distracting the officers while you were speaking. I hope you know I had no ill will."

"Of course! You need not apologize for such a thing. Interfering in mortal affairs isn't allowed, it is only that Sun Dynasty's motto matches with my principles, so many of the families started to pray for new farms, shops, etc." That made sense. "I also didn't get to congratulate Senior Spirit on his recent promotion. I hope duties are going well?"

"Yes. All happens with Heaven's will." They bowed at the same time, and Zheng Fumeng bid farewell. Zhou Yixiao kept glaring for the last second, till he was completely gone.

Fu Yating turned to Zhou Yixiao. "I can see you don't like him much, and thank you for not being rude to him. Though I'm not very familiar with him, he's one of the officers I respect very much." Zhou Yixiao's face melted into some desperate expression, as if he wanted to say something. No, he wanted to shout and declare something, but he couldn't.

After a few seconds of silence, Fu Yating started walking towards the exit of the resting room. Zhou Yixiao lifted the curtain, and Fu Yating was about to walk out when a taller man stood in his face. The Heaven Emperor.

"Greetings, your Highness." Fu Yating and his disciple bowed.

The Emperor gave one suspicious look towards Yixiao, but Fu Yating was practically hiding the child ghost behind his sleeves. "You may rise." He paused and looked around the room. "I had something to speak to you about, let us use this room."

"Yes, your Highness. Please." Fu Yating motioned for him to sit and the Emperor made him sit as well. Yixiao remained standing beside.

"I had two things to discuss. But seeing this child follow you around, I can notice his human form is steady and he can talk well?" Fu Yating nodded. "Then, I need you and your disciple to investigate some things for me. Depending on the outcome, I'll judge if he should be permitted as an official Spirit's disciple.

About Sun Dynasty... they don't say it but everyone is somewhat suspicious. Zheng Fumeng has always remained loyal and diligent, but I still sense something odd in this whole situation. This kingdom is going very close to Utopian standards."

'Utopian standards are against the laws of nature. Perfection isn't achievable.' Were the thoughts and unspoken words.

"Then we will set off immediately. We also sensed something off about Sun Dynasty, it would be better to check it out." Fu Yating replied.

"I sent an investigation permit to your Marshall. There is one unsolved case going on in the northern kingdom. It sounds very annoying so, I hope you'll solve it first. As for payment..." The Emperor trailed off.

"Please give more thought to Zhou Yixiao's permit. That would be enough kindness from you Highness." Fu Yating didn't need anything else. He looked at Yixiao one more time, and the boy's bashful expression melted his heart.

"You're insistent on it, huh." The Emperor sighed. "Alright, I'll give it more consideration. The eyes are on you now, Senior Spirit. You're the first official being sent on duty immediately after the conference, so everyone will be vary of you."

"It is alright, your Highness. Thank you for trusting me with this task."

The Emperor hummed in approval before walking outside the room. Fu Yating followed behind and they headed back to the main office.

Fu Yating would call the day a success, but Luo Ming would disagree harshly. Apparently, their Marshall had sent one of the Grim Reapers as guards to check on Fu Yating, and what he heard about the incidents, made Luo Ming nearly scream in frustration.

"You nearly fainted in the middle of the conference." That wasn't intentional, but still! "Once again, you made so many officers think you're too proud to attend a conference. The Emperor specifically asked you to rest, what do you think the rumors would say now? You've won back his favor?" Well, the rumors were too absurd to begin with... "And then, you and the Emperor stayed in a small room for a long time after the conference ended, and were spotted leaving together."

"...my reputation," Fu Yating averted his eyes. "can it really be worse than it already is? I mean, everyone already thinks I was arrogant... it's not like behaving once will change their opinion."

Zhou Yixiao remained quiet and waited for them to finish speaking.

"Hah..." Luo Ming made a frustrated noise. "Senior Spirit should still try. Appearances are hard to keep, but having more people on your side is beneficial."

Fu Yating agreed. "I'm sorry, even when you try so hard to help me, I've only been disappointing you."

Luo Ming let out a laugh at that. He noticed Zhou Yixiao standing quietly, so he ruffled the boy's head and messed up his hair; Yixiao jumped away shouting at him. "I've spent a long time with you, Senior Spirit. It was your earnest attitude, your unapologetic honesty and your will that always made me look up to you. How could you every disappoint me?" He smirked towards Zhou Yixiao and continued. "I may hate the ghost kid, but as long as he's on your side, I'll let him be."

"...are you saying you approve of him studying under me?" Fu Yating asked.

"Don't get me wrong, he's still a complete bother here. It's just that, he seems to understand you sentiments; and it doesn't seem like he would betray you." To Luo Ming, the display Zhou Yixiao showed must've been a proof of commitment.

Zhou Yixiao bowed to the Marshall, as if he was accepted by the bride's family.