
Chapter 9: Competition

" I missed you too, there's no need to be so embarrassed to voice out your feelings. You know?" she said, giving her a hug. "So back to business, what brought you here, are you pregnant again" Clara said looking at Teresa properly.

"What!? Do I look like Sarah to you? I've already passed 50 for God's sake. Why would you think that? " Teresa said sounding very surprised

(Laughing) " You ain't Sarah, Sarah had her child when she was 90. You're just 54 years old. So stop making it sound so bad,you could still get pregnant."

" You're such a Troublemaker, I already have 3 kids. So thanks for your kind gestures. I met with Steve this morning, your son is already so grown up, why not give him a kid brother or sister?"

Hearing the name Steve, Selom got interested in both women's conversation. " Woah, so Steve is her son?" She said to herself, though hearing such a news she wasn't so surprised.

"(Laughing) You joke a lot, Steve is about getting married he didn't tell you? I will be a grandmother soon, so there's no need to give birth to a child myself. Too bad, I would be a grandmother before you do" Clara said proudly.

" When is he planning on getting married?" Teresa asked 

" Towards the ending of the year, in 6 months time" Clara replied

" Owh, (sigh) Too bad, I would have become a grandmother by then. Before your daughter in-law foetus Begin to form, I might be expecting my second grandchild again" Teresa replied proudly

Selom who was listening to them couldn't control her laughter. Both women were competing on who would become a grandmother first. They were both very childish to her. They both were dragging their children into their discussion sounding very proud and confident. To her their arguments were baseless.

"(Looking Confused) What do you mean by that? Who among your children is expecting a baby?" She asked, waiting curiously for an answer.

" It's a long story darling and you would be shocked to hear it" Teresa said, sighing. Looking at her daughter she gave her an apologetic look " Sorry Honey, I almost forgot about you" she said sounding very sorry

"Mom, you didn't almost forgot about me. You forgot about me"

" Good afternoon Aunt Clara," Selom said, looking at the woman who had her eyes glued to her body.

"And who is that?" Clara said whispering these words into Teresa ears

" That's Selom" Teresa replied

(Looking dumbstruck) " That's Selom?" She asked with her eyes wide open.

(Laughing) " what's with the shock expression on your face? What were you expecting? An eleven year old girl?"

"She's now a grown up woman, she looks just like you. She had the same look as you, when you were about her age. How old are you darling?* She asked, looking at Selom with amazement. She wasn't exaggerating at all, the lady before her was the carbon copy of her best friend then. It was amazing how powerful genes can be.