
Chapter 77

Suddenly a cold silence erupted into the room, everyone taking pictures and videos looked stupid. It was so boring that it had no ounce of fun in it. So they stopped, Anna was surprised at this. Some were willing to delete the pictures and videos they took. If such a thing goes out, they would be bullied by the public. The mastermind behind this who was Patricia would lose a lot of her fans. She would be blamed for bullying an actress who was already down.

"Are you done?" She asked with a frown.

Stephanie tolerated everything and before she knew it, it was already closing hours but she sat blankly on the couch. It seems she didn't want to go home.

" You want to sleep over at the mall?" Anna asked. Ever since the incident, she was silent and she didn't interfere. But now looking at the look Stephanie had, she suddenly felt like talking her out of her depression.

" (Laughing) Who would have thought that I would face such a thing in my lifetime?" She said, raising up her eyes to look at Anna. Anna was now her boss, the earth was indeed filled with twists.

(Sigh) Anna sat beside her, "Now you understand how the world is right? There's a saying that goes, change is the only constant thing, isn't it? This means everything must change. So stop sulking and go home, your parents must be expecting you"

"I doubt that,none of them called to know how I am doing" she said sadly

"The world of the rich is always very busy. So you don't have to be so emotional about it" Anna said, tapping her on the shoulders. Life was indeed something, who would have thought that she would sit close to the almighty Stephanie giving her some words of advice. Even if a fortune teller had told her that, she wouldn't believe it.


A tall slim lady walked majestically as she entered into her company. Her manager had told her that the Managing Director of the company wanted to see her. She had to dress seductively as usual so as to attract his attention. Everybody in her company knew that she and him had something going on. She wasn't ashamed of it at all, everyone was afraid of her because of this and this gave her an edge over others. She felt very happy, she hadn't told him what had transpired between her and Stephanie in the mall yesterday. 

This was because she wasn't sure herself, she didn't know if it was Stephanie or her look alike. Anytime he calls for her, it was indeed for something very special, he always allocates the best resources to her. Getting close to his office, she adjusts her gown, bringing it a little downward, so as to give her more exposure in her chest. After she seemed perfect in her own eyes, she got into his office.

"Good morning Darling" she said, giving him a seductive smile.