
Chapter 56

Lylic was quiet, she watched the scene as many events unfolded. This wasn't the time to step into the scene. But she had great plans. Unknowingly to her, Roselle's plans were more bigger,this was actually the first time Roselle got attached with a victim who is bullied. Watching Stephanie who was about to call her mom, they heard her explain everything to someone on the phone and at the end of the call she had a big smile on her face.

Kit and precious seeing this were clapping happily, it seems the situation has been solved.

(Smirks) " Aunt must have a hand in this, I wondered how such a mannerless girl could be in the entertainment industry, it seems your mom was behind it. From the conversation just now, it's obvious" Lylic said looking at Roselle

(Smiling) " That's their business not mine, she owes me $100 million dollars not my mom. I think it's time to get involved"Roselle said with a wicked smile

Roselle and Lylic walked into the dressing room. They got those big looking clothes off their body. They didn't have to look at themselves in the Mirror, they were perfect. Moving towards the mirror, Lylic shifted it and pressed in a wooden shape designed in a rectangle form into the wall. And something unexpected happened, a door opened, an elevator appeared and they got into it. After leaving everything returned back to normal and it looked as if something like that never happened. 

This was a secret exit created for emergency purposes, there were cases where by Celebrity get a lot of suffocating crowd, it could be something positive and negative as well. So this special exit was for such cases, it could save one from the media as well. Nobody understands what happens in the dressing room, many people wondered how a celebrity could disappear there but the didn't have an logical answers, many people had runned a check on each dressing room trying to find something suspicious to prove that celebrities weren't just disappearing but they couldn't find a thing. They searched and searched on several occasions but got disappointed. Even the media, like journalists snooping around, still couldn't find anything, so people just believe whatever the media cooks up.

This special exit was meant to convey celebrities to the main building exit through a special route. Even the most trusted Sales woman if any store doesn't know the secret, this was for their safety. Some information is better left unravelled. Because when revealed they could get one into a terrible state of trouble. Some could even be placed under torture for the secret to be told. 

Now they were already out of the building, Lylic felt relieved she was already so tired. But to her surprise, Roselle had been making some calls and from the sound of it, it wasn't a good one. It seems Roselle was trying to rage up the storms herself.

"What are you up to?" She asked

"Nothing much"