
Chapter 321

"(Stretches) it's morning already? So soon?" Sam asked while dozing off.

"Yes it's morning, get out of bed. There's still a lot that needs to be done"

"What is the time now?" He looked like someone who had some sack of grains placed on his eyelid

"It's past 6 am now."

"Owh madam it's 6 a.m. already?" Sam questioned. " It's still very early,It is not 8 a.m. yet. Why not let me get some rest?"Sam questioned again while dozing off, he reached his hands towards the duvet cover.

"Do you hear yourself speak? You're always the first to wake up and you still want to sleep?"


Ma'am could you put down the curtains a little? I just want to take a nap and then ..I will be off the bed"

Sam spoke all through while dozzing.He didn't realise that it was Granny that came all the way to his room to wake him up so he can get ready and also..to take his bath.She actually chose to check on Sam before going to Sammy's room to wake him up too. It seems all the answers he was giving her were directly from his dream world. Lily had never seen this particular side of Sam not at all, he was always very agile and strong. He had been their Butler for more than a thousand years. This is because Sam had been her husband's Butler even before she had the thought of getting married to him. It was funny to see this side of him, he was more like a six year old prouting over candy.

"Seems you haven't figured out the person that came all the way to your room to wake you up" she said, hitting him on the head. If she was facing this with Sam what would she face if she walks up to Sammy's room?

"Sam, get up and go take your bath so you can get ready on time" she ordered with a very strict time. She had already wasted a good amount of time coming to wake him up. Such a time would have made her a lot of delicacies.

"Oh... that's true, " Sam said, jumping out of the bed. It seems he totally forgot that taking his bath would ever be possible, because he had an awkward reaction.

"I can see that your brain is functioning properly now,go do me a favor and take your a good bath "

Hearing that, Sam hurriedly got off the bed and went off to the bathroom to take his bath and then he immediately got ready. He was surprised himself, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head. He must have bumped into something. He also felt strange having his own Mistress coming to wake him out of bed.

He had also prayed that the young master doesn't bring any more excuses so they could reach Recca's destination in peace. This would save him a lot of stress.

Seeing Sam up and doing, with a smile on her face she left for Sammy's room, Reaching there she was quite amazed because Sammy on the other hand was awake before Lily could wake him up. He had been up for quite some time and he was looking through the french window. The motel they had booked was beside the roadside, so it had a very lovely pleasant view. You could see the movement of cars and their good scenery. There is a grassy neat park close by, which would be good and perfect for a panic or get together.

She was amazed that reaching his room she saw Sammy awake which was something beyond her expectation.It seemed he was up for a specific purpose which was unknown to them.

This wasn't the scene she had expected to see. This was it 'The expected scene'

Lily expected a scene where she would have to shout and walk all round taking up the curtains while she complains in the process 

"Just yesterday you and Sam wanted to arrive at Recca's place on time but all of a sudden you changed your mind and stopped the journey half way and now here you are asking why it's morning already, what else do you expect?"Granny said while pulling out the blanket from Sammy's body.

'Unexpected Reality Scene'

"Oh.. seems you've been awake" granny said to Sam sounding surprised

"(Smiles) I have been watching the road, I never knew one could find such scenery so pleasant." He said with a smile as he looked further. He could tell she was more than surprised.

"Uhn.. alright, alright,that is good. It seems you are more anxious to reach there than anyone of us"

"Emm..Sammy, have you taken your bath?"

"How can I be awake this early and then wont take my bath? Of course I have, Granny you just want to find some faults in me. Just at a glance you can tell how good I am looking, I wouldn't look this good without taking my bath. Anyways, I am not too anxious to go over at that lady's place, I just can't wait to finish my mission at Recca's place and then head back home you don't expect me to have rest of mind over here when I couldn't have the quality time and rest that I need"

"Ok, so that's how it is darling? You feel uncomfortable here right?"

" The worst is... I am not at home,I can't call this my home.So there is no peace in here for me, so yes I have to be uncomfortable"Sammy said looking tired

"Are you trying to say you watch us sleep at night?"Lily questioned looking surprised

"No granny, I didn't. I slept and woke up as early as 1 a.m. I couldn't sleep any longer. I suddenly feel disturbed and before you start asking me any strange question. No, it's not about any lady

(Laughing) "Of course why would I think your sleepless night has something to do with a lady? I just wanted to ask you "Why?" Lily said chuckling, what a method of thinking 

"I Know you very well, granny, you can make things very difficult sometimes. And since that isn't what you have in mind, I would give you an answer to your question. (Heave a sigh of relief) It's just because I couldn't"Sammy replied walking towards the shelf to take some files on it. It seems he was no longer enjoying the scenery.

"What files are those?"

"Well, I found them in the cupboard beside my bed last night. Was going through it before we had dinner. It is kind of strange that every motel we lodge is designed specially to our taste. Just like now everything seems similar to my room at the old mansion"

"Oh, let me have a look"Lilly said while taking the documents from him.Looking into it she saw inverted alphabets with symbols that no one could read "I don't understand a word from this file at all, what is it all about dear?" She asked

"It is quite complicated, I also find it difficult to understand. I got tired of trying to figure it out and placed it on the shelf. Won't like to forget it so I will take it along"

"That's ok"

"I wasn't able to sleep all through the night"

"Sammy...That is why you are an immortal.When immortals begin to lose sleep then it's a sign of being in love"

"Granny, I knew you would bring it back to all this" Sammy said looking at her strangely, Love is the only language his grandmother understands. That's all she talks about

(Laughing) "I mean every word, trust me"

"And how did you know that?"

"Tell me how you would have become an immortal if my husband wasn't. Your grandfather always had sleepless nights"Lily replied with a glare.

(Silence) "So everytime an Immortal loses sleep it's all about love? Oh grandmother, that's not it"

"You forgot I am your grandmother ? Ofcourse I Know better, those black circles under your eyes say it out loud. 'LOVE' I smell it in the air too"

"Not really, that really is not it. I just have a lot to think about that's all"

"Enough of the argument" Now..let me tell you how I knew back in the days before I took part in the immortal linage.Your grandpa does that once a while (smiles) especially when I am far away from him. He would always lose sleep for just no reason, he never knew it was Love playing a trick on him. Do you know I had a lot of things I adjusted to? For example, I knew nothing about deep slumber. The first time it happened, I cried myself to death. I couldn't cry out to anyone though it wasn't known to him. Your grandfather had never really seen me cry so much and it was all his fault he never told me about it. I thought he was dead. I never knew immortal sleep in such a manner.Your Grandpa slept for two weeks. I felt sad. I just got married a few months back and my husband was already dead, when he woke up I thought it was me being lucky or my prayers after he explained the stuff, I gave him a very good beating. I almost died with him and all he did was to sleep" Lily said frowning, it was as if she had gone back to that exact date it happened 

"(Laughs) Granny, I don't have enough strength to laugh my lungs out. Where is Sam? Didn't wake him up?"

"I did,He has gone to take his bath so as to also be ready on time"

"He is time conscious too"


(Phone rings)

(Picks up)

"Hello ma'am good morning"

"Spare yourself the long talk, we will be there in no distant time" Grandma said, shutting him up. Yesterday she had been too lenient with the young man's arrogance and pride.

"Oh that is good. I intended reminding you"

"You should know that we are not on the road for nothing, we are on the road to get to see Recca at her place. Kindly put some piece of clothes into your mouth (Shut up)" Lily said sounding pissed, Sammy who was beside her was indeed shocked

(Ends the call)

"Woah Granny, that's a new you" he said with a smile

"Some people need to be treated raw to get some sense. You need to out them in their place"

"That's my grandmother, " he said, giving her a thumbs up. 

After all the preparation they were all set and another journey began. This time the whole place was more than lively . But they met with some hurdles on the way which they had to clean out.

The horn of the vehicle is like that of a train, very loud and clear when pressed... it makes a very loud sound like that of a trumpet blown in the sky.

The horn was sounded for a destination success which is usually sounded an hour before the destination time so as to make everyone in the vehicle get ready to alight

"Sammy...did you just hear that?"

"Of course, I did granny it was the one that was sounded"

"And can you tell what it signifies?"

"From what I know.. the horn is to let passengers know and get ready"Sammy replied. They could all hear screams as a crowd rushed towards the vehicle so as to take pictures. Lily and her family who were in the car could see the crowd, though it wasn't their fault such cars were a rare sight.

Lily could relate well because she has been part of the humans for some time unlike Sammy who barely understands what goes on with humans and amongst them.He couldn't tell how carefully alighting the vehicle would be like. Lily didn't know that her grandson was cool with humans; the only ones he couldn't tolerate were those 'Spoilt brats' that's what he calls them. He hates them to the core, he already understood that the way human beings reason is entirely different from theirs. Immortals see the good even in bad, but humans are the exact opposite, they see Bad in good.

"Beautiful, you said it well." Sammy said looking through the window, he didn't sound irritated at the crowd's behavior at all. To him, it is normal to act this way.

"Sammy... I'm happy you have gotten ready before I come over. now ...I have done some packaging of some stuff we brought along.You will also have to package some stuff you brought along " Lily said trying to distract him from the scene which was going on. The car was soundproof but they could still hear the screaming because it was more extreme. Lily didn't want Sammy to feel that human beings are worthless, she was once a human and knew they were still good inside them.

"(Smiles) Granny....you are good with packages you know" Sammy said with a smile, he could tell what she was up to, so he was letting her have her way. He would just move along with the flow.

"Why did you say that sammy?"

"I said that because I could recall back then when heading to the mansion..you package a lot of stuff. I'm sure same is applied here because it's the same you.Sammy said in laughter.It seemed he has gotten her despite her refusal accept"

"Silly boy...Don't bring the past into the present granny said with a smile on.

Finally they were at the destination given to them by the so-called stranger on the call. They arrived just Infront of the address, just in time Lily's phone began to ring. The crowd from earlier had already taking enough pictures to their satisfaction and they were all gone. It was like they all were never there in the first place. They whole place was now more quiet.

(Phone rings)

(Picks up)


“She has put to birth” The gentleman announced with great Joy.

“oh..my goodness..Such good news."Lily replied, placing her palms on her cheeks with a smile on her face.

"We just arrived…Seems the baby was also awaiting our arrival” Lily said, holding down her cell phone to her shoulder with her head bent down to her shoulder in excitement and then..taking up her bag about to head for the exit door. Lily had an incredible smile, just at a glance you would know she is genuinely happy for the presence of this child even though he was nowhere related to her. It isn't strange, Lily loves children so much, too bad she had one one. If left for her, she would have had a home filled with them but the old man was always very cunny and tricky as well.



“What good news is she talking about?Sammy questioned looking weirdly at Lilly.

(Lilly took a pause to reply his question)

“She just gave birth, Recca has given birth"

"Why then have I come all the way here ?We can head back to the mansion now since she is already done with delivery"Sammy said.

"Listen..We should be grateful to that gentleman who has been with Recca all this while till she gave birth.I can tell he is a good person."Lily said this made Sammy very speechless, he couldn't find his voice at all as he gave his grandmother a strange look. What had happened? It seems the news if the newborn had tempered with his grandmother's reasoning and maybe it wiped of her memory as well.