
Chapter 311

"Else I will go on taking a sperm sample from you too.Don't let the lineage of your father end here.common.."

"Well…I have no idea of what you're talking about."A sample from me will never work out "

"Till date we are searching for the one who has Kent's sperm.I wonder if she's aware that she carries an immortal in her" this was what he wanted to say next but luckily he tamed his tongue. If he had spilled these words out he would cause a lot of trouble he wouldn't be able to solve.

"Hmm..Sammy..I hope to get to see my great-grandchild Someday. You both would be married by your grandfather if I am not able to get a sperm sample. So the choice is yours, get married on your own accord or I would help you do it"

"(Smiles) You hope to see your great grandchild someday? (Laughing) grandma you still have a lot of years ahead…and you're here planning to take a sample from me too so It would get missing and you would have to take care of another woman who would be pregnant with a child that it isn't mine"

"Common..don't say that.I never said so…just a mode of telling you possibilities could come"

"Well…when it's time…love should come for me.Its not as if I would leave the world or something. I won't run way, anyways I am going nowhere with love.All I need right now is to remain focused while training and work hard to be like grandpa"

"I guess it is high time I speak to your grandpa about this."Lily said happily.It seems something beautiful came up in her thoughts.

"Grandma…about what?"Sammy questioned

"You get a wife.Sparing some focus for your love life.Not all focus of yours should be centered on powers.Sammy..that is so bad and selfish. Your grandpa pursued his heart by finding love so you would do the same after all you just said you want to be such like him."

"(Nods) I see, Sam tell me have you fallen In Love? I know you have a son you love and care for but I want to know more about your love life because I never heard about it" Sammy said dragging tge innocent butler into his and his grandmother's conversation, he had left the window slide open, so there was no escape route for Sam at all.

(Speechless) if he had a son he loved the most, than how did that sin came to existence without a woman? "Of course I have"Sam replied confidently 

"How does it feel?"

"Love is beyond amazing.That is all I can tell you fit now young Master. Love ve is flawless and forgiving"

"That's all I have heard through out today, all you and my grandmother ever talk about is Love Love Love, it seems this journey is the 'Journey of Love' or a 'Walking Distance to Love' i think your favorite writer should write a good story about this. I bet you would buy the whole book in the store with such a title since it was written by her" Sammy said Rolling his eyes at them. They were suffocating with with the word 'Love' and it was becoming annoying.

"I sure will, Love is a good thing and also the greatest gift" Lily said with a smile, she wasn't going to give up until he understood how important love is. Love cannot be taken lightly.

For some minutes..Sammy remained silent.He never thought about such nor gave it a chance.Hearing about the beauty of love has taken him back in flashback of the feelings he had seeing the young lady at the restaurant which he found weird. Though he didn't understand what exactly he felt but he would live to see her beautiful face again.

"Could that be love?"He asked aloud



"What is he talking about?" Lilly asked in a whisper tone to Sam. Sam could tell she had her eyes glued to his back

It seemed like Sammy had gone deep in thoughts having emotional facial expression.Lily had this warm smile on her face.She seemed happy seeing him this emotional.It was like he had been trying hard to hide his emotions which he couldn't hide any longer.This was indeed surprising.

"It seems he once had such feelings before"

"Yes..I can tell..the look on his face has explained it al it could be a recent feeling"

Lily and Sam whispered all the way in great surprise.They have never seen him in such state before.It seemed to them that Sammy is beginning to consider love and was ready to give it a trail.But it was beyond what they thought.To them..It seemed there is a 'she' somewhere which there is but the had to be all good and careful about it.Both immediately lowered their tone, to sound more like they were whispering, they didn't want to disturb his sleep 

"I can't believe Sammy has met a lady he will fall in love with.We should pretend we never saw his facial expressions which is why we would keep our mouth and our information a secret. Thank goodness he's finally asleep, I think I would talk to him about Kent when he wakes up" 

"You're right Madam,I could tell from his Expression after we spoke about love and how beautiful it is(Laughs). He would like to give it a chance"

"Sam.. it's well anyways (sighs) I don't want my little boy to be heart Broken, I have to find a way to talk to the girl before hand, even if she is married she shouldn't reject him at a spot" Lily said sounding depressed, such things were very important. Just as the day first impression matters, when it comes to relationship, you would never forget the first encounter. So she doesn't want her Sammy's first trail to be a nightmare. "Now I worry about the children's Future, I am afraid for them." Lily said with a long sigh. 

"Madam you don't have to, everything would work out fine all you need to do is believe"

"Thanks Sam, u just thought about Kent, I don't know if he is already awake "

"May I check on him?"

"Of course..he shouldn't notice anything out of the usual"

"Okay madam"

Sam immediately brought out his phone to make some calls. His mistress had left in a hurry she had no time to check on the eldest young master all by herself. All he needed was to call the hotel, he had kept someone who would be on alert just Incase but trying the persons number he wasn't picking up but he kept this to himself if he did tell her, she would worry herself to death again over such a little thing.

Lily on the other hand had her eyes looking at Sammy's innocent face as he slept"Poor boy…it has been a stressful day all the way..he needs quality rest indeed"


"Madam, why not we enquiry about the eldest young master after our arrival? He might still be asleep, and I don't want to trample allover the grass and startle the snake " Sam said

"It's okay with me, he must have gone through a lot of stress as well" ( looking at Sammy again "Anyways..it

feels so calm and peaceful.It is good that he has fallen asleep."


**** Back in the Hotel

A man dressed in black robes got into the VIP suites where Kent and his friends were. Using the palm technique he struck his hands on Kent's chest, moving forward he did the same technique on Adams, Strings, Joey and Lee. Feeling the terrible and sharp pain Kent couldn't help but frown, it seems the man wasn't just here to wake them up. He came for something else, because he stood and observed the five men In Front of him waiting for them to wake up fully. He couldn't stop himself from smiling, he could tell how displeased they were, because the expression they had on their face said it all. Kent still had a tight frown on his face, but his eyes were still closed. The hit was massive, he had to use his energy as a painkiller. Each was in their individual phase because all they thought about was trying to subdue the pain. Adams was the first to achieve this, after the pain had subsided, he yawned so loudly and opened his eyes. He was shocked to see a black robe standing Infront of him. Looking around he was dumbfounded , the last thing he remembered was that he had walked into his room to sleep, but now they were all lying down in the living room on the couch. Adams felt like he must be daydreaming, so he robbed his eyes a couple of times and opened them again and to his surprise the scene of being in the living room was still the same and the man dressed more like a shadow was still in front of him. When he had eye contact with the man he couldn't explain if his eyes were faulty but it seemed like the man had smiled at him.

His smiles sent chills down his spines. "Guys right now I don't want to be a kill Joy but I think we have a problem"

"What problem!" Joey and Strings couldn't help but shout at him, they were trying to focus, so they could transfer more energy in the opposite sense. But Adams couldn't keep his mouth shut and it was annoying.

Lee and Kent on the other hand were quiet, they were using the circulation technique so as to balance every ounce of energy they had. They had to admit they felt kind of weaker, but how could they have grown so weak just by some hours of sleeping?

"I think you guys have to round up whatever you are doing. We have a strange looking visitor in our midst and the way he smiles is scary " Adams said moving an inch backwards

Hearing this the four men immediately finished whatever it was they were doing. Opening up their eyes, they became alert. And just as Adams had described earlier, the man's smile was indeed very scary. "It took you guys quite a while to recover from the hit," he said in a loud tone.

Just as expected, the men charged forward at him in full speed. His statement had proved that he was the one who had attacked them, they didn't have to waste time. The shadowed man didn't fight them at all, all he kept doing was dodging his hit to his surprise, Adams was still sitting on the couch watching the fight. It seems he was the calmer one among them. 

"So weak!" The man dressed in black robes couldn't help but complain. He had done a lot of dodging. It was now time to attack but he wanted to drag Adams into the fight as well. "won't you join in the fun?" He asked

"No, I think I will pass. I am so hungry that I can't even move a finger. But if I do brush my teeth, freshen up and have a good breakfast I sure would like to play. You could hang around then"

(Speechless) "Are you a glutton?" The man asked, it seems the four men's strength was just useless. He was dodging their hits very easily and still had enough time to chat with Adams. This was nothing but an Insult to the four men, they intensified their strength but to their surprise it made no difference. Their bones, blood and flesh was currently working against them.

"Why would you call me that? I am not a glutton at all. You can say that I am a little less of a foodie" Adams replied.

"Okay then, remember what you had said, I would surely come back for you" After he was done talking, he gave an Evil smile and immediately struck the four men with his palm. He uses the palm wave technique and from the level of the hit, Adams couldn't help but shiver. The four men were struck immediately and this sent them flying. Falling down they soat out black blood, this only happens when someone has been poisoned. How come it was black blood?

Adams felt very sorry for his friends, he wasn't a coward at all. Instead he was the wise one amongst them. From the look on his friends, he had guessed the whole thing. They were all having grown beards, and this doesn't happen just in a few eight hours of sleeping; it had to take months. Considering this, he knew his strength would be way weaker, but it seems he was the only one who had good eyes to observe this. The black blood they had spilled mustn't be from poisoning, it could be the blood which had coagulated while they were immobile, and from the way the man in black robes gave the hit, he was trying to help.

Spilling out the blood the four men became better, they felt strangely better than before. Adams on the other hand just kept staring at them. Though they looked weak but all his hypotheses were right, they must have been sleeping for a long time. The shadowed looking man was still standing above them looking at them. "You can't give up the fight so easily" he advised like a taekwondo instructor who was lecturing his students. They had all given up the fight, Kent couldn't help but glare at the man. He couldn't tell who it was at all, he had everything covered. They weren't exaggerating when they said he was like a shadow. From his head down to his feet, it was covered in black. One would wonder how possible it is that he could still see through them.

"How long have we been asleep?" Adams said, looking at him.

"It seems you are the sensible one but before I answer your question I would like to give you a small sting" The man said and rushed at him with full speed. He charged for way without warning and gave Adams a palm strike. Just like his friends he fell on his knees and spat out black blood.

(Coughing) "There's no way to launch an attack, you would have at least given me a warning. That way you would look more honest and reliable"

(Speechless) "What planet did you come from? Haven't you heard of the word 'sneak attack '? " He asked

"Owh, so what happened? You are nothing but shameless, " Adams said, sounding disappointed. He tried pushing himself up and wiped off the blood on his lips. He could tell the man was here to help and nothing more. He was a friend and not a foe 

"None of them had said a word since I came, but you had said more than a hundred words" The man said, looking at the four men who had their cold faces glued to him, he couldn't care less. He kind of felt more comfortable with such looks.

"So how long have we been asleep?" Adams asked again.

"Two months" he replied, finding a good spot to rest his butt. (smiling evilly) "Actually it's been 8 weeks and four days to be precise. (Sigh) That's if you have something special for figures and accuracy" 

"Shocked "

"Shocked "

"Shocked "


"Shocked " , "What! We've been asleep for two months and four days?" Adams shouted in horror, among his friends he was the only one who could still speak after such a news.