
Chapter 280

Just as he got out of the shower, he couldn't help but frown at the loud ring tone coming out if his phone. Walking in a fast pace he immediately picked it up. "Boss I have an Intel on the girls you wanted information on, her name is Bianca while her sisters name is Brianna" the man on the other end said hastely. He knew his boss could hang up the call so he went straight to the point.

"Were you able to get me an address?" He asked

"Not yet Boss, but I would get you one for sure. They do frequent this restaurant a lot bases on the information I gathered so they will be here again" He said confidently

"Is that so?" He asked

"Yes Boss, I am hundred percent sure about this one"

"Good then, if they appear in the restaurant again let me know as soon as possible"

"Yes Boss, But please do you mind me asking you a question?"

"Go on"

"Boss, I don't mean to be rude or anything but it seems you've gotten so interested in those pregnant woman are you in anyway one of the woman's baby father?"

(Speechless) "What sort of question is that? Do you think slitting your throat would help keep your mouth shut?"

(Shivering) "Not really Boss, I am just being so careful, I could get you very beautiful girls who ain't pregnant"

"You're courting death"

"I am so sorry Boss, I think it's high time o get back to work now. Bye Boss" He immediately said and hung up. 

Knock knock knock

"Grandma I already know it's you, so come right in" 

"Owh, how sure were you that I was the one behind the door?"

"100% sure Grandma "

(Chuckles) "It could have been your grandfather "

"Can't be him, that old man doesn't know how to know. All he has in his dictionary is barging in"

(Laughing) "Silly Boy, that ride of you to say you know "

"Grandma that's the Truth , whether it's his house or not he doesn't knock. It seems his fingers would crack out if he does"

(Laughing)"You are so funny, darling how was your night? Hope you slept well?"

"I did grandma " He said giving her a hug, walking to this wardrobe he immediately changes to a blue short and a stripped tee shirt.

" I came to call you down for breakfast, we don't have Sam around and you know no maids can stand your grandfather"

"Sure, granny I would be down for breakfast in no time"

"I made chicken wings pepper sauce just the way you like it" Lily said with a smile

"That's a lot Grandma just as always you're the best gift I would ever have" Sammy said giving her a kiss on her forehead.

'Silly boy, you are just as sweet coated in words like your grandfather "

"That's because it works each time"

"Sammy dear, granny kind of overheard your conversation, do you need my help with it?" She asked

" No granny, if I get stuck I know Just where to find you. I still haven't gotten the trick on how to woo my woman successfully you know?"

(Laughs) "Granny would always be here for you, I am just saying this as a reminder to you"

"I know granny, so let's go down for breakfast" he said positioning his arms like a gentleman. Lily seeing this couldn't stop chuckling, he was just like the old man. She immediately hooks her arms around him, as the made head ways to the dinning table.

Getting down, he could perceive the aroma coming from the room and also the cold looks he was getting from the old man. But he didn't mind at all, he was already getting use to eat. 

As always the old man was in charge of serving his wife while his grandmother busied herself with serving him. She didn't have time for the old man, after she was done serving Sammy she quietly eat her meal.

"Can you be quite? How can you eat like an animal" The old man said glaring at him

"It's because Grandma made this specially for me, I don't want to miss any details in savoring it's taste"

"There's no difference between you and a carnivore "

"If I am one then it all thanks to your genes, your mutant gene"

(Chuckles) "That chicken wing is peppery, Dear safe yourself the trouble of having that get into your head just ignore your grandfather. It's always useless having to argue with him"

"Sure Grandma " Sammy said focusing on his meal. He began eating loudly and he could tell it was beginning to piss up the old man. He had no choice, the old man brought all this upon himself, it was all his idea to bring him back into the palace. He had recalled the old man words 'if it's all about spanking me it should be your grandmother's job' so this was clearly a spank in another form. And he was enjoying himself, as far as he had it in mind then it would work well just the way he wants.

"Darling , your grandson has agreed to go training with me"

"I did what?" He said looking at the old man

"Sammy Darling, is your grandfather forcing you to do what you don't want to?" Lily said looking at him

"Am I forcing you to do what you don't want to do"

"Hell yeah, you are. I only asked for a hint on how to do some skills not the whole training" Sammy said twitching. He felt very good with the way he started the statement. He could see tye shocked look on his face when he said 'hell yeah you are' he could tell that the old man looked like someone who has just seen a ghost.

(Chuckling) "You wanted a hint on some skills? That's the same thing as training darling. Your grandfather is a very good teacher" Lily said defending her husband.

"Thanks darling, so I have decided to take him somewhere safe where he wouldn't get distracted and I know you know the exact place to find us if you want"

"Sure, I still think he has some leftover posion in him, do take them out if his system" She said as a reminder. They had talked about all this last night and they old couple came to a mutual understanding.

"Sure, I would" he said with a smile. 

After they were done, the maids appearing and cleared the table disappearing like the speed of light. The old man was really very scaring only the Butler could stand him.

Feeling filled, Sammy got immediately busy with the left over chicken wings. While Lily with the help of the old man went to the garden. Few minutes later the old man was back he knew this because he felt the piercing glares thrown at him. "What did I do this time?" He said with a frown

"Get your ass up and clean up yourself. You look like an abandoned child who was left starving for years"

" I was abandoned by you wasn't I?" Sammy said with a smile. How was this the old man business?

This answer left the old man speechless"When you are done, let me know immediately or better still meet me up in the study " The old man said about to leave.

"There's no need for that, I am done already " Using a napkin he wiped off the oil from his hands and lips. "I never knew I signed up for a training?" He said looking at the old man.

"You need one, because just as I told you, it could kill you if you don't know how to control it"

"Sure, let's get started, but hope it wouldn't get me killed "

"We won't know that yet, until we Begin, it would be a long ride so hold steady" The old man immediately placed his hands on Sammy's hand holding him tightly and the immediately disappeared.

Feeling the strong wind,he could tell they were flying in the sky. He felt the hot slaps of wind on his face and the chilly feeling, he wasn't Aerophobic but now he felt like he was going to vomit his lungs out. 

Finally he couldn't hold in any longer and poured it all out. After few minutes he could feel his legs above ground level, thank goodness they were about to land. With a throb sound, the old man dropped him on the ground. "You look sick, I never knew you were afraid of flying"

"Afraid of flying your ass, you didn't give me a heads up you just dragged me without my permission. And for the fact that I just finished eating, it's so bad of you" Sammy couldn't help but complain. Atleast he felt much better, he had this prayer that they should land as soon as possible. Looking around, he felt warm, and the place seemed calm and peaceful. Looking at this place he somehow felt like they were the only living beings in the environment. And the way the old man spoke about the tough training it felt like he was knocking on death's door, it was already scaring him. All he had here was the old man, and he didn't trust him at all. Now Sammy's thoughts were already running wide.

"You shouldn't even trust yourself boy" The old man said cutting through his thoughts 

“Why do I feel that you are preparing me for something entirely different? What I had asked for is 40 percent of your prowess not a gift card to hell or a coffin” Sammy said staring at the old man. They were already in another part of the world and he didn’t know where this is. All he could do was explore

(Smirks) “You don’t need a gift card to hell boy; the road to hell is big and wide, trust me when I say it’s free. All you need to do is walk down the gates of hell and you would get a good welcome to everlasting torture. ” the old man responded with a smile.

(Speechless) “Hell is for bad guys” Sammy said still having a clear look around

“It’s not really made for bad guys; it’s made for whoso ever chose to go there. You know what? People find it difficult to stay away from sin and viola they are creating their own path to hell all by themselves”

“That’s weird; you speak like one of those prophets all you need to know is that everything is the devil’s fault”

“Yes no doubt boy, I started this all by myself and too bad there’s no way to stop it” he muttered

“What did you say?” Sammy turned to look at his grandfather; he just heard some words like whispering he wasn’t sure if it was the old man talking to him.

“I said can you stop spinning, it seems you have a problem with your head, you always like to make a merry go round movement” the old man said with a frown

“How is that my fault? I am in an unknown place so it’s natural for me to be curious.” Sammy said giving him the ‘You should put yourself in my shoe’ kind of look.

“All you could have done is ask and sure enough I would have given you an answer”

“Okay old man, where are we?” Sammy said folding his arms on his chest

“We are in my cloud formation, it another part of the world suited and designed to one’s taste. Every immortal as one of this place, though it’s at a higher peak. This is like a special world for your original being” 

“But I don’t have one”

“You do, it’s just that you are not strong enough to access it, I sensed your father’s room space when he finally accessed it and I sensed your elder brother’s own as well. You all are link to me by blood so I can access whatever store room I feel like but at least in that I keep the word ‘privacy’ as privacy” the old man explained

“So I am yet to access mine, so this store is when we immortals access and her weapons are being stored here?” he asked looking curious

“Yes you can store whatever you wish to store here even an ocean if you have enough power to channel it in. it’s just like a real home for your original being. You can run a shut down on yourself if you want to” he further explained. “Since you are yet to access yours, I would help you. It’s just like your personal room you get to design it however you want and you design the rules as well”

“Wow, I haven’t heard of such things before, so this is like a private room for meditation and training?”

“That’s another way to call it, a day here is probably a week or more on earth. I haven’t actually had time to calculate it here.” the old man replied

“So an hour here should be worth about 6 to 7 hours on earth?” Sammy couldn’t help but ask

“It’s been long I came here, so if we stay longer you can do the calculations by yourself. I am too old to keep such records”

(Speechless) “So what are we doing here then?’

“To roast chicken”

“What? Roast chicken? That’s absurd, I thought it has something to do with the training “

(Hits him on the stomach)”Ouch grandpa what was that for?’ he said gripping his stomach in pain

“Nothing, I am just trying to check the right spot to train you. You are such a mess. I wanted what your father taught you boys”

“Must you try to kill me every chance you get? Just because I asked a stupid question that doesn’t warrant my death you know?”

“So you knew you asked a stupid question? And luckily for you I gave you a non-stupid reply. And for your first question; Yes and I feel good doing that, how would I know your level of tolerance if I don’t try to kill you? A man has to work on his weaknesses so they don’t bring him down. When you work on your weakness then trust me, you are going to have nothing to loose. Do you know what my weakness is?’

“Everybody knows your weakness”

“And what’s that?’ he asked

“Grandma” Sammy replied

(Sigh) “Is it that obvious?’

“Is that even a question to ask? It’s not that obvious, its hand written on the wall” Sammy said giving him the ‘as a matter of fact’ kind of look

(speechless)” Any other weaknesses you know?”

“Nope, I think that’s your only one”

“I have a second weakness” the old man said sounding very sincere

(Dumbfounded)” Who the hell tells someone what his weaknesses are? Don’t you know they can use it against you someday for their own selfish benefit?

“At least you are smart, but I am telling you because you are family” the old man said launching an attack on Sammy.

Sammy seeing this coming couldn’t control his legs from shaking, the next thought which came through his mind was ‘run” and like an obedient child he followed his mind. Sammy was in an old looking building having the pictures of legends hung to the wall and the next thing he found himself running through the woods. It was more like a dense forest which were filled with tall trees.