
Chapter 278

"So you mean to say his curiousity was the key ingredient that took him to the Demon realm?"

"No darling, his curiousity didn't take him to the Demon realm, it took him to the Devil himself and he sold his soul to him. The demon realm is something and the devil himself is clearly another different thing entirely. That's a very clear difference between the two " Beatrice corrected but this got Clara more confused. 

(Looking confused)"What's the difference?" She had to ask because she didn't get a ckear understanding on the point Beatrice was trying to make.

"The Devil is a rebel while the Demon realm is where demons live" Beatrice said giving her the 'you still don't understand kind of look?' and to her surprise Clara nods looking more confused.

"Wait, Beatrice let's get something straight okay, you are confusing me don't the devil live in the demon realm?" She asked

(Holding her aching temple) "He doesn't, hell is where he belongs. It's just that he pays his visit to the demon realm to check in them"

"Grils, I am so confused, is the Demon realm not the same as hell?"

"That's a good question, come over and have a seat I would explain things to you for better understanding. I am sure my daughter here wouldn't be able to explain things to you better. I Know better, so hearing from me directly would be the best."Elyrex said

"Old man, using that word 'My daughter ' doesn't suit you at all" Beatrice said glaring at the old man

"You are my daughter ain't you dear?" The Old man asked laying comfortably with his eyes closed and this made Beatrice more pissed.

"What !this is your father?" Clara said sounding dumbfounded, she couldn't help but leave her mouth wide open as she looked at Beatrice. She had thought the old man had used the word 'my daughter' by mistake based on the fact that he could give birth to a daughter about her age but hearing his last statement coupled with Beatrice silence proves otherwise.

 She didn't know this strange path at all, she had came into Tina, Teresa and Beatrice's life at a later state, they were already teenagers then. There was a lot of things she had heard. After all they were already teenagers then just as she had her own life with her mother and brothers that's the same way they've lived there's. 

They were a lot tye three girls didn't know about her childhood days and there was a lot she didn't know about them as well. Then she had issues moving with them, because she could tell the bond between them were stronger. She had felt she wouldn't be able to fit in, they were more like sisters than friends but as time went on she got closer to Teresa and she found out that was all she needed to have done. After she was closer to Teresa, she sudden got closer to Tina and Beatrice as well . 

Then she was marvelled at their level of closeness, she knew Blaine the oldest physician had only one daughter but she didn't know which one because they all slept over at each other's place and the three girls refereed to the old man as 'Dad'. But later with Ken's help she understood better.

 The explaination she got from her brother then was that Teresa's father and Beatrice father were best friends, more like brothers. Even their mothers were the same. So that was how the children became bonded and unseparated, later she got to know that Beatrice and Tina were blood sisters. Not only blood sisters, they were twins. Though they had a striken resemblance but she didn't see it as anything because twins in the Heavenly realm were rare, very rare. But then if she recalled clearly, Ken had said their Father had gone in a long trip, that was why she never saw him around. That was why she never bothered asking more questions, she just hoped for his return.

 Surprisingly she couldn't believe that the man she wanted to see for a very long time was the man Infront of her. She had heard of a man who was in the heavenly realm but due to his greed he was consumed by dark power and then he turned evil it was written in the books she never knew it was Tina and Beatrice's father. Just thinking about it gave her a giddy feeling, they must have gone through the stage were others would have to point out their fingers to them in mockery. Some had said their Father wanted to rebel against the heavenly Emperor just because he wanted the throne and the only method he could use was seeking help from the Devil himself. She couldn't bring herself to imagine the pain.

"Is he your Father?" She asked again trying to confirm everything, making sure she wasn't the one imagining things and cooking the ideas all in her head.

"Yes, Unfortunately for me he was my Father "She replied with a non challant attitude. The word 'was' made it sound like the man was already dead and he wasn't living.

"Why did you use the word was?" Clara said sounding very confused. She was shocked to hear such an answer.

"I used that word because he isn't my father anymore . The man who gave birth to me is already dead, he died the very first day he chose to betray our family "

(Speechless) "You are confusing me the more, is he your Father or not"

"He is, it seems you no longer understand English, do you want me to speak Hebrew before you get what I am saying? I thought you were smart enough or are you trying to piss me off with your act of dumbness?" Beatrice said giving Clara the look that says 'i never knew you were this dumb'. What part of what she said isn't straight forward? She had broken her words down to the lame man's understanding but Clara was still confused.

"Owh, I never knew this is your blood father " Clara said with a smile, just by looking at them she saw no resemblance at all and she could tell that from the way the related with each other you wouldn't tell that they were indeed related. From the way Beatrice spoke to Elyrex she didn't sense any ounce of hatred for the man. She just chatted with him like he was her father's old friend. If not because of the phrased Elyrex used 'My daughter ' she wouldn't have suspected a thing. This story between their bond was something she suddenly got so interested with. But Teresa's father made her so confused, ever since the scene of Beatrice calling him 'Dad' he had been referring her to her father. It was strange to talk that way when her real father was already here in their midst.

(Shakes her head in disapproval) "Do you have to add the word 'blood' to the word 'Father'? What kind of stupid sentence is that? I have never heard such a thing before, through out history, nobody had ever made the mistake of pronouncing the word 'blood father' It's so disappointing" Beatrice said walking over to sit across the old man. Based on her upbringing, she really had nothing against the old man, the right way to say it is that, she did had something against the old man but later as she grew up she understood better.

"Owh, my bad, the right word is biological father. The word 'blood' just made it sound so real and proves that you both are related by blood" Clara said as she walks over to see beside Beatrice. Sleep was far with in their reach, they've actually forgotten all about their travel to the Heavenly realm and that they had to make adequate preparation before leaving.

(Speechless)"If you want to slap something more obvious in my face it shouldn't be that. You shouldn't be that shameless"

"Oh, it has to be, I am happy I got to meet your dad. He was under our nose all this time but I didn't smell him. I see where you got your bad parenting from, it comes from this old man, it ruins in the blood by the look of things but looking at him closely I see no resemblance between you two" Clara said studying the old man's face. She brought her face closer to his, studying every structure of his face, his eyes, nose, ears, lips and jaw there was nothing in common at all.

 They didn't look related at all, atleast one should take a little detail from his or her biological parent. Moving over to his body, it was unsightly, the old man was wearing an ancient robe like those of the pharisees men, she had read about them somewhere and from their dress codes written in the books, the old man looked like them. He also had a white beard. 

Moving to his hands, she observed his fingers and toes as well. They were nothing like Tina's and Beatrice's, the weren't even like Lylic's or Roselle's own. Elyrex just let her observed what ever she was observing, he felt like a work of art being admired. "Could it be that you both are related by Water? Because I don't see any related features" Clara couldn't help but say this words out loud. Hearing this Beatrice couldn't help but laugh out loud "Of course we are related by Water alright" she responded. Even the man's ash wouldn't resemble her own ash.

"But even to the fact of being related by Water, you did take something from him and that would be his bad parenting" Clara said observing the old man even more. Even though she had never seen her Dad, at least if she does see him, she was sure there would be a resemblance. Even if it's to take his kind of eyes, then at least that a feature of resemblance. But she had seen the old man's eyes it was nothing like her sisters own. She was Ken Sworn in sister and surprisingly she looks like him somehow. She had some of his features as a sister should.

"I think you should be more careful with your words. He is a bad parent than I am, so we are nothing alike and about the resemblance, it's fair enough that I don't look anything like him" Beatrice said in her defense.

Elyrex on the other hand had his eyes closed, it was as if they weren't existing for him but about the resemblance everybody knew how well his girls looked like him, compared to how they looked to their mother, his wife. They took about ninety five percent of his facial look. "My girls looked very much like me, the reason you see no resemblance is because I had my face changed. If I let you see my real face you would be able to tell that Roselle and Lylic looks very much like me too" He said clarifying Beatrice statement. He had a very lovely smile on his face that just by looking at him one would feel helpless.

"So can you show me your real face so I can confirm your words?" Clara said pestering the old man.

"Sure I could show it to you when it's the right time and you should know an old man like me wouldn't lie about this"

Hearing this she knew he wouldn't just show it to her now, he had said till when the time is right. It's the same thing as saying 'Its not time yet but I would show it to you' so she had no choice than to wait no matter how curious she was."Owh, at least you were decent enough to accept being a bad parent, you two do have a lot in common" Clara said giving him a thumbs up. "This explains the closeness between you and Teresa's father, you are his legendary best friend and also the legendary calm and kind physician"

(Laughing) "Is that what they called me? Legendary calm and kind physician? Hell No, I and Teresa's father are best friends, more like brothers. We learnt under the same master, the old man you see there is more deadly than anything you can think up, he's good at everything but what I am most good at is not been a physician. I can control anyone if I wanted to, hypnotism is also a good skill of mind. And that calm and kind doesn't suit my personality at all. It still weird they kept such a good profile about me, I was expecting the worst, it must be all thanks to that Old man. He knows how much I have sacrificed myself to death for them. I would have killed it all" Elyrex said proudly 

(Chuckling) "You sound like Beatrice Father indeed, the same character. Beatrice would say something very bad and she would be very proud about it as if it was an achievement" Clara said placing her hands over her mouth to stop her from laughing too loud.

Beatrice couldn't stop glaring at her but Clara didn't mind, she wouldn't skip this for anything, it was really very rare to get some dirts on Beatrice, now she had one to tease her with, she wouldn't let it go. "So tell me does Lylic and Roselle know that he is their grandfather?"she asked

"No they don't, but when they were little they respected him as one since he was a friend to Selom's grandfather but now I am sure they've forgotten all about him by now. That's all I ever told them, and as for Teresa she didn't care much about it. This old man is always on the run, he gets New faces on everyday, for him it's as easy as A B C so it made it difficult identifying him or knowing if it was him or another person. Why do you think the old man keep repeating the word 'Dad'?" She asked

"From the way he spoke I suddenly felt bad for your Father. Because it sounded like you've abandoned your father back at home and that makes you an unfilial daughter. I just felt it's a good thing your father is back and I would get to see him back home, I never knew he was the one" she explained

(Laughing) "He was slapping Elyrex on the face, so it's the opposite, he wasn't actually talking to me but to him." Beatrice said smiling, the best way was to not acknowledge the old man existence. But he was still her father no matter what, and she had good memories about him when she and her twin were younger. He was a good father to them, but they didn't know what had gone wrong and why he was set so loose.

"I see, you feel free about the whole thing, don't you hate him?" This is the question she wanted to ask so bad

"Hate? Where would that take me? Hate wouldn't fight for me, it wouldn't set things straight. It would give me a better future neither would it bless me with a pleasant one so I don't hate him"

Elyrex was not surprised by her answer even though he wanted to hear what her answer would be. But a parent had this natural feeling and they would know if their child had any hatred for them.