
Chapter 277

“Let’s assume the child she is carrying is mine, what happened to the second sample?. Based on what you had told me, none of the sample belongs to me”

“Yes that’s the fact, so what would we do now? You wouldn’t have taken the sample rom grandma in the first place. If you hadn’t taken it we wouldn’t be searching all over for it and now the worst part of it all is that we don’t know where to start our search because it seems searching it in the hospital is pointless and please don’t give me such a look, those who underwent the whole process are about four hundred women, we can’t determine those which were successful based on the records because I had investigated, some women are already out of the country. And with that looks of yours trust me, I would not agree to the idea of having to run a test on all those women.” Lee said hastely. If anyone could tell Kent lark thoughts at a glance he was the best person for the job. Hell no he wouldn’t go through such a stress even if he is being paid billions for it. “I have another suggestion” Lee continued

“And what would that be?” he said sounding curious

“It’s weird, you have never been this curious (laughing) you could humble yourself and ask the old man about it, it’s already been seven months and trust me that am enough to have a child, a premature one.”

“What you are insinuating is that the old man could have a hand in this?”

“I am not sure about that, but if he really does I am sure he would keep an eye on his great grandchild to be born and he is the only one who could wipe off such things leaving us with nothing.” Lee responded. This is all he could think about, at least that would save a lot of stress of having to run a test on four hundred women on the hospital's list. It could even be possible that some women were not recorded for the process but they had it done, so it would all be a waste

(Smirks) “I already kept a watch on the old man, I had a strong feeling that he was up to something, it is weird that I got his wife very angry and he barely did something about it, this makes him suspicious” Kent explained, while lee couldn‘t stop himself from laughing. Kent is barely a man who talks much, on a good day he could say just a hundred words in total for like two months. But when it comes to his brother and Poco lee, it was very different; he was more of talkative and chits chatter.

 “Indeed it really makes him very suspicious, that old man loves his wife to death. Keep am eye on him” Lee replied. He had the memories from when they were younger; he was impressed this is because he had never seen a man who loves his wife so much like the old man does. "I think you should find a better time to talk to Sammy, that kiddo would definitely think of something" Lee said patting him on his shoulders. (Yawning) "I kind of feel very sleepy. Let's talk about it tomorrow and I would tidy the rest of the information by tomorrow morning. I won't be going over to my place tonight, so I would take the guest room"

"What an Idoit! It's barely Morning why the hell are you saying goodnight?'

(Shocked) "Is it? Then good morning, I am off to bed. I haven't had a good night sleep" Lee said walking upstairs. How time flies, he had been very busy going through the whole information that he had no time for himself. Now Kent was all alone in the room, he had a straight face, the missing sperms was indeed something to worry about.


Looking at the time, she was shocked. It was already midnight and this place doesn't look like it was. She felt strange, the old women has been fighting their hearts out and surprisingly nobody stood out to stop them. "All I know is you need to work on yourself more, your children needs you"

(Laughing) "And those words are coming from you, keep them all to yourself. I don't need your advice" Beatrice said throwing out her fists.

"You've turned so weak, what have you been doing all this years? Even an old woman who nits wool every day would fight far better than you"

(Laughing) "If you think such a statement would piss me off then it's would be very disappointing to know that I wouldn't get hurt by it. Bring it on Sissy"

The fight got so intense, Teresa on the other hand sat comfortably as she watched the show. This two were a pain in her ass, they were worst than enemies. They would always fight over little things, she couldn't even recall what had really transpired between them that made the relationship between them become so sore.

"It's already midnight" Lylic said whispering to Selom.

"Woah, " Selom said rubbing her belly, this is very bad for her health. She's pregnant and she needs a lot of rest. "Grandpa, it's already midnight, we need to go back home and get some rest"

"Don't worry Darling, I have a lot of space here. Guys why don't you take the girls to the room upstairs" 

Looking around they didn't see anything at all, who was the old man talking to? But immediately after he was done talking, a strong wind pushed them forward taking them to another part of the mountain. There they could see a beautiful light shining through. Getting into the room they were amazed, since they were already so tired, they had no time thinking to much. The three girls walked up to the big sized beg and laid on it. Roselle slept at the left side of the bed, Lylic slept at the right side while Selom slept in the middle. The bed was made out of cotton, which make it so soft and comfortable on no time they were already in deep sleep.

Back at the sitting room, Teresa, Elyrex and the old man wayche sthe fight with the two women. Beatrice and Clara got so exhausted that they had no choice but to stop the fight. They were already so breathless, since the girls were already gone, it was now time to plan things properly. Steve on the other hand wasn't sleepy at all, he was more like a tourist moving around the whole place. He was so Marveled, this is because this place was nothing but a mountain but it looked like a home .

"Darling come over here" Clara called out to her son sounding very exhausted.

Hearing his mother's voice, he walked up to them. "You are the eldest, we have something we want to tell you. I would he going back home for Selom sake. Remember what I told you about Selom's grandmother and what had happened to it?" She asked

"Yes mom, I remembered"

"It's about to happen to Selom and we can't let that happen so darling mother is left with no other choice"

"It's okay Mom, I understand" Steve said with a smile. On the way here, he had witnessed his own mother's story and it was so depressing to see her bear the hit but just as always she was strong and could withstand anything. He felt sorry for her and knew of the fact that she needed answers. "When would you be leaving?" He asked

"Tomorrow" The old man replied. This got everybody stunned. "Tomorrow? " Teresa could not help but ask. 

"Yes Dear, we have to leave by tomorrow" he responded

"Dad,why so soon? Clara is yet to pick up things for her journey, she's not ready yet" Beatrice was the one to speak up. Seeing her speak up in Clara's defense it was sure enough that the fighting paid off.

"It's already 2 am, so tomorrow is already today. What I mean when I say tomorrow is really tomorrow. So she has today to pick up whatever she needs" He said with a smile "You should also get yourself pack up because you are coming with us" The old man said looking at Beatrice.

(Laughing) "Dad, you must be kidding right?"

"You know I never crack jokes" 

Beatrice immediately became speechless, there was no two ways about it if he said so then it had to happen that way. Now she suddenly regretted her decision of coming over, she would have just mind her own business and stayed put, now she had dragged herself into a larger mess. It was just like surviving being hit by a car, after thanking naure for being kind, few minutes later you get hit by a trailer. What a massive misfortune!

So now it was all decided, Steve was about going to sleep when he remembered that he had left Eva in the mansion. "Grandpa my wife.."

"What about her?" The oldmman asked

"We left her at the house"

"So you wanted to bring her along then?"

"No, that's not it"

"So why are you worried? She would be asleep still we get back home so you have nothing to worry about. Go and get some rest " 

Hearing this Steve sighed with relief and left the sitting room. He didn't have to ask where his room was, because he felt a strong push by the wind, this is the sign of 'you don't have to worry I would lead the way' so he had no choice than to move with the wind.

Now Steve was gone, Beatrice was silent it seems she was already thinking about her journey. This was indeed a strange world, you design your own plan and the earth surprises you with another. She wouldn't think of going back to the heavenly realm even in her wildest dreams. It wasn't that she was scared it was just that she didn't want to go get a very terrible news that she wouldn't recover from. She hadn't heard from her own sister for centuries and her husband as well. "What are you thinking about?" Teresa said nudging her shoulders

"Girl, I have to lot on my mind and trust me when I say it's a lot" she said stressing her every word.

" You don't have to think about that, he must have his own reasons. I just feel my father knows everything before it happens,he is just waiting for things to fall in place first." 

"If that's the case he should have seen Selom's pregnancy coming. I still can't believe that in less than two months my little girl would become a mother " Beatrice said with a long sigh.

"I was thrown overboard by the news and the most frightening part of all this Ken still doesn't know and when the old man saw Selom's pregnancy he just acted surprise but he really wasn't "

(Laughing) "I can imagine how shocked he would he when he finds out about it,you don't have to worry, I would break the news to him in a special way maybe that way he would have no choice than to come back here "

(Smirks)"you don't have to worry, I would break the news to my brother myself. What you should get worried about is yourself not Ken"

(Laughing) "See who is talking, you should be the one worried about the trip. All I am worried about is Tina and my husband I just pray to meet them alive but yours (Beatrice makes a sound with her tongue, it was like a ', Tick tock ' sound) is entirely different "

"Yeah, that's why I should be the one to worry about such matters "

"Yes, you should be grateful to me, because of me, your son's wedding would be postpone but how disappointing because of you I would be going back home"

"Do you guys really want to argue all morning? There's a ring over there if you both don't mind"

"We mind" they both gave the same reply at the same time. (Chuckles) "you both used the collective term 'we' instead of 'I'. Your bonds are back on, the connectivity is stronger now"

"Speechless "


"Darling if the want to argue themselves to death,let them be. Go and get yourself some good amount of rest"

"Dad" Clara and Beatrice shouted again. They both couldn't help but glare at the old man. He was obviously being partial.

(Laughs) "Dad, what did I just say, their binds are right back on, they are now so telepathic" Teresa said walking to meet her father. Walking up to meet him, he was beside Elyrex but it seems Elyrex was already in another world his eyes were closed and he seemed kind of quiet. Just like always she hooked her hands around her father's arms. Her father still treated her like a child, but she was indeed a child. No matter how big a child gets he still remains a child to his or her parents no matter how many children or grandchildren he or she had begotten.

"You shouldn't be in such a hurry, you are following me back home and for sure I am sure you would see your own Dad. Hearing you call me that gives me goosebumps. And Orc would be disappointed to know that all you care about is your husband " The old man said sounding disappointed.

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

Seeing the surprised look on Clara and Beatrice's face Teresa couldn't stop herself from laughing. Indeed their bind was back, because if it wasn't back, Clara would have laughed at the statement the old.man said just to annoy Beatrice but now she looked as speechless as Beatrice was. "Dad, let's go. This two have a lot to catch up on. They've been friendly foes for a long time. It's high time they patch things up that way they wouldn't be stopped at the gate of heaven for having a contaminated thought" she said patting his hands.

"Let's go darling,I would show you to your room an did am sure you're going to love it" He said joyously.

"Who is going to show us to ours?" Beatrice asked

"You both can sleep in the sitting room. The old man is already asleep it would be very filial of you to keep him company "

"Speechless "

(Speechless) "Keep him company my ass" Beatrice muttered. The Old man didn't even give her a glance, he just held his daughter lovingly and disappeared.

"Keeping me company would be the best thing you ever did in your entire life" Elyrex said, he had his eyes closed but he was looking at the women directly.

"Keep your own ass company, old man I haven't gotten back at you yet for what you did back then"

(Laughing) "I haven't gotten back at you as well. If you both ain't feeling sleepy you can come over let's discuss somethings. I am a very curious old man and everyone knows this"

(Smirks) "Yes we all know, once you were very curious about the Devil and before we knew it you sold your sold to him" Beatrice said looking at him. This old man was mischievous, he changes with his looks. His face was entirely very different, she wouldn't have recognized him but one suprising fact was that even if he turned himself to Ash, she would still recognize him.