
Chapter 269

"Ma? That makes me sound so old, have a seat dear. Feel free to call me Aunt just like Stephanie does. At least that makes me sound less old" she said with a smile. She wasn't expecting such a surprise, she had chosen Stephanie Ancestors as her family, so even though the were not actually related by blood, they were related by the means of responsibility but Stephanie and her generation knew nothing about this.

They were humans and she was an Immortal, she is related to anybody she claims to be related to. And the most strange part of it all now was that they had the same genes and DNA. The immortals have a lot of explaining to do and also a lot of secrets to unveil.

"I would be going upstairs, Darling, have someone send my meal upstairs " Teresa said looking at Lylic. 

"Sure Aunt," she replied. After Teresa was done talking she went up the stairs without acknowledging Eva. She gave no room for introduction. And the weird part of it all was that nobody sat beside Eva. She was the only one sitting on the lane like a stray dog.

Roselle on the other hand had a cold look on her face that made her more beautiful but also more frightening. "Who is the stranger we have here" she asked looking at Eva

'Finally, someone has taken note of my existence. ' she said through her thoughts. But if she knew that there was a certain part of the world where thoughts were not private, she would have come fully prepared. But since she doesn't know this, it was her loss.

"This is Eva my future wife to be" Steve said with a smile

Eva had a broad smile on her face "it's a pleasure meeting you"

"It's not a pleasure meeting and just at the sight of you, I don't seem to like you" Roselle said with disdain

Everyone in the room was rendered speechless, including Eva herself. But after thinking about how the family members got over their surprise, this is because Roselle is known to be someone who was straightforward with her words.

"What did I do wrong?" Eva said at the verge of tears.

"You're sitting on my seat and nobody sits on my sit" she said frowning

(Laughing) "Darling you don't have to talk her words seriously, she's just pulling your legs " Steve said trying to clear the awkward atmosphere 

"I am not Joking and you know it," Roselle said glaring at Steve. He had no right to speak up against her words. Clara was helpless this wasn't the atmosphere she was expecting, she didn't want to have dinner in this kind of environment. 

"Aunt I would have dinner in my room" Roselle said looking at Clara, she didn't care about her mother at all, she didn't need her permission, she was just letting her decisions known. 

"I could stand up if you want me to" Eva said innocently

All she got was no reply from Roselle, Eva had thought that Roselle's question about her identity would draw more attention to her but it didn't. "No you don't have to, dear, she prefers eating in her room. She hates it when a place is noisy'' Clara explained. Steve on the other hand was helpless , he didn't understand what was happening at all. Why was her attitude this rude? Maybe it was because she had a long day but this wasn't the welcome he had predicted now he was speechless.

Roselle immediately went up the stairs without saying any more words. "Aunt, she would be very lonely all by herself so we would be going to keep her company" Lylic said giving clara a light kiss on the cheeks

"You all are going upstairs to have dinner?" Clara asked, sounding shocked. If they all leave then they would be all by themselves her with no liveliness. It would be just her, Beatrice, her son and Eva. Why were the girls all going up for dinner? Was there something they weren't telling her? Or could it be that they had found something about Eva which wasn't nice ? They could at least tell her than keeping it to themselves. She could tell from the beginning that Eva was snubbed. Nobody cared about her at all and this was bad.

Eva sat down looking uncomfortable, she watched as everyone left leaving just her ,Steve and the two women "Did I do anything wrong?" She said at the verge of tears

"No you didn't, they just had a very long day and I am sure they are all tired. By tomorrow you would see a new side of them, they are very nice. They didn't even notice you, this defines how stressed out they are" Clara explained, after she was done talking she knew her son's mood was affected as well so she looked at Beatrice for help? Getting the signal, Beatrice smiled and spoke up

"My girls are very stressed out and trust me they are even nicer, if it was before, they would have gang up on you and given you a good beating. (Sigh) But it seems they controlled themselves, you wouldn't have survived such a beating"




"I asked you to help not to add more fire to the fire" Clara said angrily through a mind link.

"That's exactly what I am doing" Beatrice replied back.

After they were done having dinner, Eva was taken to her room and was given a massage. While Clara and Beatrice busied themselves with the Job of going to meet Teresa. Since Eva was no longer in sight they could freely use their powers but they were very careful about it. Appearing in Teresa's room they could hear the sound of a shower "She's just taking her bath by this time" Beatrice said looking at Clara she had left them over an hour ago and she was just taking her bath?

"We both came here together so why the hell are you throwing such a question to me?" Clara said giving her a smug look

"You are something else, anyways you dragged me here, it wasn't as if I came willingly " 

"Speechless " "Darling I never forced you here, so be decent enough to tell the truth" Clara said glaring at her.

Since Teresa was still in the bathroom, they had no choice than to sit and wait for her in the bedroom. Few minutes later they could hear the shower head being closed, it seems she was done bathing and was exiting the bathroom. "You both should learn how to knock I to someone's room before you come in"

(Smirks) "Even if we did, wiry such a noise making shower you wouldn't hear a thing" 

"You should know better, it's the proper thing to do " Teresa said walking out of the bathroom with a towel around her chest and another towel on her hair she tied it in a bun.

"So why are you just taking your bath now? You had left the dining table like an hour ago"

"I just delayed it, so what's going to happen then?" She said looking at them, she knew them better than yaj they knew themselves they were here to ask her some questions. If it was about Eva then she had nothing to say then. 

"It is weird that I don't like the girl he brought home," Clara said, sounding very helpless. She was Steve's mother and she should at least like what he likes and whatever woman he brings home.

"You don't need to feel bad darling, I can see the look of sadness on your face. It's actually not a crime, you don't have to like the girl's he brings home "

"Ain't I a bad mother? I can see that he loves her a lot" Clara said with a long sigh.

"That's his choice not yours, we mother's would always want the best for our children and that's not a crime" Teresa said, using her powers she changed into a lovely looking dress.

"I had an argument with Beatrice today and she spill some beans about the war which happened a thousand years ago "

"Sorry darling, we didn't want to tell you, so all we could do was to protect you to the best of our abilities " Teresa replied

"Don't try to be diplomatic in this issue, you can't be wiser than wisdom itself. I only gave her a hint, I didn't actually tell her everything, anyways I left the rest for her to sort it out, she would be going back to the heavenly realm and she would find things out by herself " Beatrice replied

"That's okay, but I need to know what I am about to face. I want to be prepared "

(Laughs) "What you're about to fight for is far greater than you so it all up to you if you want to win the fight " Both women said coincidentally

"Now let's talk about Eva, did the girls find something strange about her?" Clara asked

"If you want to know that then you know where to find them, don't stick your ass here asking me such questions that I wouldn't give you an answer to. I won't answer anything relating to your Eva ma'am"


Back in the room, the ladies were catching up on old times while they told stories to themselves. Suzan and Stephanie explained the changes and improvements that happened in the Entertainment industry in their absence. And they were very happy to pay a visit to them .

Selom now was pleased she had Stephanie massage her left feet while Suzan massaged the right feet. As the day went by, she was always feeling very heavy, her waist hurt like hell while her feet became swollen.

A massage was the best treatment one could give to her at this moment. It felt so good that she could give out all her assets as a gift. All she did now was close her eyes while she listened to the conversation going around vher, she wasn't even interested in giving any support.

"How is Cecelia doing? Are you done using her?" Roselle said looking at Lylic 

(Chuckles) " Using her? Does she look like an item to you?" Lylic asked back

"You know what I mean by this" She said with a slight frown "you had borrowed her frome for a weak, it's time to return her back to me"

Hearing this Stephanie shivered, she recalled the punishment Roselle had given her, the whole experience changed her life. It was just like going to the hospital to get all your bones changed. She wouldn't forget such an experience. She was surprised to see that Anna had good reports about her behavior and what was more surprising was the fact that she had to attend the big Oscar's event on her cousin's behalf. Everything just became better for her and also even though Roselle always kept a strict face, she knew she has a kind heart.

"You girls are doing a great job," Selom said, sounding very pleased.

(Smirks) "Everyone says that when he gets what he desires for" Roselle said while the others burst into Laughter

"Why use the word 'he'? Just go direct and hit the iron while it's hot" Selom said, rolling her eyes at her. "Lylic, what do you think about this idea of mine?"

"What idea is that?" Lylic said, sounding like,, very curious, what ever it was she was fully interested in it.

"I have longed so much for Steve to give me a massage, he drag me in this mess"

(Laughing) "For someone who didn't even know it was her very own brother" Lylic couldn't help but chuckle 

"I really had no idea but I felt he was somehow familiar " She said, sounding quite embarrassed. Just a replay of the same memory she couldn't help but feel strange. She actually didn't know who he was at first and what was so embarrassing, she couldn't recognize her Aunt again.

"Should I go drag him over or I should bring him over politely " Lylic said stretching her arms in a fighting stance

"What should it be?" Selom said looking at Roselle

"Dragging him here would be the best, we shouldn't leave him with any face" Roselle replied. 

(Chuckling) "You can never be good" Lylic said and left the room immediately. She had a mission to complete to the fullest.

She walked as fast as her legs could lead her and walked to the room. Out of courtesy she knocked on the door, if it was Roselle she would knock even if her life is standing on a thread. But Lylic had more manners than any one of them, she was always well behaved.

"Come in" said the voice from inside the room

Following the instructions she got into the room, Steve had Eva wrapped in his arms but she didn't care less. She walked towards the bed and held Steve by his clothes and dragged him out of bed. Physically she made it look like she was struggling but in reality he was just as light as a feather. Eva was dumbfounded but she couldn't say anything, Steve on the other hand had a surprise look on his face.

Looking at Eva she smiled " I am sorry to interrupt but my brother and I have some unfinished business. Do lock your door, I would return him back when it's morning" Lylic said dragging him further away.

Getting to the exit, she closed the door and immediately locked it using her powers. Eva held the sound of a Strong wind which shut the door with full force, looking at the window as it was wide open. Coming out of her shock, she got up and walked towards the window and shut it.

Lylic on the other hand was having fun, she dragged him through the floor and surprisingly he didn't object. This was always the case with him even when they were still kids he would do the same thing. He always allowed them to have their way and because of this till date they don't know what he is capable of. They still had no idea of the limit of his powers. They wanted to know this for long since he was half Mortal and half Immortal and it happens that the half Immortal is a female. But as the years passed it became very boring because he accepted all the hits and blows they gave him without defending himself. So they had no choice than to give up .

Happily with a smile on her face, she walked slowly and dragged him roughly on the floor. Luckily for Steve the floors were made of smooth tiles that even if a fkt falls off it wouldn't get injured. Finally she got to her destination, opening the door she dragged him inside the room. Everyone in the room was speechless, it seems to them like it was Lylic who did the hard work while Steve enjoyed the ride. He had his hands folded over his chest and looked calm and comfortable. You wouldn't believe he was the same person who had been dragged over here. Selom was more speechless "You could have found another way I didn't say you should drag him over the whole mansion" She said sounding a bit guilty.

Steve on the other hand sat comfortably on the floor looking at them. "Big brother long time no see" Lylic said with a smile stretching her hands.