
Chapter 258

Mom,why are you quiet as if dad alone was present then,he was fighting for your love!"

"(Nods) True! No doubt about that.Your dad loves me and loved me that he violated his dad's rule for my sake. At first he was against it, he had a kind of fear I can't really explain " She said with a sad sigh.

"Well…didn't grandpa show you hatred? His own son went against his will"Jackson JNR asked

"No dear,he received me with open arms. Your grandfather liked me but there was something he was afraid of and I think it's the family Legacy of Immortality"she replied (sigh) "it was just that he was so worried your dad was more like a result from a Gamma immortal and he was getting married to a normal human being "

"So he was afraid that dad's generation would become nothing but mere humans?" Cecilla asked. She felt she knew what the old man was afraid of.

(Laughing) "You believe what they are saying?" Mike asked

(Smirks) "Mom and Dad has no reason to tell us a lie, so I kind of believe " Cecilla said glaring at him

"That's because you are so young and naive, (scoffs) It seems what the old man was afraid of had come to pass. Is that why he ran away? Because we disappointed him?" Mike said with a time of mockery.

"Shut up and listen to your mother, she is still talking, " Jackson said glaring at Mike. How could he say that? 

"How long then did you both plan to hide it from us?"They questioned

"Because…knowing this will make you want to unmask everything. Pumpkin, you are so inquisitive, one question would lead you to another question"Mr Jackson replied

"But how?"Cecelia asked, sounding confused. She didn't mind him Calling her 'Pumpkin'. Maybe it was that she didn't hear him call her that.

"You'll love to know alot about the immortals" Jackson replied, he knew his daughter very well, she was the most curious and also the most inquisitive.

"(Laughing) To me…it all sounds like a fairy tail,I can't and won't believe this Dad..it's no big deal, if you are wj Immortal and grandfather is also an immortal then how come we don't possess powers?" Mike Jackson said with a tone filled with mockery, he wouldn't believe this shit.

Sophie hearing this wasn't so surprised, she had thought about this as well and God knows she had no reasonable explanation to why her children didn't possess any powers, she couldn't explain it herself. So she was silent waiting for her husband to answer the question. That's if he could.

"I won't say you all don't have powers, you do but you guys are yet to discover it. You would soon"

(Laughing) Dad, you gotta be kidding me, we all know what an immortal is you know?" It was now Jackson JNR's turn to speak out.

(Sigh) " You all done believe it?" He said looking at all his children. They all gave him the 'yes we don't believe ' kind of look. Understanding this he smiled, "then I will show you." He said with a smile. Getting up Jackson thought of something, What could he do with his powers so they could believe? He was still thinking about what to do, when his son interrupted.

" Immortal? As if I would believe such a story, anyways I'm so happy I'm a mortal Thank goodness you married mom and not an immortal"Mike said laughing over it. He really felt it was a joke, a very funny one at that.

Seeing his son's disbelief, Jackson immediately thought of something, he was about unleashing his power when his wife held his hands. She looked at him with a smile on her face " Not yet" she said. Hearing this he immediately stopped, his wife must have her reasons.

It seemed only Cecilia took their words for words and held on to it. Sophie could tell that she was the only one who believed their words.

"(Yawning) Dad…mom..guess I've heard enough of it now, I'll go back to sleep"Jackson JNR Said

"Naughty girl…that's what you woke me up for, goodnight!"He said bidding goodnight to his parents while he pinched his kid sister's nose.

"Tell me more about grandpa," she said, looking all serious. This rendered her brothers speechless. Cecilla was really something.

"You should go take a nap or something, do yourself a favor and fall asleep. Why are you so worried about him? He can take care of himself, why worry?" Jackson JNR replied. If he had to drag her to her room so she could fall asleep, he would happily do that.

"Like seriously? Nobody cares if he's alive or not?"Cecelia asked, What a happy family

"(Laughs) who cares? I'm off to bed too, goodnight mom..dad…sweet dreams"Mike bid

"If he is really an Immortal like they talked about then we all have nothing to worry about. Princess, I am off to sleep, goodnight " Jackson JNR placed a kiss on her forehead and left. He had a lot of things to do, and tomorrow is another day. He just felt that today had run through time so quickly. One thing he remembered was eating breakfast and now it was already night time and they were already done with dinner.

"I can't believe I'm alone in this,here I am being curious to find out more about Grandpa and…."

"What's she saying to herself?"Sophie said looking at her husband

"It seems she is the only one who took our words very seriously, '' Jackson said, whispering to his wife. Then he suddenly recalled something "why did you stop me earlier? I wanted to prove to them that we Immortals really exist"

(Smiles) " You would but at the right time, if you show them your powers now, they would ask more questions. Why not wait when we feel they are ready? We would tell them about it again and you can show it to them" She said with a smile.

Cecilla looked at her parent's curiously, "Why are the both of you whispering?" She said glaring at them, it was as if she caught them red Handed doing something bad.

"Speechless "

"Speechless "

"Pumpkin, why not go to sleep, we can talk about this tomorrow *

"Dad, stop calling me pumpkin, it sounds so weird. Just call me Cece just like Mom. And you can tell me whatever it is, I am not feeling sleepy at all"

(Surprised) "I would still Call you pumpkin no matter how you resist the name (smiles) what do you think about this name pumpkin Cece?"

"Speechless " Suddenly she thought of something and couldn't help but smile "Dad, what if I call you daddy Jackson then?" She suggested

He shivered at the thought "No thank you, But you can call me Daddy Cecilla if you want, I would prefer that" he replied with a smile

She was now at loss, sometimes he caledher pumpkin, sometimes it was my princess,other times Darling, beauty, sweetheart and so many other names. Couldn't he stick to one good name for once? With her father she had plenty of identities. It was now getting so boring and stressful. He had never called her by her name 'Cecilia'

Cecilla didn't mind her parents at all, she stood up and was walking up and down, pacing around the room, thinking deeply. She wouldn't let this go so easily.

"What's wrong?" Sophie asked, looking at her, she could tell how worried her daughter was. Why was she not like her brothers? They had all left but she could tell she had no intention of leaving 

"Nothing mom, I am just thinking. " Cecila replied still pacing around, making Sophie feel dizzy

"Darling... I'm shocked by what I just saw,"Sophie said to her husband in a whispering tone.

(Looking confused) "What did you see?" He asked

" Didn't you notice the look on your daughter's face? She looks so worried. But the two boys had no expression on their face at all, it seems the didn't care at all"

"I'm surprised too,they didn't bother knowing more about their grandpa?" Jackson said with a nod. Could it be that they knew something he doesn't? " Do you think everything is alright?it's looks strange" He said whispering back to her hearing 

"Mom and Dad.... I'm still here, stop whispering to each other. I'd love to know more. And I know you guys have all the vital information I need,"Cecelia said with all seriousness.

"There you go again! Go to bed pumpkin. "Mr Jackson said

"Ok…what's it this time? If it's not late, I could tell you more but if it's late then, you would have to go to bed and this topic would be left unattended till another day"Sophie asked

"Can I see grandpa?"Cecelia requested, she knew it was already late, so she had to be diplomatic.

"Yes you can,is that all you want? you'll see him first thing tomorrow morning"Mr Jackson replied

"Ok,I can now sleep happily! Good night mom, goodnight Dad see you first thing tomorrow morning.Sweet dreams" Cecelia bidded with a kiss on their cheeks she was just a few minutes away from the door when she halted " Wait Dad, you had mentioned that you had an information about him being in Japan, so how is it possible that I would get to see him tomorrow?" She said looking at them strangely. It seems they just wanted her to go to bed and both her parents were just agreeing to all her terms. She found it fishy.

"You want to see your grandpa, yes or No"

"Yes " she replied with a smile

"Then you would meet with him tomorrow. Daddy always keep to his words"  sure enough he had successfully convinced her with his words. It sounded more like a promise to her and he always keeps his promises.

After she had gotten the assurance from her Father, she ran to give both her parents a hug and ran to her own room 

"(Sigh) This is quite shocking.Cecelia is up and hill over this,I guess she'll also find out about the kinda immortal power she possesses. If she doesn't get those powers our little girl would be very disappointed "Sophie said 

"(Nods) Well.... Sophie,it's time already.We can't change what destiny has prepared. Whatever fate has decided we have no choice but to accept it"Mr Jackson said.

"So you had promised your daughter that you were going to take her to see her grandfather. How would you fulfill such a promise?"

"It's as easy as pie, since I made her a promise, I will keep my word. I mentioned her grandpa, but I didn't mention the exact one she was going to meet tomorrow "

(Laughing) "You are just as tricky as always, what do you have in mind?" Sophie said Laughing. Her husband was very fun to be with. He was always so childish and mysterious.

"She wants to meet a grandpa right, she would definitely meet one. I am already so dizzy and dizzy" he said hugging her in his arms

"(Yawning) I'm sleepy too, you know,I had a hard time thinking about the kids. I don't know how they would feel after such a news but it seems they took it well. Now it seems you would have a lot to deal with. If they see through your trick (Laughs) I am sure it would not be nice. You want to betray your little girl"Sophie said with a warm smile

"No way, I would never betray my pumpkin

"You know how much she hates being called that? The fruit isn't even lovable but my daughter is. Can't you find another name like cute bunny?"

(Laughing) "You know I have a store of names I call her but I like the fact that she sees the name pumpkin as a threat"

(Laughs) " Hubby, I feel more at ease, my heart doesn't feel heavy any more. I am happy I opened up to the kids (yawning) . I am very sleepy now."

"You're right,let's go to bed Sophie,guess I'm now at ease too!"Jackson replied leading Sophie to their bedroom

"I actually thought they'll make a big deal out of these but…it turned out fine. All thanks to God'' Sophie said with a sigh of relief. She was indeed very happy, over all these years, she felt much more better than anything else, all she had ever thought about was how her children would take the news but it seems she was worried over nothing. But now she had one bigger problem, how would they feel if they found out that their father was really an immortal? And that they had no immortality? Would they blame them? She didn't want them to feel it was such a waste bringing them to the world. And most of all, she didn't want her children to be like those in the Demon realm who would do anything for power. She didn't want such a life for her children but she couldn't hide the truth from them at all.

******** Cecilla slept soundly and peacefully, she felt much more comfortable. Waking up in the morning she was so excited, there was a lot she was going to achieve. First ever in the book of history, Cecilla woke up very early. Earlier than the maids. She got up when it was barely morning and got herself freshened up and all dressed up. After she was done she ran into her parents room like a small child.

"Mom…Dad…I'm dressed up already! Good morning…." Cecelia called out while Mr Jackson and Sophie were asleep. Jackson, who held his wife firmly on his chest, was about to fall off the bed due to the sudden shock. When did she get in? She didn't even knock.

Cecilla walked up to the French windows and opened up the curtain without pity. The sun rays immediately filled the room, upsetting the couple. They couldn't help but frown. What was the rush? It was too early? Sophie had no choice but to open her eyes and glare at her daughter, looking at the time on the little click placed on her cupboard beside the bed, she was shocked and angry at the same time 

"Don't you know how to knock before you enter our room?" Sophie asked coldly

"I did knock but you two were fast asleep, so I had to let myself in"

"Why are you up so early pumpkin, you have never woken up by this time and you look all dressed up. Are you going somewhere?" Jackson asked

"Speechless," "Mom and Dad, Good morning get out of bed and freshen up" she said with a smile

"So early? But…"

"Mom and Dad....you said.. ``First thing tomorrow morning' here I am, ``she said conversing with them standing Infront of their shut door. Sophie couldn't help but give her husband a glare. It was all his fault, he made the promise while she had to bear the consequences. Now even her sleep was Disturbed. Jackson getting this looks from her was helpless, How was it his fault? He had never thought she would take him so seriously to the point that she would wake up so early in the morning. What happened to her past behavior?

"Darling…it's too early" Sophie said calmly 
