
Chapter 242

They had no idea he was still there standing. 




"Old man….? What brings you here?" Lylic asked with a smile.

"I have been asked to come over"he replied. Lylic hearing this smiled at him and handed him an extra meal. She had more than enough. She was also very worried about Selom so she asked the old man a lot of questions and he gave the same answer he had given Selom related to the pregnancy. Lylic knew better than anyone else about Selom's child. She had spoken to them and they were fine.

They all had eaten to their fill, it was now time to talk about things. Roselle was always the quiet one in a jovial gathering. She was always quiet and had nothing to contribute. Lylic was always complaining of such behaviors but when it comes to bullying and being proud she was always ahead of others. Just as always she was thinking to herself and staying quiet while the other two women kept on chatting with the old man to know more about him. Roselle will never be interested in such things at all.

"What happened to the old women? Are they still asleep?" Lylic asked. It was just a hangover, they weren't expected to sleep so long. They must have really had a lot of fun and she was the one to thank for this. They still owe her a lot of things she was yet to collect from them.

(Sigh) " They had woken up this morning looking for Williams. Aunt Clara was very furious, it seems he had dragged them by their hair. Aunt wanted to skin him alive and you being Williams savior was nowhere to be found"

"Really?" Lylic said Laughing, she played the scene on her head and she could just imagine how funny it was.

"Yeah, Really. Aunt would really break his leg for sure"

"So what did you tell them?"

"I told them that he was on a trip. He had gone to bring the Old man here."

"You were just buying time and waiting for me to come then?"

"Not really, I actually sent him to get the old man. And truthfully I was praying he doesn't come back so soon, till you are back"

"Surprising I can't see the likes of them, are they really here?" Lylic asked, she had to say the house was very quiet.

"They ain't, they left immediately I gave them the news"

"What a relief, So Williams really dragged them by their hair?" 

"I think so, do you remember what we said to him then?"

"Yeah, something like "he was good at handling them properly in the past?" 


"I also said he was lucky my mom wasn't among" Lylic said looking away

"Yeah, and when he gets into trouble, who was supposed to shield him?"

"We both are" 

"Better, Now you're talking"

They were mid way through their conversation when four people immediately appeared into the room. This made Roselle, Lylic, Selom and the Old Doctor look towards the direction. All the four who were present in the room were shocked, surprisingly even the old man from Jackson's end was shocked. He kept his mouth widely opening. 

The old man couldn't believe his eyes at all,he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He felt his eyes were deceiving him. Selom and Lylic were on a higher cloud of being shocked, they couldn't believe their eyes as well. There, aunt Clara was holding a tight grip on Williams. Just by looking at them one could tell that the old women had gone to look for Williams himself and coincidentally they were just talking about protecting Williams. How on earth could they protect him now? Selom was helpless, she had thought the old women had gone somewhere entertaining to keep themselves busy. How was she to know that they had other plans?

"Blaine…..???" The Old man said walking to the old man who had just appeared in the room with William and the two women.

The Old physician looking at him couldn't recognize him but he was still very quiet observing him carefully. Since he knew his name, then it was someone he knew. All he did was stay at the same spot waiting for the old man to move towards him.

Clara on the other hand dragged Williams by his hair towards the three girl's direction. She was inquisitive to find out more information about the two old men but settling her scores with Williams was much more important. 

Williams silently bore the pain. This was because he knew it wouldn't last at all. His master would surely find a way to save him, they knew it was a very difficult task but they still handed it to him. All he could do now was rely on them.

"Aunt calm down, " Lylic said getting up on her feet and separating Williams from her grip. Since this was a success she was as cute as a bunny "Aunt what happened? Why are you angry?" She said looking pitiful

Roselle and Selom weren't surprised at all. It was part of her uniqueness. Nobody could beat Lylic when it came to cuteness and just like always the old women fell for it. "Why do you look sad? Who messed with you?" Clara asked, sounding very worried.

"Aunt you scared me just now, you were looking so angry just now and I became so sad in the process"Lylic replied

"Is that so? Don't be worried for my sake darling. I know you've always been very considerate in everything. Williams just messed with me, he had dragged us by the hair yesterday and I want to get back at him for that. He was so rude!" Clara said with a frown. Recalling Lylic words about her reaction she forced a smile. She didn't want her mood to affect her little cute girl. Anyways she had gave Williams a little punishment on the way .

"Owh Aunt, it was all my fault, if I hadn't taken you guys out and left mid way through, such a thing would not have happened. Aunt please leave Williams out of this and punish me. If you punish him you would have to punish me as well because I started all this"





Selom was really impressed with her sister's way of handling things. Indirectly she was placing her aunt in a dilemma. This was the same thing as saying "you have no choice than to punish me if you punish him" It was just so wonderful, she felt like giving her a round of applause but if she did that her actions would be so obvious.

"No No dear, we really had a lot of fun. Why would I punish you darling? Don't worry, I won't punish him. Williams I forgive you" Clara said hugging Lylic in her arms. 

"Thanks so much aunt. There's more gist to get hold of. It seems this two old men know themselves. No wonder I find him familiar" Lylic said looking at the two men

"Don't dare" Teresa said glaring at her

(Laughing) " Sorry Aunt, I was dying from suspense" She said, hugging her aunt Clara more tightly. She had just thought of eavesdropping on the two old men's discussion and was caught in the process. She was just curious to know what it was. 

"Stop being noisy, let's give the men some private space and I am sure you girls know what I mean by that" Teresa said sitting beside Roselle. 

Roselle immediately began to explain some things to them about what the doctor said. Teresa was less worried on the surface but now she knew everything about the matter. On their journey to the old man she had forced Clara to spill the beans. From the very first day she took Selom to Clara, she knew something was wrong. 

She just knew it but she just waited patiently hoping that her best friend who is also her sister in-law would tell her everything but she never heard anything from her. Today she confirmed her suspicion, this was because Clara had acted strangely when Selom complained about losing her energy on the baby's movement.

 So after that she had suggested they go look for the old doctor themselves and had asked Clara about it. She immediately explained everything to her but she didn't want her daughter to know about it yet since Clara had said she wasn't so sure if her observations were right. It had to be between the two of them, but in the process of explaining everything about the old man's visit from Jackson's end they could tell that Roselle also had an idea for it. 

She had created a mind link telling them that she had also checked Selom's pulse and found something strange about it. Since the Old man was busy they just had to wait 'Two heads are better than one' they say but now they had more than two heads. 'There are five good medical expert heads. Roselle was also a medical expert, she was a very good doctor until she ruined her career and got into the entertainment industry.

Lylic was always very clingy even though she was already an adult. She sat on Clara's thighs holding her tightly like a child. Among the three women, Lylic acts more like a child compared to Roselle and Selom.

She was actually more closer to Roselle and Lylic than Selom. This was because Selom was always travelling, she barely had time for herself and others. Even her son Steve wasn't closer to Selom but he knew Lylic and Roselle

Though the both had their childhood memories but sometimes Love could decrease with time if there is loss of connection. But the love between the girls wouldn't decrease, they had many memories today. They were Born on the same day, Teresa, Tina and Beatrice went into Labor on the same day. This wasn't surprising, they had conceived at the same time. Roselle, Lylic and Selom knew themselves right from the womb stage. Their mother's could feel the children's minds linking each other. Clara was actually the first among the women to get married, though her husband was human but she was always very happy with him. Steve was the best that ever happened to her and she was proud of him.

Living on earth with the man she loves in the human realm, she was happy. She did make use of her powers for a few things but it was energy draining. She would grow extremely weak, this was because she wasn't licensed to use her power in the human realm. And there was also a rule governing the use of powers. She could use her powers in the Heavenly realm for Centuries and she wouldn't feel even an ounce of weakness except if she got into a spar or a fight with a strong opponent. It was an entirely different experience when it happens in the human realm. If an Immortal had a full license to use his or her power by the heavenly Emperor in the human realm then it wouldn't be an issue at all, they would lose no energy.

But as the years grew by, she got used to the human way of living. She began doing things on her own. It was very easy for a human couple to conceive but it was quite difficult for her to conceive and this was because she was an immortal while Eric was Mortal. After years of trying, she was blessed, finally she conceived and when it was due she gave birth to steve. Steve was actually some years older than the girls, he was more like their elder brother but his Immortality was not strong. Steve was half human and half Immortal.

Clara would never forget that day a thousand years back when she got an unexpected visit from her family.

They weren't looking as well as she had expected. But that wasn't surprising, she had been having a feeling of uneasiness. Teresa, Tina, Ken, Beatrice, came to her home with blood all over them. Then they explained everything about the heavenly realm being on an attack.

"Aunt.. Aunt… Aunt" Lylic said, shaking her slightly. They could all tell that Clara was lost in thoughts.

Feeling Lylic's touch she came back to her senses. "Yes Darling''

"You were lost in thoughts just now, what were you thinking about?"

"Nothing really, I was just thinking about Steve. Selom wants him to come over" she said

"Owh, really?"

"Yes' ' she replied walking up to Selom. Williams sighed with great relief, since his presence was no longer needed he immediately disappeared.

"You want Steve to come over?" Lylic said looking at Selom

"Yes, I want him to come over, he got me into this mess in the first place"

"Owh, I see but I heard he will be getting married in a few months, right?"

"Yes he will" Clara replied with a smile

"Is she a human?" 

Hearing the question, everybody was satisfied, this was actually what they all wanted to know.

"Does that really matter?"

"Not really" They all replied, they all didn't want to say 'Yes' so she wouldn't feel bad

"Yes she is human, and a good one at that. She's nice and lovely, reminds me so much of you Lylic" Clara said looking at Lylic "And before I forget she is very beautiful and No she doesn't work in the entertainment industry" she said all at once.





"How did you know we were going to ask you that?" Lylic said, raising her face to look at her.

(Laughs) "I am so very experienced to know that" she replied.

"So does she know that Steve possesses extraordinary powers?" Lylic asked, she was willing to meet this lady who remind her aunt so much of her 

" I don't really know, I haven't spoken to him about it though. But I think she doesn't know this is because she has never asked me about it. Maybe he is waiting to tell her after marriage or something. I don't really know. All I see in his eyes for her is the same love I had for his father and I gave my support" Clara said with a smile. What she was thinking about was entirely very different, she had a lot on her mind. But she wasn't worried for her son marrying a human, since this is what he wants she would support him fully.

"Sweet Aunt, have you really tired reading her thoughts to know what she really wants. Humans can be very selfish sometimes, it's very rare finding a selfless one" 

"No dear, I don't think I have to. If I do that I would be invading her privacy and I am scared that I might actually get very disappointed." This was really the Truth, what would happen if she really read through her thoughts and found out something more shocking? She would be heartbroken and her son would also be heartbroken. She had thought about it on several occasions but she didn't want to. She didn't have the heart to do that, she wouldn't be able to bear the pain.

Hearing this they all understood what she was afraid of. This made Lylic hug her tightly, she could feel the pain. It was just like putting your trust on someone and he or she later disappoints you when you least expect it.