
Chapter 235

Speechless," "Why would you think of such?" She actually never thought about poisoning Roselle's meal and even if she wanted to, she would take up an open challenge. She wasn't a coward, she doesn't have such dirty tricks off her sleeves.

(Laughing) " Why shouldn't I think in such a way dear? Your Dad is a sure prove of how good you guys are with poison" she said with a smirk

"He really didn't mean to"

"Anyways let's get busy in the kitchen, I could teach you a few tricks. "

"There wouldn't be any groceries or foodstuff at all. Even if we left some they must have been rotten by now"

"That's not a problem, we could always find our way to the supermarket"

"Your sisters, they would be very worried about you"

"Yeah, they would be, but not to worry they wouldn't miss me much. I would be cooking enough to take home, it has actually been ages since I tested my culinary skills, I don't know if I still have the cooking touch. We both won't know that until we try it out"

"Can I ask for a favor?"

"Sure you can"

"Can.. Can.. Can you.."

"Can you stop hesitating and go straight to the point?" Lylic interrupted. She actually knew what Cecilla wanted to say, but she wanted her to say it out loud on her own.

"Can you go to the supermarket with me as my mom?" She said sounding a bit scared

"Is that why you were hesitating? Of course I would '' Using her energy she transformed herself into Cecilla's mother's image. Bringing out her artificial lenses she placed them in her eye balls. "Now how do I look?"

"Thanks Alot, you look just like mom" she said sounding very excited. She was more than happy. There were a lot of things she wanted to tell her mom, she felt her mom had missed a lot of things in her life. On the way to the supermarket, Cecilla felt more free, she hadn't actually had time to shop with her mother while she was alive but she could do that now. She held her hand happy, while she used the other hand to hold the shopping basket. They didn't need a troller because they felt they wouldn't be getting too much stuff. Two shipping baskets were enough for the job.

All they did was to move around freely talking about a lot of things. Cecila shared her experience with Lylic those memories she felt her mother was around to know about. She said all of it,she also mentioned some of the mistakes she had made and also apologized about it. Funny enough she mentioned everything about her fight with Lylic, Roselle and Selom and many other things. After they were done shopping, they went back to busying themselves in the kitchen preparing meal. Lylic stilled maintained Sophie's image, she saw how happy Cecilla was.


"Mom you're already awake" she said looking at her mother from head to toe

"I am also awake too, where the hell is that son of a bitch"

"What happened?" She said, sounding very confused. What son of a bitch? She wondered. What was really happening? They had just woken up, why the strange change?

(Laughing) "Your aunt is asking about Williams" Teresa said

" What happened to Williams? Aunt you are just waking up you need some rest. Why do you look so angry? What happened?" Selom said looking at both women with surprise, her aunt had a red face from anger.