
Chapter 231

Recalling all these memories, Cecilia had tears roll down her eyes,she couldn't stop but shed them knowing how much she loves her mom and couldn't have a day go by without having a taste of her trouble,how much of a friend she was and could be.

The help and comfort she finds in her.How much of a disturbance she tends to be, being showered with all manners of irresistible love,it became unbearable.

"Mom…you're gone!"Cecilia admitted, breaking the whole silence in the room. She had already forgotten the fact that she was currently attending to Lylic nails. She had no idea where she was. She was overwhelmed with grief. So much grief, she wasn't even away from the fact that they had already changed their Location. They were no longer sitting in Lylic's room.

When you describe Lylic as the calmest woman on the planet it is more like an understatement, she was the goddess of calmness, she was always filled with a kind heart. She could sense grief from miles away and tried her best to solve the problem. If Beatrice was the goddess of nature, then Lylic was nature itself. There was only one solution to grief and that was letting the person find himself or herself against all odds. Pain was something everybody would go through, it was just a task which has to be fulfilled but what makes one stand out and makes one different is facing that very pain and overcoming it. Some get drowned in their own pain, they keep their pain getting the better of them. 

Just as the bones in the body are connected to themselves, so are the emotions of pain Connected to the center of it all 'The brain'. One gets to control every type of emotion. The first set of immortals including the devil himself are without flesh, that's why they live for eternity. They don't undergo the changes or swings of emotion. But Lylic understood better, they were more like human beings, the only difference between them and mere mortals was the power they possessed and they could live for a million years or more. Just like humans give birth to their offsprings, they do that as well. They experience pain as well.

"But forever you remain in my heart,that fateful day I locked myself in the room without a word in anger,we ended it in a scuffle.Yet you rebuked and corrected me,you told me I wouldn't understand all you were doing but will at a certain stage.Now here I am momma (Cries out) Here I am,Come back to tell me more of them,come spank me, I won't get mad at you,I missed you alot" Cecilia reckoned within her while sitting by the window in the sitting room. She folded herself in a ball and Lylic could feel how painful she felt. All she could do was sit silently and watch. She had taken Cecilla back to the house she had seen in her memory.

'If only her mom could come back to life the world would be at her feet.'

While this flashback goes on….. Cecilia began to doze off feeling sleepy and then,placed her head by the window to take a nap.

While taking a nap,a beautiful scene came up on display.


"Cecilia….Cecilia….wake up!"A voice said

"Opening her eyes,she realized she wasn't in the actual spot she placed herself.That is…wasn't sitting in the Lylic's bedroom, she wasn't also sitting by the window.This time,she was in the midst of a pasture.Yet that voice kept saying…"Cecilia, wake up,wake up!"

While she walked through the pasture insearch of the person who's voice echoed,she saw the back view of a woman from afar. It looked like that of her mom.

She ran towards her yet she couldn't get any closer.She kept running but wasn't getting any closer.

She fell to the ground and pleaded to see the face of whoever was standing,Just a glance of her will do.

Her plea wasn't considered.Rather,the voice said…"Be patient darling, just be patient'

"Mom!" Cecilia shouted! She ran around the pasture like crazy, turning around the whole place. This was someone she wanted to see so bad. She had wanted to see her mother just once.

Hearing this….she was amazed that her daughter could tell she was the one.

Seems that's what she was waiting for.To hear her address her as mom to know she was never forgotten

 With a pleasant smile,she turned around! Cecilia then ran to her,it was pleasing that this time,she ran closer to her mom.

While she got closer,her mom stretched her hand to stop her from hugging her!

"(Sobs)Mom…please, I've missed you,I want to have a touch of you, please"

"Cecilia,you can't come closer than this,you have many unfulfilled destinies ahead of you, coming closer will make you remain with me forever!"

"(Cries)Mom….that's what I want,no day passes without me thinking of you,come back to me!"

"Cecilia,listen to me! In that world you are,there are lots of tasks to carry out! Exercise patience to fulfill them. Stop fighting, darling stop leaving in hatred. Darling, you shouldn't be making enemies with those who are bound to help you in the future. I Know you miss me so much, but you can't live by yourself in your past memories."

"Mom…. ever since you left, Love doesn't exist again. Dad and I are very lonely, I try fighting those who got you into this in the first place but I let you down. Mum,I want to be with you!"

"Go back! I'll see you soon" She said while walking backwards

(Sophie immediately Disappears)

"(Cries) no…….Mom!!!! Stay with me…. mom… mom…! Mom, don't do this to me, stay with me, mom" she said shouting,  falling on the grasses, (wiping profusely)