
Chapter 230

 "Let me have those slippers,mom….help pass them over"Cecilia pointed while she kneels on bed.

"Such a lazy girl!!! Get up and pick up your slippers! Wonder where she got such lazy gene of hers from"

"Haha, mom…I took after you, remember….like mother like daughter,haha" Cecilla said in laughter while she jumped out of bed to get her slippers.

"Oh goodness!!! Did you hear what your daughter said? Haha,that's a big one really!" Mr Jackson echoed with laughter.

"I bet she has a point!" He continued.

"Common,you should know me well…she's just like her Dad,you can tell you sleep a lot! I don't have such genes of laziness, I might be ordinary but I am the strongest woman in the world. As for your daughter, she is the dirtiest, laziest being on planet earth"

"Shhhh….don't let her hear you! Keep it a secret"said Mr Jackson

"I heard it Daddy!" Cecilla echoed from the bathroom. She couldn't help but prout her lips.

"You're not a baby,take a look at how unkept your room is!!! Cecilia……I'm gonna deal with you!" She said while dusting the couch in her daughter's room

"It seems we would wait for her here for her to get ready before going down to have breakfast" Jackson said looking at his lovely wife. "Hell No,If that's your plan it wouldn't work" she said helping Cecilia tidy up the bed. Everything was just a mess, how can a grown up woman be this dirty? Even a pig has more class. " Just see how untidy her room is and you wouldn't say anything about it."she said glaring at him

"Speechless," "How is it my fault?"

"It's all your fault, you spoilt her rotten, now she can't be fresh again"


"So much dirtiness, worse than a pig," she cursed.

"Haha ….Mum,you know I love cleanliness,just that I couldn't clean up yesterday"

"Really? Why couldn't you?What took so much of your time that you couldn't tidy up your room? Someday,you'll grow up and have a family of your own"Said Mrs Jackson

"Mom…..you are my family!" Cecilia replied

"Oh no! Silly girl,I know!! I meant your very own family! You'll surely get married someday and have a family. We wouldn't live forever you know, no matter how much we love to stay, we wouldn't live forever. That's the irony of life, so you have to make it count"

"Rrrrrrh,mom….I remain with you both and forget about those sorrowful words, I wouldn't accept that. You and Dad would always be available so as to take good care of me. Mom, I am kind of finding it difficult finding my tooth brush" she said looking around

"Common, you can be serious, you've been in that bathroom for about half an hour now. I am almost done tidying your room and you're there searching for your toothbrush? How many times do I have to tell you that when you are done making use of something make sure to return it to its initial position.You would always make me talk about the same thing all the time, it's so shameful, a grown woman like you is looking for her toothbrush in her own private space. What a shame!"

"Mom, there you go again. Are you going to help me look for it or stand there and talk all day?"

"That's the lazy gene in you girl, don't tell me you'll be lazy about marriage too,haha, listen girl,when I first met your mom,I could see the hardworking woman in her eyes even before she displayed it,your mom isn't lazy in any way. She's hardworking in everything, including love! Haha,you know,she has taught me how to tidy up the room which I never considered important during my bachelor days. I would have died a lonely man, if I hadn't met her" Mr Jackson echoed

"You can say that again darling well said" Sophie said applauding him, she was really impressed with his words.

"Dad,here you go again with the same Story. I am already so tired hearing it over and over again. Whatever, you both won!! That's why I have you both as a parent! I have found my toothbrush, can I have my privacy now. I won't brush my teeth and shower with the two of you around"

"I am sure you would also need help with brushing your teeth and taking a bath. I can help you out with that, you need no privacy"Sophie said sounding very serious.

Hearing this I immediately came out of the bathroom."Yes darling you can have all the privacy you want"replied My dad replied, he also held my mom, walking towards the door.

"Wait, Dad…..if I didn't take after mom….then….I took after you! No two ways about it"Cecila echoed from the bathroom

"Cecilia darling,you just hit it hard on your dad"

"(Laughs)Wait a minute, umm…what character of mine isn't worth admitting? Dad…with no doubt, I took after you, my untidiness and dirtiest comes from you, you want to ruin my life with such a bad habit "

(All laughed)

"Mom….Dad …I'll never stop loving you guys"Cecilia said with joy in her heart

Cecilia continued in memories of her parents. By this time Lylic had her eyes glued to her, she had also followed Cecilia into her memories. When someone has gone back into his or her memories, there's always a ray of light which would shine across. From what she understood, Jackson was an immortal, it seems he was a Gamma immortal and then he married a mere mortal. This was common with male immortals, they fall in love with mortals. But she was more interested in Cecilla's memory. One would only flashback into a memory, if it's filled with terror and pain. She wanted to understand which one is Cecilla's option.