
Chapter 228

Sitting on the soft big bed, Lylic placed her legs on a stool" I hope you are not just some spoiled princess with no brains? Get my nails done, I want a top notch manicure and pedicure skills" she said proudly

I do have just little idea about it, but if I get the right tools I could do the job" Cecilia said forcing a smile

"The right tools, it seems interesting. When you were planning things like a war, you did it very well" Lylic said with a smirk

 "Godmother, you don't have to be so fierce, a lady should be humble, kind and easy to flow with." The little voice said

Lylic was happy to hear her godchild's voice again, it seems they would always try to connect to her. Cecilia seeing her smile was speechless, she hadn't said anything funny, what was she happy about? To avoid getting herself into trouble, she minded her business and focused more on the job at hand.

"Now you've changed your voice again, what's up with you?" She said, raising her eyebrows, looking at herself in the mirror. She suddenly didn't find Cecilia as irritating as before, it seems her godchild was always available at the right moment.

"I didn't change my voice at all, this is my voice. You were talking to brother earlier, then and I was sleeping peaceful, your words woke me up" the little one complained

"Woah, there are two of you?" She said leaving her mouths open in shock 

"No there isn't" she replied

"But if I heard you clearly, you said something like your brother" Said the confused Lylic

"Yes I did, my brother is him while I am me. We are entirely different people" the little one replied.

(Laughing) "You are just like me, so there are indeed two of you, you little girl and your brother. You must be a girl right?"she said waiting for confirmation

"Yes Silly, I am indeed a girl. Mummy's Princess, she would be shocked to have both of us"

"You're right darling, she would be very shocked. So why is your brother some quiet then" she asked sounding curious to know what her answer would be 

"It's his turn to sleep while I keep watching," the little girl replied.

"I am very excited to find out that we would be expecting twins, a little princess and a little prince. But something strikes me, your mother complained about losing some of her energy when you guys move. She loses a lot of energy"

"That's because there are two of us," The little one replied, sounding unsure.

"Hmmm, really? Is that really the case?"

"That's all there is to it I think, brother is asleep he knows better" she replied.


Lylic kept smiling, she couldn't imagine this herself. It was a rare case having to give birth to twins. It was almost as impossible as immortals. This was like playing with death, the first twins which ever existed were a million years older than they were and it was said that their mother then slept for a hundred years before she woke up out of coma.

 Giving birth to twins was very common in the human World, it doesn't consume any source of energy, all it takes is good antenatal care, good food, exercise and the mother's pushing ability during labor. But it was different in the immortal world, it was more energy consuming, after all the child in question is an immortal. He has the ability to absorb the Essence of nature and also his mother's energy. Just a child was energy consuming, then what happens if they were two children?

 She was indeed thrilled by the news and had no ideas on how to present it to her two friends. Roselle and Selom were already so jealous of her, telling them would add more jealousy. Feeling a sharp pain on her foot she frowned. 

"I am so sorry" Cecilia apologized, she was so clumsy just now that she pricked her with a sharp edge filer.

"(Sigh) It's okay, I was just looking for a way to make your life miserable. I am not so wicked. Two wrongs makes no right"

This caught Cecilia unaware. What she was expecting was maybe a hard slap on her face for such a mistake but to her surprise, she got nothing like that. After all, at least that's the way she would have treated her own slave, she was now a slave but she wasn't treated with a resounding slap. Cecilia became more careful. If a fortune teller would have given her such a tale, she would have beaten him up blue and black. She would have beaten him to a terrible state that he would lose the ability to read someone's destiny.

 Once daddy's princess but now a slave. She had never even had such a nightmare, from the very first day she had been poisoned, she knew her life would change drastically. A lot was changing and she couldn't control such a change at all. She had hoped her Father would win the fight but he didn't, a lot of things weren't going according to the way she planned them out 

 Lylic was lost in her world of thoughts, she didn't care about what ever Cecilia did. She was not in any way wicked, this was obvious to everyone around her. 

**** Flashback

Cecilia had drafted into her memories from where it all began.

Cecilia Jacksons Get your Ass out of bed, what did your father do tell you? Lazybones get up now or you will be dead any moment from now, cos I will kill you... Sophie said angrily while hitting her with the pillows. She immediately went to the Windows and opened up the curtain, she was already so pissed with her daughter's behavior.

Oh Mom, Stop being so noisy, it's still so early, just let me sleep some more okay? She rolls herself back into the quilt