
Chapter 210

"What are you saying? I can't hear you" The Old man said, bringing his ears closer to Swift's lips but he still couldn't hear anything. "I thought I saw your lips move, but it seems you didn't say anything," the old man said out loud.

"Shocked", 'you are insane, how could you forget that, I am about to die from the excess pain. stinky old man, you must be doing this on purpose.' he said again but he couldn't make a sound.

"Owh, you mean I should add more needles so you could still take the pain? I knew you were stronger than any other person. Just a minute I would add more needles. It would make the whole process faster" The Old man said, bringing up his box, placing it on the bed, he brought out more acupuncture needles. Swift seeing this couldn't help but shiver, this was murder, the old man wanted him dead. He tried moving his body but he couldn't. It seems those needles were attached to his sensitive main veins. So he couldn't move at all. The old man was doing this on purpose,he wanted to kill him.

Bringing out the needles he had a smile on his face. " I don't know why you want me to add more acupuncture needles, why are you in so much of a hurry to heal? Do you have an emergency mission you have to attend too? Anyways your wish is my command, I have to do it for you" 

'You would be dead if I get better, I would kill you' Swift said in agony, the pain was too much. How could he tolerate such pain for an hour? It seems the Old man was punishing him for something he saw wrong but he thought deeply, he never offended the old man.

Raising twelve more needles, the old man inputted them into Swift joints. Immediately the penetrated into his body, Swift fainted from the pain. (Laughing) " I feel good, nobody glares at me nor sends me curses, even your master knows that. How could I let you fall asleep so easily? That would be a waste of my needle" bringing out a drug from his old box, he injected it into him and Swift was back to the initial stage of pain. "You can't fall asleep, how would you heal quickly if you sleep off?" The old man said, sounding very innocent. He would teach him a lesson, he wouldn't forget in a hurry. He wanted to create a case whereby anytime Swift sees needles he would be traumatized. He couldn't stop laughing wickedly within him, he found it funny. They were doctors, their Job was to save life using their hands but they could also make life unbearable for someone while saving his or her life as well.


There she was sitting like a princess, a tall looking fair lady she was indeed very beautiful. She is one of the best, a princess like none other. She was already 6 Months pregnant, she sat around her friends. She had invited them over since she found the place very boring. This mansion was already in her name, she was so bored staying alone.

"Girl, I really envy you, you are always the lucky one. Though I must say, your parents are indeed wealthy but they are not as wealthy as them" One among the three girls who was around her said, looking at the mansion with envy. Her mansion is well furnished, and the designs were exquisite.

(Laughing) "I came carrying the future heir to this whole generation. The first grandchild ever. So darling what were you expecting? This child is of so much importance that he is treated like a king when he's not even born yet" She said proudly rubbing her baby bump. "It just a few more months to go and he would be out and come into the world" she said smiling happily

"Darling, we are all happy for you. You would be the mistress of this household very soon and you would have control of everything"

"That's a fact,you can say that again and again. My son is born lucky" she said, raising her cup filled with juice for a click. Her friends raised up their glasses, clicking their cups together, cheering happily.


"Madam, I have done exactly as you Instructed. Things are going just fine" Butler Sam said, looking at the Old woman. The Old woman Lily was not Old at all, she was just referred to as Old because she was already a grandmother.

Lily had the look of a woman who was in her late 40's. Just as usual, she sat on the balcony basking in the Morning sun. Ever since the incident with her grandson she had been in the humble resort at her parent's house. The Old man had come to beg her personally so she could return him but she didn't listen to him. So he had no choice but to leave her alone, he had instructed the Butler to serve her, but she changed her mind and returned home. But Lily wouldn't be returning home at all, she was happy to find out that her grandson was happy with the place. She felt she interacted with him here more than at the old man's place.

Sammy has also developed a new habit lately, he would sit close to his grandmother and also bask in the sun. He had also Gotten very interested in reading novels and was finding them so interesting. He felt he could relate to these novels more. But Sammy also had an inquisitive side. He suddenly got so interested in the information Butler Sam just made.

"I don't want her to lack anything, the child should be born healthy and remember she shouldn't find out that the child she is carrying doesn't belong to the eldest young master" she instructed "it's better she doesn't know yet, I have my plans"