
Chapter 195

They really taught him a lot of things. A life filled wty free living was far better than living in seclusion with a lot of hate.

Living life to the fullest what's the best thing anyone could ever do. It was far better than living in hatred blaming others and blaming the world as well. The event that the restaurant taught him a lot of things Phil felt there was more to Life than just living in anger and hatred. After a while he helped Swift clean up. There were many things he could do with his life now he had witnessed the event where the twins were very playful. They took life as easy as pie and it seems to understand better than he did. Life is difficult only when you make it difficult and it seems easy when you make it look easy. Those you have around you matters.

After having a very good meal, Swift felt better and he felt more energetic. He immediately took his bath and thought about visiting the old man. That way the old could check his wounds and tend to it. After all this was an internal Injury, it requires internal medication.

Going to the old man, he just found out that his master had just left a few minutes ago. The old man explained everything that was happening to the young mistress, Things that happened when she got the pill and everything about what happened after that. " It seems your master would return in a terrible state in the next 5 days because just like you he's thinking of engaging himself in a fight. (Laughs) The right word to call it, is a clean fight." The old man said rubbing an ointment around his chest area.

 (Scoffs) "When will you all learn to respect women? A woman got you into this situation and lucky for you you are still alive who knows what will happen to your master?. The woman in question it's already using the young mistress as her plaything, now she has already placed your master in a terrible state giving him a hit he never knew was coming. He is now at the right spot she wants him to be and it seems he is yet to notice it.(sigh) I am very impressed, such women are rare. They were very brilliant heartless and most of all smart" He said smiling

Swift hearing this was dumbfounded, if his Master did involve himself in such a fight he had a lot of doubts. He knew his master was strong when it comes to fighting but if he hadn't fought that woman himself he wouldn't believe she had such force behind her. He couldn't just explain it, it was as if she could control even the air around him. At some point he felt suffocated. In his subconsciousness, he had tried tracing all her movement, he wanted to understand what kind of moves she had used and to him it seems she did control the air around him

"I can't wait for your master to return to me for treatment. He would have a lot of internal injuries as well" He said proudly, he had a warm smile. It seems was already fantasizing about his master's treatment. It was odd, he just felt happy thinking about the state he would return in after the fight.

"Speechless," "Whose side are you really on?" Swift asked. The Old man's reactions and words were surprising to him. He couldn't believe it, the Old man's face brightens just at the thought. It seems the Old man was happy he got injured and was expecting his Master to be injured as well.

"I respect women, so I am definitely on their side. Only these beautiful ladies could put you proud fools in your place. The generation of now would say it this way 'She would kick your proud asses' " He said chuckling

"Speechless" Swift lost his words, he was dumbfounded, this was a slap to his face. The old man's words reminded him of his foolishness. And it seems this was the effect the old man wanted.

"Take drink this, this is a new portion I have been preparing for two days now. I wasn't expecting you to wake up this early. I had thought you would be in a coma for about a week, five days at most." The Old man said giving him a green looking liquid

Collecting it from him he gulped his down his throat "I am sorry to have disappointed you, but I am not that week"

"Hmmph, you were lucky enough. She was kind enough to have conveyed you guys home. If not for that little gracious act of hers, you would have been just like a dead man. Your coma could take a thousand years" 

Swift, thinking about it, suddenly felt grateful. If she hadn't given the order, he would have used all the energy. It seems she was aware of everything or maybe it was just a mere coincidence.

"I just hope your Master takes me along, I would love to see him get his ass kicked by that woman. She must be so young and beautiful" He said giving a sheepish smile

"Speechless," The old man had already told him the side he was on. So he wasn't surprised by his words. Just at the thought of his master getting beaten by a pregnant woman he felt giddy and funny. " She is pregnant" Swift suddenly said

"What? The lady who got you into this terrible state is pregnant?" He said sounding very surprised

"No, she isn't. The lady who got the young mistress into just a state is pregnant. So the Master would be fighting a pregnant woman" He said all in one go. Swift was surprised himself, it seems his injury had changed him, he was now talking a lot. Or maybe these traits had something to do with the meal Skull had fed him.