
Chapter 16

"President, I have been a Gynecologist for years, I have to say I find this Strange. She can't be pregnant except if she had gone through the IVF process and at that time, for it to be a success, it must fall at the woman's ovulation period. This would have been well calculated and planned. Something is indeed strange" A Gynecologist present gave out the fact.

"President, I am in charge of the IVF unit, please give us more time, I need to carry out a strict investigation in my unit" He said pleadingly, this was actually their own mistake, so they had to find out what had actually happened. How could some videos go missing?

" Dr. Clara. You've been an obstetrician for years and you're also an expert in this field. What do you think happened?"

"Thanks for giving me the room to speak, unlike some people who would just spill rubbish without permission. The lady in question is my goddaughter. We shouldn't be partial in this matter, she's already so lenient enough, she didn't sue the Hospital immediately. She's asking for an explanation. Just as you know, Steve has stated the fact that the victim is still a Virgin, and she had been in the hospital at that time the IVF session was on. Since her case wasn't recorded, I suspect two instances. The first is that it was a deliberate act and the second it was done unknowingly. But for the second i found it strange, there are no cameras showing she had gone to the IVF section. This means that she was injected with the sperm at her own location and still we can't find any trace about her location in the hospital at that time" Clara said with confidence, she kept glaring at Clinch, she could see how quiet he was. Surprisingly, this rude man was quiet, she was expecting him to interrupt her speech. "So how can we title this as a mistake?"

"This makes sense" They all said in a chorus, each of the members were whispering to each other again, making the environment noisy.

"Silence," The president said, hitting a dumbbell. "So what do you suggest?"

"Since this is our mistake and we can't prove otherwise, I would suggest we compensate her and then carry out a full investigation."

"Yes," Most of the board members said in unison, the only person who was quiet was the president himself. He kept thinking " How much would be enough for compensation?" He said looking at his subordinates.

"Boss, I would suggest half a million dollars" One of the doctors, who hasn't spoken before said.

"That money is too small, what are we doing? Are we giving the money to feed pigs?" Clinch said, stunning everybody with his words. The other members found it very strange, wasn't this the same person who had spoken some sour words earlier about the victim? What happened now?

"What amount do you suggest?" The president said giving Clinch his full attention.