
Chapter 164

It has already been two hours and they've been standing. 'Was this the way they treat their received guests?' Swift couldn't help but mutter these words angrily. Was this what she meant when she said make yourselves comfortable? Swift wanted sitting down on his own accord but something told him not to, since he had such bad feelings, he tried to bear it.

Phill hearing this had a smirk on his face 'Do you treat guests any better at your own place? You treat them worse than shit. At Least their treatment is far better than ours. For the young mistress we have to bear it all" he said sounding very frank and simple. Swift couldn't find any words to refute, surprisingly he didn't get angry. Maybe it was because what Phil had said was true or Maybe he was compelled by the mention of the Young mistress.

It was already getting to another hour which would make it a total of Three hours and Swift couldn't take it anymore "Who the hell is the second mistress? And why does she sleep for so long?" He said stomping his staff on the ground angrily. This was an insult to them, it was as if they were abandoned. He felt like they treated them like animals, he has never been treated in such a way.

Phil on the other hand had a calm look on his face. He wasn't disturbed at all, he could stand for even a day if they wanted to. But he was also confused, he hadn't seen his real master and unfortunately for him he knew nothing about Roselle but he knew there were three mistresses but he doesn't know which one is the second mistress or the first or the third. So he was silent, he couldn't give an answer to something he wasn't sure of. 

Judge, one of Selom's most trusted men, came into the hall "You have the right to sit but he would remain standing" he said pointing at Phil. Phil, hearing these instructions, thanked him and sat down. Now this was amazing, this was the first time he actually felt pleased with such a punishment. Swift couldn't believe his eyes, he couldn't stop glaring at Judge and Phil. Phil gave him an innocent look, the look which says 'I was instructed to sit down, it wasn't as if I sat on my own accord. We were both here, so you heard him. Don't give me such a look'

Judge seeing swift giving him such glares, he gave him sharp glares as well. If it wasn't part of his master's plan he would have fought him head on. Looking at Phil he gave him a warm look, this was now his subordinates and it was now his duty to protect him.

After he had given the instructions he left the hall. Surprisingly Lylic walked into the hall, the two men got attracted to her immediately, this was part of her charm as a woman. She drew attention everywhere she went. She was the goddess of Beauty, so she had to have such qualities. Walking into the hall with elegance, she had two men follow behind her, she wasn't like Roselle who would appear and disappear just drawing little attention to herself. Lylic was different, she preferred flaunting her beauty and uniqueness in everyone's faces and she achieved this each time.

The hall was designed similarly to that of the Korean Dynasty where the emperor passed his decree to the prime ministers and other subordinates. It had the feeling of Royalty and power, and words said here were established immediately. If anyone goes against the rule given he is normally struck by thunder. 

Looking at Phil she gave him a warm smile but this look immediately changed when she saw the other man. Waking up to the throne, she sat down on the seat beside the one Roselle had sat on earlier. Phil had been sitting for a while, immediately got up from the seat he was sitting. This was the essence of power, you could feel it and you had to respect it. "Have your seat" she commanded.

She was just coming from the Spa, and still had a lot of energy all thanks to the good massage. She did a lot of shopping and finally tricked the two aunts into watching movies and then she escaped from them and came home. She wanted the old women to have a joyous time together. Life was sweeter if not taken too seriously. She had just alighted from her car and she was immediately informed by her men that they had visitors. Knowing who they were, she had to spark a little fire, Roselle would be too tired and bored to play around but she wasn't that lazy. "What's your name?" She said pointing at the man standing, he was the one with an envelope.

"Swift Tiger, I am the right hand of my master and beside me is Skull" Swift said in one go, he felt the lady before him was too gorgeous. He didn't feel tired at all, he got an energetic feeling that the pain he got earlier was nothing to him. This must be who they were expecting.

"Your master is nameless?" She asked, looking at him strangely.

"He is Master Jackson" he replied

"Jackson….????" She said looking confused

Swift didn't understand what she was saying and why she looked confused. Seeing the look on his face she smiled "You are Swift Tiger, I guess that's just a coded name in your group and he is Jackson, he had no bloodline nor lineage?" She asked, she was expecting a surname even if it is a fake one. At least that was better than nothing.

Getting to the point he smiled "Master Jackson Black" he replied. He was the right hand man of his master and it would be shameful if he didn't know his master's full name. But he wasn't allowed to call him directly by his name.