
Chapter 146

Her pulse was also very normal, he had learnt the skills of a doctor himself for his own good. Then after a mission, he would come back injured and had nobody to treat him, so he had intentionally learnt every skill he needed to take care of himself and his family. So he could tell that she was okay, all he could do now was to wait patiently till she woke up. But wasn't she hungry? If he had slept off for even a day on his own he would have awakened due to hunger. Except those days when he was in a coma.

"Mistress, when are you going to wake up?" he said, looking at her calm face. He found it very interesting, the peace one could have is when someone is deep asleep. He would have taken her back to her family but he had no right to, without her permission.

Few hours later, Selom got up, stretching her arms and yawning. She was damn hungry, she had a very nice dream and had also gotten to know her children. Even if it was a dream, she still felt happy playing with them. Walking up she feltore refreshed and energetic. It was as if someone had donated all his energy to her vein. "What a good day, '' she said with a smile" Looking around the room, it was empty. "Where on earth did he go?" she said, massaging her aching temple. She was hungry and wanted to send him on an errand. (Stomach grumbling) "Oh God, did I sleep for a century, why am I this hungry?" Selom said with a frown.

"Ummn, That's a very nice aroma, where is it coming from?" Selom said getting up from the bed and following the scent. The aroma was coming from the kitchen, she had to admit, the whole place was looking all neat and tidy, now it was more like a human home. Phil was in the kitchen, looking happily, he whistled a lullaby. Selom found it funny, weren't there any other songs he could whistle while cooking? Why a lullaby then?

"Ain't there any other songs to whistle? Why a lullaby? She asked

"That's the only song I Know" he replied without following the direction of the voice, now it turned on to him. This was the mistress' voice. Using a reflex action,he turned looking at his master in shock. 'She is awake' he said to himself smiling. "Mistress, you are awake" He had forgotten the sauce he was making, he had been turning it earlier before she came. Due to the shock he left the spoon inside the pan of sauce and his eyes were glued on her in shock. Selom looking at home was confused, why was he this way? He looked like she had just risen from the dead and if such looks go on the whole house would be on fire.

"Phil, your sauce would burn" She said pointing towards the pan of sauce. There was still no reaction from him. "Phil," she shouted. This brought him back to his senses "Yes master" he replied