
Chapter 131

A fight normally happens between both people who are of equal strength and status, so ever since they were in the human world they avoided any source of such fight because they were far superior to human beings. They were immortals for God's sake, they could live for a thousand years but human lives barely a hundred years. They were always quiet and they behave normal just like humans but they were already so prepare in the human world

 When the got prepared it could just take few years or decades or maybe even a century so they always got ready and made use of whatever they may find. 

Selom hated people who interfered with friend's fight, she hated them with surprise. Watching the scene she could see Lylic fighting the same man, while Roselle faced a young beautiful and slender lady. But she was more interested in the man

Suddenly the atmosphere became so cold; Selom couldn’t explain the way she felt, she suddenly felt the strong urge to kill. Her teeth and fingers began to elongate. She jumped of the balcony and landed on the ground, the color of her eye changed, her pupils which were dark brown became greenish in color. With the motion of her hands she sent people flying over with a strong hit of waves. Her loved ones didn’t notice her presence this was because they all had their hands full. Selom’s main target was none other than the man who had attacked them three months ago.

Her opponent seeing her seems to move away immediately avoiding her. On getting to the spot he was, she interrupted the fight between him and Lylic “Leave him to me, I would handle him” she said with a smile

(Looking shocked)” we asked you to stay indoors what you are doing here?” Lylic said with a deep frown on her face.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Roselle is taking too long in her fight, go give her a hand” Selom said looking so serious. Lylic had no choice but to do exactly as told, she had a feeling that Selom could do well in the fight but she was still very worried, she was so worried that she didn’t notice any changes in her friend’s face. She immediately stops the fight and Selom advanced at the man at full speed. He had to confess he suddenly felt scared of her.

“You would be dead for sure” she said with a smile.

Looking at her she had no weapons, this made him smile. Last time when he had fought with her she wasn’t pregnant and had no weapons, then he was at a full advantage and now he felt he would win all he had to do is to hit her on her stomach.

“Bring it on, if you can hit me once on my stomach, I would be your slave for life” she said with confidence. Hearing this he was shocked, how did she know what he was thinking?