
Chapter 128

The atmosphere was becoming so dangerous that the three women clench their fists. Teresa and Clara felt curious, they wanted to know what had happened. Lylic explained the matter to them and they also became very angry. They felt like killing the man, but more than the hatred they felt for him, they felt pity for him. This was the greatest mistake on his path. He wouldn't have messed with the three women . 

No one would be able to save him, he was dead meat now. The fact that her daughter was almost injured by the man's blade made her blood boil but luckily Roselle took the hit. If Selom was affected, she would have lost her child due to the poison. 

When she was younger, she had brewed poisons before and knew how dangerous such a poison was. Though the three girls were fed poison when they were little, she had to stop administering them to her daughter after she decided to settle in the human world. 

This was because it got to a time when a war broke out and the devils rebelled against the Heavens. At that time, they had just conceived and were yet to give birth to their offspring, they couldn't let them die at such a young age, so they decided to find a hiding place in the human world. Their fight was so intense that Heaven seems to be losing, this was because those Demons had planted spies amidst them and had fed the warriors poisons in their drinks. 

This was the dirtiest move ever but what could one except from the Devil himself? He was cunny and trickish. They had left to save themselves and till date they didn't know who had won the fight, this was because they were an abomination themselves, they couldn't go back to the Heavens. 

Someone who had left them instead of fighting to help couldn't be considered a relative at all, he was a traitor. And if the devil did win, then he would haunt them, because he wouldn't want any survival. So their home was in the human world. They also had it at the back of their mind that their stay in the human world was temporary. 

They were fully prepared to take Revenge for their friends and family who had died in the fight. They brought their offsprings to the world and taught them a lot of things preparing them ready for the war. They underwent strict training creating a room for them to defend themselves. But sometimes things don't go according to the way it is planned.

Few minutes later they became calm. " Selom, we would go out but you would have to stay indoors"

"Sure" she accepted immediately. This was a shock to Roselle and Lylic, it was unlike Selom to agree to something so easy and this had to do with killing. Everybody knew how she felt good when she kills, ever since her child formed, her urge to kill increased.