
Chapter 112

Raising the board up high I didn't have time shouting and screaming like others who were around me. Their noises were already getting on my nerves, to avoid surprises, I placed my index fingers on my palm and rubbed it slowly creating small circles. This always helps me conquer those nerves.

 Since I had no strength to shout, I just held it up high and I knew if my mum came across it she would surely find her way to my place. "Oh god I can't stand for too long" I couldn't help but complain.

I was about given up on the whole idea of standing, then I saw a beautiful lady walking up to me I had to say it's been over 3 months since I last saw my mum and I'm glad I wasn't looking bad as well she was looking young as always 

"Oh my god Selom darling is this you what a big tummy you have there" my mother said rubbing my stomach I couldn't stop chuckling, because I found it very funny.  

Looking around, I couldn't find aunt Clara, I was told that both of them would be coming. So why was my mom all alone? "Mum, where's Aunt Clara?" I asked, looking around.

(Laughing) " I almost forgot, she is currently arguing with a young man over there. He had slightly pushed your aunt and he didn't apologize. So your Aunt wouldn't let that go, she wants to annoy him to death" My mom said with amazement written all over her face.

"She should put that man in his place" I said.

"Tell me darling, how did your stomach get from this to this?" My mom said using her hands to demonstrate my baby bumps level on her own stomach. Indeed it was also very surprising, it seems my stomach grew overnight. 3 months ago, my stomach was like that of a Normal person. Now being six months it was so big and heavy.

"That young man is indeed mannerless" I could hear Aunt Clara's voice from a distance. My pregnancy was indeed an advantage. My hearing senses were now 10 more times active. I could imagine the frown she had on her face and this made me laugh. "What a nuisance, such a good for nothing." She said again, this time she sounded more closer. "Oh dear, is this you?" Aunt Clara said, placing her hands above her mouth looking so surprised. "Wow, your belly is very big, '' she said, placing her hand over my stomach. " Have you ran a scan on your child to know what sex he or she is?"

" You're also surprised by the sudden growth right? I asked her a lot of questions and age didn't answer any one of them" my mom said with a frown

These two women are something else. They ain't stressed out by the long flight at all. I was already getting so tired if standing, they were too curious to even notice it 

" How have you been darling? I've missed you a lot and Clara said giving me a tight hug. This was what I expected from them, but they were just like nagging women.