
Chapter 108

(Sigh) " you both won't let me out of the house. I already feel like a prisoner, how do you expect me to haunt the so-called bastards?" she said with a slight frown. Looking at her body weight it was really so terrible. She was getting too obese for her liking. She felt so fat and it irritated her. Now what was she supposed to do? Her belly was so big and she was getting too stuffed with food that an animal had no choice. Sg felt like running away, but even that wish if hers cannot be fulfilled. The mansion is fully guarded, there was no way a pregnant woman like her would escape.

"You may leave," Lylic said, giving an immediate order. She wanted these men to leave as soon as possible before it gets too late. Selom could change her mind in jiffy, now she was the center of worry. They were now very cautious when it came to matters concerning her. 

What had happened a month ago was a reminder. Selom suddenly developed a huge urge to kill, someone had made the mistake of attacking her secretly and she wiped out the whole unit all by herself. The story was still a mystery, the doctor had asked them to be more cautious that was why they placed her on house arrest. She suddenly became very strong and grew more sensitive to smell, and her senses were very good.

 Her eyesight has also improved so much, she could see even better when it's dark. This was totally weird, it was as if the child she was carrying was helping her out. It seemed like the child wasn't human. They had suggested she check the gender of the child but she wasn't willing. Lylic was now getting so worried, though it was normal since they themselves weren't ordinary beings but the will Selom had to kill was scary. 

She had said she felt so good after killing, but the most joyful part was the part where she only killed the bad guys. But they couldn't let her keep on with it, she would attract more enemies and more enemies meant more bloodshed.

"I just received a call from Aunty, she would be coming over, Aunty Clara would come with her as well. Since you want to go outside the house, then it won't be much of a problem going to the airport to pick them, would it?"Lylic didn't actually say the truth, they were the ones who instigated Selom's mom and aunt coming, if they were here, they would have nothing to worry about. They could happily go to clean up Selom's mess and with the around she would be more distracted.

(Smiling) " I always knew you loved me to death. Darling, I am already so suffocated in this whole" Selom said standing up in an abrupt manner, she had forgotten she was pregnant. Feeling the sharp pain, she looked down at her stomach.

(Laughing) "you are such an ingrate, you call such a beautiful mansion a hole? we are doing all this to protect you and you feel caged?. Due to your excitement, you forgot about being pregnant and got my child in danger"