
Chapter 104

Hearing this she got so angry, this ambush was taking her weeks to plan. Now Roselle was beginning to piss her off. When she gets her by the neck, she would make sure she tortures her to death. But now she had to let out her frustration somehow. Anytime she gets angry she would surely kill someone but that would always make her father so angry and she didn't like it when he was annoyed with her.

"How could it be that we were just finding out about it just now?" She said with a deep frown.

"Young mistress, it seems it wasn't planned. Based on the information, I think something unexpected must have happened, ``the young man replied. He was already shivering, everyone has a weakness and something he or she is afraid of and for him, he was afraid of death.

"Something unexpected? Like what? Did they find her dead or something?" She asked with a wicked smile.

All her men were so Speechless, how could they give an answer to this? It seems their mistress was mad, she was obsessed with killing and needed help. But they couldn't say this to her face. Those who served under her were always afraid of getting her annoyed, though she had undergone therapy but they still felt threatened.

Selom was busy with all the travelling process. Things got easier since she had more helping hands. Lylic would help her both day and night as a friend while Roselle would help her and state her reasons. But she knew better, Roselle was already coming around and this was all thanks to the fight they had in the restaurant terrace. Though they knew she was their queen and they were to serve her till death.

"I still don't like you, the reason I am helping out is because I got you into this mess in the first place. I have to watch out for you, nothing should go wrong. I spent over tens of millions to get you pregnant, so that child is so expensive" Roselle would say pointing to her stomach.

Now things were getting so boring, Lylic and Roselle would do all her Jobs and stuff her up with food. Sometimes she felt like running away from them. She had thought about running to her mom and aunt Clara but to her surprise, they weren't of any help instead they sold her out into Lylic and Roselle's arms. 

She was now like a prisoner, she had plans to relocate to Australia just for five years with a new identity, that way nobody would know her. She had imagined how free her life would be and how peaceful it would be but all those thoughts and imagination were broken with just a sentence.

"It's better we stay together, so we would all have a new identity. Selom we need to protect you" Lylic said with a smile

"Protect your ass, I can protect myself" Selom said with a frown. Now their presence was getting too much and it was now irritating.

"You wouldn't be able to raise a leg if you get to 6 months"