

Hmm, this is getting boring . There is literally nothing to do except for wait for the Otsusutski and do the occasional human rights violations. I have all the Kekei genki and techniques, black zestu is in my inventory inside stasis ,Danzo and Orochimaru are dead ,everyone else that could be a threat is either dead or brainwashed to hell and back.

The work was also kinda getting to me honestly after all I was not only leading root but was Hokage in all but name . All of the less then legal and downright evil stuff is also probably taking a toll on me due to me having a husk of a conscience which is probably buried deep inside walls of greed if I am to be honest. I do not think I can continue this more and for the sake of whatever is left of my sanity that I cling to .

It is kinda funny really, before my reincarnation I would have never considered doing all the things that I have . Someone wide once did say that absolute power corrupts absolutely and they were right.

It is decided I will go on a vacation and I have just the world in mind . I am going to MHA and maybe I could give the whole hero thing a try that is before One For All gets arrested after which I will probably do to that world what I did to my current one during project night raid. I mean seriously some of the quirks are totally bs and I would not mind getting my hand on them and unlike my current world I would not be stopped by familial obligation at least not that much.

I am currently in my office doing paper work while under my desk who I think is Hali's mom giving me heads with Sakura watching me . I should probably mention that I yeeted Haku into the Boku no Pico universe because really the confusion was not worth it . I am straight damn it , I am straight as a ruler made of steel but I will make exceptions occasionally if it gives me profit , just like child abuse while I may not be okay with it as long as it gives me what I want then I am all for it .

As Madara likes to say I wake up to reality when Sakura places my hourly tea. As I drink my tea, I can not help but give a sigh of contentment while drinking it . I can totally understand why the British were so obsessed with this stuff . The guy that invented this wonderful glorious drink is a legend . I mean seriously I wonder what I would do without my secretary or tea which reminds me" Hey Sakura we going on a vacation just you and me , pack all of your clothes,".

As she goes away I can not help but slightly lament how much of a failure project berserk was.My initial plans for her was to have her everywhere with me then develop an emotional connection with her by basically spending most of my time with her then kill her to further evolve my Kamigan after all of the sharingan can be evolved then my dojutsu should be able to evolve as well due to it being a combination of the sharingan and all other dojutsu.

I however failed to account for how strong that bond would become. It is not fair, I hate this oh so much. I did not hesitate to torture and kill all those children ,whose name I could not be bothered to remember, but I hesitate with Sakura of all people ?

Sakura is useless, useless I tell you. She is so useless that she can not even be a good little sacrifice for my ambitions to ultimate power . You know what the worst part is ? It is the fact that I do not understand at all why I had fallen for her, her personality is that of a vapid bimbo what with all the obsession she had for her " Sasuke -kun". For the looks department the only thing she has going for her is her buttocks on which you can bounce a penny on and trust me I checked it for science.

I am brought out of my musings as Sakura enters my office with all her stuff in a suitcase and I promptly get out of my seat while taking my meat canon out of the mouth of the Yuki clan matriarch . I of course put away the meat canon and I go towards Sakura while I lovingly caress her cheek and say while smiling " You know I hate it how much I love you",

I promptly yeet her into a stasis pod that I put into my inventory.

' System take me to MHA '