
Self Insert Into Fate With The First True Magic

...I hate myself...Well, my high self. Who In the bloody hell does anonymous anime surveys while high? And thinks It a fucking good idea to pick Fate as the starter World?! " *Sigh* Well, at least I got the First Magic out of this..." ** - [ I own nothing, but my own creations ] - - [ Tags: Fate/Grand Order ~ Nasuverse ~ Type-Moon ] - - [ Extra Tags: Male MC ~ Handsome MC ~ Harem(?) ~ Nero Alter ~ First Magic ~ Stronger To Stronger ~ Lazy & Unpredictable MC ~ WishFulfillment ~ ] -

DarlingOfScathach · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

[ Chapter - 1: I Hate My Self ]

You know after living as an adult for several years. You can tell how your day is going to be depending on how you wake up.

A skill I'm rather proud of...

Take, for example, those days where you get off on the wrong side of the bed. Your body aches, your head pounds, the world spins in a nauseating way and even the most innocent inconvenience seems custom-designed to make you blow up into a breakdown. Those days are certain to be horrible.

As for a good day... well I wouldn't know enough about those to say anything on that subject. However, I could tell my day and coming days are going to be completely a wreck.


The first reason was when I came to, it was not to my bedroom.

Second and technically related to the first reason was that the place where I returned to awareness was a body that wasn't mine, and a new set of memories that aren't mine.

The third was that instead of pleasant wallpaper and a homey feel, the entire place was blood-stained drenched with the scent of spilled intestines.

...Then my eyes fell on the scene before me.

The crying child on the floor, bound and gagged. The demonic runic circle I was standing In, drawn in a bright red substance whose coppery smell told me it was blood. A red-haired man with a deranged look in his eyes, and a hunting knife in his right hand. This man's victims, two bloody corpses lying at the side...

While I couldn't remember what I was doing before, I was pretty sure that being dragged into the world of Fate/Zero was not in my schedule today...Or is It Fate/Zero? Because I for one have a sickening feeling, It's not the world, I think It is...

Just a hunch...

Still, I could worry about my current status later. Right now, I have a serial killer looking at me with a mixture of confusion and bad intentions.

Since I had never bothered to learn Japanese apart from the tattered bits and pieces I had learned via Anime and Manga and the occasional video game, I have no understanding of what he was speaking.

However, I did have an understanding of someone's intentions when they use their knife to try and poke you in the eye.

I quickly dodge his attack, only to be assaulted again by the knife. As I retreat even further behind, I was admittedly surprised by the speed and fury of Ryuunosuke's attacks. Isn't he supposed to be interested in killing only women and children?

Then he rants something in Japanese. I could roughly translate the words for 'Demon' and 'Death' but I think I understood what he was saying. He wants to try killing a demon for a change, I think.

Of course, I had to be the one to be summoned... Fuck my life.

I survey the room before Ryuunosuke attacks any further. While dark, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness to a surprising degree. Most of the room was completely trashed and probably was that way, even before my summoning. The kid captured by Ryuunosuke was lying on the ground, unmoving and completely still, dead. The exit is on the other side of the room, behind Ryuunosuke. Escape through there was an opinion.

I could try to escape through one of the side rooms, but it was likely that I would end up trapping myself since I have no idea where they lead to.

Which means fighting back is the only option.

Ryuunosuke was faster, stronger, and slightly taller than I was. Moreover, he was attacking me like a wild animal, clearly with the intent to kill. However, I could use that to my advantage, since he was attacking without any kind of plan.

Apart from a few months in Karate, I had zero experience in self-defense. But I was in good shape, and my reflexes and reaction speed were superior to his. The first step to my victory would be to deprive the enemy of his weapon.

Before he could attack any further, I swiftly punched him, as hard as I could in his face... blowing his head off his shoulders.

" Holy shit." Was my reaction, as blood splashed my face, with the head rolling past my feet.

' I just killed someone...' And yet, why don't I feel something? Because he was evil? Because he was a murderer?

...Or because I just simply don't care?

" Mmmm!"

Hearing something, I walked to a room next to me and opened It. In this room was another child bound and gagged.

' Fuck my life.' Already thinking of several terrible possibilities, I cursed as I slowly walked to the little boy.

" Don't worry the red-head is no more." Yeah sorry, kiddo, I got no better way to put It, hell his blood is all over me right now, so let's take this one step at a time.

"Mmmm!" Seeing me, a blood-covered stranger, he yelled In fear, behind his rope-covered mouth.

Right, I probably looked like some demon to him, appearing out of nowhere as I did, the blood didn't help my case either.

Slowly, I crouched down tried to give a reassuring smile, but I don't think it worked, " Can you understand me?"

The kid went stock still, panicked eyes roaming over my face, before nodding once.

" Good. Good," I replied, keeping my smile in place, " Okay. I'm gonna get you out of there. Roll over and hold still a minute so I can get your hands loose."

It took a few seconds for me to pick away at the edge of the duct tape and rope before I got a good hold of it. With a few tugs, I pulled it loose before going to work on the strips binding his legs together while his freed hands pulled the gag out of his mouth.

I never really thought about how small kids his age could be. When the boy stood up, I was still taller than him even when crouched down. He was trembling too. I think adrenaline was the only thing keeping him conscious.

Looking up at me, fear was written all over his eyes. I wonder why?

Shrugging my shoulders,  I continued, " What's your name? Do you have family or friends nearby?"

" Yuki," He nodded shakily, though it takes him a moment to find his voice. I broke a little from how listless it sounded, " Hana-chan lives a few houses down."

" Alright, good," I sighed with relief before looking the boy dead in the eye, " Yuki, I need you to be strong for a little bit longer," I looked around for the most likely exit. Keeping myself between him and the…bodies, I led him to the door, " Can you make it to Hana-chan's house by yourself?"

Seeing freedom must have sparked something because Yuki perked up a little bit. His nod was a little more determined, " But what about you?"

I gestured back to the other room," I got more business to take care of." I waved my hand," Now go on."

As his little hand grasped the door handle, Yuki paused before looking back, " Arigato, Akuma-san."

With that said, he disappeared into the night.

" Akuma? I must really look like a demon then If he said that." I snorted, as I waited a few minutes and ran out the house.

Sensing something, I saw the beautiful ring In the sky, the ring from FGO.

' Great, I must be In a Singularity, then.' I groaned, running down the empty dark streets.
