
The general's son

In the distance, three ships anchored on the dock, they docked and surrounded Renderman's ship. 

It seemed like they were interested about the light on the ship. They were akin to some evening insects that were attracted toward the light source. 

Of course. Small and simple boats look luxurious and attract the attention of other boats around the island of goat. 

The plane belonged to Mr. Lambart and Prof. Zak returned to fly. From the clumps of white clouds, they watched the ship of light. But Mr. Lambart lost patience to oversee the situation down there. Mr. Lambart became worried, he could no longer monitor Napolly remotely.

 On top of the renderman ship, soon broke out a fierce battle. The ship was attacked by pirates. They want to take the boat.

 "They are pirates!" Mr. Lambart said. "We have to land!"

 Mr. Lambart came down from the plane. The aircraft was automatically controlled by Prof. Zak from another plane.

Mr. Lambart jumped from the plane and landed lightly on a tall tree. 

Nearly thirty people against two, the battle was not at all balanced. Three pirate groups worked together to attack the small boat like ship. They were black dragon pirates, wind pirates, Storm and Lion Night pirate group. These pirates only dared to attack small ships that have weak weapons and combat capabilities, such as fishing vessels, small traders, and stray foreign ships. 


Renderman ship have never been their target. The ship belonged to a poor fishermen, who did not have land and home. 

But tonight, Renderman's ship was brightly lit, light indicated that the ship had extraordinary fuel sources, other ships look bleak without light and food. 

Renderman's ship was too arrogant and challenging in their eyes. It's just that they were confused, after managing to surround the two young people, they were defeated easily. Because someone helped them. 

Mr. Lambart flew and swung a kick that dropped them. Goat islands, was a free zone, and the free fertile market areas didn't have any rulers. The island is the dark market that bought mankind. 

The island was protected by the world's government, so the island was strictly forbidden for people who commit acts of violence. 

And, the robbers only dared to act up in the coastal area. Of course they didn't violate the order of the god's level agreement. The island located in the North Sea, was only 45 km² which separates the Zohran country from 3 other countries. Goat island was surrounded by three opposite kingdoms, formed into a perfect triangle from geographical point of view. 

The island of goat is like a triangle of life, among the 3 royal kingdoms opposite. The ship of light happened to be anchored in the southern pier, the old dock that was rarely visited by small and poor ships. 

The main port of goat island was in the north, a very big but busy port, they charge a high price for ships that needed anchorage. That's why he stopped at the old dock which was not charged. 

To get to the main port from the south the distance was very far. It was unknown how long it would take on foot or riding, but the road was very winding, with lots of mud and wild animals. 

There were no weapons or high martial skills that could beat cunning animals which enjoy disturbing people who pass through. 


Mr. Lambart slowly flew to a high tree. 

"Mr. Lambart!" Renderman shouted loudly. 

Mr. Lambart was surprised. Renderman knew who he is. Even though he disguised perfectly. 

"Do you know me?" 

Renderman nodded. 

Mr. Lambart was surprised yet again. Even though it was very late in to the night, why could this youth recognize him and knew his name. 

Renderman released a blue crystal bracelet hidden from his leather bag. "My father said that this crystal is yours. And, I could find the owner of the bracelet, if it was close enough to that person, Mr. Lambart from the Snow Clouds, the master of clouds!" Renderman smiled happily. 

Mr. Lambart looked at Renderman carefully. "Who are you? How did you know me?" Mr. Lambart floated lightly back to the ship. 

"My father has told me about you, sir!" Renderman answered, and bowed respectfully. 

"Who is your father?" Mr. Lambart was surprised, he did not believe that he found his best friend's son. 

"General Horsky from Glamstar!" Renderman answered firmly. 

Mr. Lambart was stunned. It's not stange anymore. He did give his bracelet to his friend. This young man was really the son of General Horsky. 

Napolly found this person familiar. Princess Napolly looked at Mr. Lambart with an expression that was difficult to be described. She seemed to know the man in white. 


On the light ship there was a warm and familiar conversation. They were busy chatting until morning. The three people on the ship didn't sleep. 

Nov Lam heard stories about two people with her mouth agape. She didn't understand their story at all. She was actually very sleepy but she really wanted to listen to their stories to fill his empty memory. 

"I'm separated from my father and mother!" Renderman said, staring directly into the sea. "My mother was kidnapped and imprisoned near a volcano, while my father, was with guerrilla troops who were still loyal to free Glamstar land from King Zohran. Father has turned me into orphan on the sea of sea residents. I want to be the ruler of the ocean which has a large number of troops to fight conspirators, pirates were allied with King of Zohran!"

Renderman stood on the ship's deck with his hand on the hips. 

Mr. Lambart smiled, he liked the spirit of this young man, he was a free fighter, and was not afraid.

"The fuel you have is worth three times your ship, by selling this ship you can have a big ship and a very well equipped arsenal!" Mr. Lambart looked at this young man with a wise smile. He could understand Renderman's flaring emotions. 

Renderman was shocked. "Weapon? For what?" 

"To fight robbers or criminals who want to know where you got the energy source of your ship this energy from!" Explained Mr. Lambart. 

Nov Lam was scared. She's the one who created the energy source on this ship.