
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

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38 Chs


LOOKING AT THE tasty food served on the table, Zoe forgot the shameful scene she had earlier in her office.

After making sure she looked decent, she went to join the kids in dinner and Hans followed after her.

"Mami, you took so long to come out."

"Ah, sorry, I fell asleep."

"Mami should rest well when she gets home."

"Yes, yes, I will."

Zoe started to eat the delicious food while listening to the kids talking about how Hans taught them how to cook a chocolate pudding.

"Wait! Phoenix, Vegas? Chocolate?"

"Mami, Dadi made it sugar-free for us with diabetes!" Vegas grinned.

"Oh, good. But is it okay for the others to eat a chocolate pudding?"

Nurse Wendy answered, "Mr. Hans used cacao and also, he added some avocado. So it's still healthy, Miss Zoe."

"Hmm. Okay." Zoe nodded as she ate a spoonful of chocolate pudding and her eyes glimmered as the taste melted in her tongue.

"It's so good!" Zoe can't help but exclaimed happily.

"We made it with Dadi's help, Mami!" The kids said proudly.

"Very good. Someday you will be good in cooking and don't forget to cook for Mami, okay?"

"Yes, Mami!"

They continued to eat like a happy family should be. Zoe was very happy spending this time with the kids and Hans.

Speaking of him, Zoe kept on stealing glances at Hans who's seating at the other end of the table while eating quietly and speaking with the kids from time to time.

She's genuinely happy seeing the scene.

They ended their dinner with full stomachs. For the kids, it was the best dinner they have since Mami joined them and they finally have a Dadi.

The kids were already sent to their room so they could clean themselves and get ready to sleep. Meanwhile, Zoe helped the kitchen staffs in cleaning the table and Hans went out to get his car.

"It was such a fun day for us, Miss Zoe," Nurse Wendy said beside her as they finished cleaning.

"Yes, it is. I hope it lasts forever, Nurse Wendy."

It was indeed fun and she didn't expect that Hans would truly agree to be the Dadi of the kids.

She should stop worrying about it already and embrace the changes that will come with Hans being part of their family in the shelter.

"I'll go check on Hans, Nurse Wendy."

"Sure, Miss Zoe."

Zoe walked the way out of the shelter to look for Hans but what greeted her was something she couldn't believe.

It was her husband talking with another woman! And they were smiling at each other?!

Suddenly, Zoe felt something pricked her heart. Hans never smiled at her like that.

She was so jealous.

All she got was either a blank or cold expression, worse is that he looks at her like a person whom he hated the most.

'Why can't I also have that smile?'

Staying calm even though she's hurting inside, Zoe walks towards them. She couldn't let someone stole her love away from her.

She's possessive with Hans.

As soon as she stopped beside Hans, Zoe snaked her arms around his slender one, "Here you are."

The next thing she did was out of jealousy and she didn't think much before doing it.

Zoe tiptoed and pressed her lips on Hans' cheek.

She doesn't care if Hans wouldn't like it but she needed to show this woman that Hans is hers.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, my dear husband," Zoe smiled at Hans who was looking down at her with dark eyes.

'Crap. He will kill me!'

Before Hans could do anything, she faced the woman in front of them.

Zoe smiled sweetly, "Oh Dhonna. Are you here to pick your little sister?"

"Yes, Miss Zoe. I'll bring Dianne home," Dhonna smiled shyly at her.

Dhonna was the big sister of Dianne Diez, a five-year old little girl who have a polio. She was infected by the virus when she was only three. Since there is no cure for the disease, Angels' Haven provides treatment to alleviate its symptoms, like having physical therapies.

"I'll get her! Would you like to come with me?" Zoe asked.

She can't just leave these two alone!

"Sure, Miss Zoe."

"I will get her," Hans interrupted, "the two of you, stay here."

Zoe wasn't able to say anything since Hans already walked away. So she has no choice but to wait for them with Dhonna.

"Just got out of work?" Zoe asked as she saw the woman still in her executive attire.

"Yes, Miss Zoe. There's a lot of things to handle in the company."

"Mmm.. I'm sure you can do them all."

"Thank you. How was my sister doing, Miss Zoe?"

Zoe smiled, recalling the happy face of Dianne earlier, "I bet she's enjoying it here. She has a lot of friends. She's also doing well during therapies."

"I'm glad. Thank you for taking care of her everytime I have no time."

"Don't mention it. Angels' Haven is for everyone and I can see that you are really making time for your little sister."

Dhonna smiled sadly, "That's the only thing I could do for her."


The excited voice coming from their behind was of Dianne's. Hans is pushing her wheelchair and the other kids followed behind them in their pajamas.

"Dhonna, are we going home?" Dianne asked as they reached their spot.

"Yes. We will. Mama is waiting for us!"

"Mama is home? I want to see Mama!"

"Of course, we will see her."

Hans carried Dianne and gently put her inside Dhonna's car.

"Miss Zoe, we will go now," Dhonna bid her goodbye.

Zoe nodded, "Yes, take care."

Dhonna faced Hans and smiled at him, "Hans, let's see each other sometime. Bye."

"Sure, Dhonna."

Zoe frowned upon hearing their conversation.

They are using first name basis, seems like they are close. And did she just invited him to go out which he also agreed?

Zoe wanted to glare at these two but she stopped herself. The kids are watching them.

"Mami, Dadi, bye bye everyone!" Dianne waved her hands out of the car's window.


As the car disappeared in front of them, Zoe walked to the other kids and kissed their foreheads.

"We will also go home now, kids. Be good, okay? Mami will see you again next week."

"Yes, Mami. Will Dadi also visit us?" Jessica asked.

Zoe was irritated again. For sure he will see Dhonna next week.

"Dadi is busy," Zoe answered them.

"I am free next weekend," Hans corrected her.

'Oh, he will meet Dhonna during weekdays.'

"Yay! Dadi will be here again!" Denyse jumped happily.

Zoe smiled for the kids, "That's good. Bye kids. See you."

Zoe glanced at Hans who was also looking at her, "I'll go there first," she pointed his car.

Hans nodded and she walked the way to Hans' parked car. It was a luxurious black Lincoln car. She never seen it in their house.

She reached for it's handle to open but she can't.

"It's a fingerprint based lock."

Zoe was startled. Hans was already behind her.


Hans pressed his thumb into the biometric scanner and with that, the car was opened.

"Get in."


Zoe got inside the car. Hans was getting used in commanding her with his cold words.

'Hmmph! If I don't love you I already left you after our wedding!'


Love? She love him?

All Zoe know is that she admired Hans since then. She doesn't know that she's falling for him little by little.

Their ride back home was silent. Zoe was lost in her thoughts. Hans drove quietly while making himself aware of Zoe's sudden changed of mood.

They reached their house with no conversation happened in the car. After Hans parked in the garage, Zoe opened the car door but it's lock.

'Does Hans' fingerprint still needed to open the door from inside?'

She thought that it only works from the outside.

"Wait here."

Hans got out and opened the door for her. She thanked him with a small smile before heading inside the house.

She's not in the mood and she's still mad at Hans.

'He should not dare cheat on me!'


It's Sunday morning, work-out day for Zoe. Last night he called Fern if he could pick her up so they can go to the gym together.

"You should ask Hans to drive for you."

Fern rejected her many times but she insisted, telling him that Hans is busy. After many times of persuasion, Fern agreed with a groan which made Zoe grinned on the other line.

Wearing a loose white t-shirt and black leggings, paired with a white rubber shoes, Zoe was waiting for Fern outside. She woke up early so she wouldn't bump into Hans but her husband was up earlier than her.

"Fern will pick me up."

"Tell him to go back."

"But he's already near."

"Damn it."

Zoe flinched when Hans cursed behind her. She could feel the annoyance radiating from him.

"The two of you can use my gym here."

"My trainer is waiting for me at Wellness Gym."

"Cancel it."

Zoe couldn't hold it anymore so she turned at Hans with a frown, "I can't just do that, Hans. If I borrow someone's time, I make sure that I will be there."

Hans opened his mouth but he couldn't make out some words. He just stared at Zoe who has an irritated look. She's been acting like that since last night and he doesn't know the reason behind it.

A car stopped in front of them and Zoe turned her back on him.

Carrying her gym bag, she glanced back at Hans, "I'll take my leave now. See you later!"

"I'll bring her back, Mr. Donovan," Fern grinned at him and they rode off, disappearing from Hans' sight.

In the Wellness Gym...

"That's right! You're doing good!"

Zoe kept her attacks strong as possible. She's throwing punches and kicks to her opponent, Drew Jackson, her long-time trainer who just blocks and dodges her strikes at the moment.

They were inside a ring and having a kickboxing fight for her cardio training. Sweats dripping down her face and she's breathing hard.

Kickboxing has been her outlet to let out all her frustrations in life.

The scene of Hans smiling at other woman but not her kept replaying in her mind and she's getting bitter with it.

Her blows towards Drew were getting harder and faster. She's imagining that her trainer is Hans and she wanted to punch his handsome face for being a moron!

"Ouch!" Zoe knocked down on the floor when Andrew gave her low kick. The force was just enough to make her lose her balance and fell.

"You can't still beat me in this sport, Abi," Drew commented as he removed his gloves.

"Tch. Can you be a little more gentle with the girls?" Zoe glared at Andrew who's looking down at her with a smug grin.

"Nope. We don't do that here!" He pulled Zoe up by her arm to help her stand by her feet.

Upon making sure she's in a stable position, Zoe took two steps backward and do a spinning back kick, hitting Drew on his belly pad that sent him flying against the boxing ring ropes.

"We're still inside the ring, don't let your guards down, bro!" Zoe hastily jumped out the ring before Drew can recover.

"Hey! You're such a she-devil, Abigail!"

"Am I too kind to be a devil?!" Zoe giggled and stuck her tongue out to Drew.

Zoe sat down on a chair and drank in her tumbler after taking off her protective gears. While cooling down, she heard someone spoke behind her.

"That's a weak kick."