
Seducing Monster Girls To Level Up!

"Pride, a dangerous sin, but I take pride in overcoming that danger." A young man suffering from amnesia awakens inside the murky basement of a slave merchant's store—finding he has become a Savant, a fancy name for combat slave. He looks around to gather what kind of life he led before or to see his reflection. Yet there was nothing but a group of half-dead, lifeless men laying around and dark iron bars locking them inside. However, he did not feel fear or show despair as he should but rather became calm—only with a slightly confused face did he look around once again. He could see strange images, colours followed by an ethereal whisper that seemed friendly, telling him what each colour meant as his only thoughts were, "Who am I? How did I get here?" He closed his eyes, listening to the approaching footsteps before the old iron door slammed open. A girl entered with golden hair and blue eyes; after watching the men momentarily, she pointed to them and shouted. "I'll take them all! They will do great for our little wargame!" The Slave Master seemed nervous upon looking towards the Silver-haired young man clicking his tongue. Now realising it was a mistake to place his ill-gotten goods here. Suddenly, as the girl began to make a deal with the Slave Merchant, a small whisper sounded like a devil in the young man's ear. 'Do you want the power to live again?' 'To seek freedom?' 'To survive the Hell you are about to face?' The young man looked around for the voice before it spoke again. 'I can grant you a chance of freedom, do not waste it.' He could only laugh bitterly as a blue screen appeared before his face, the light illuminating his eyes as he gently spoke with a soft, ethereal voice. "I don't know my name or past... but freedom... That sounds great!" === Sin System === Lust Module initialising...........69% Wrath Module initialising........33% Greed Module stalled...............0% Gluttony Module Initialising.....4% Pride Module Installed.........100% Envy Module Initialising.........22% Sloth Module stalled................0% [Welcome Savant of Sin] [Name: Grendel] [Race: Hybrim (Demon/Spirit)] [Age: 18] [Status: ???] =================== Daily Release @ 00:30 GMT +1

Lunatic_Pandora · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chapter 4: The Hunt/Massacre Begins [2]

The surroundings were a huge forest wrapped around a small dirt path to the west, a small clearing in the braid to the east, and a huge mountain in the distance.

'A strange place.'

"Hmmm~ Hmmm~"

Grendel whistled, feeling his body increasing in power as the knight struggled desperately, trying to fight off the orcs; he slammed his shield into the left or knocked it off balance and was about to pierce its throat.


"Firebolt!" The small sphere shot towards the trio tearing through the air rapidly.

The intense heat burned the surrounding atmosphere as the flaming sphere burst open as Grendel Clenched his hand.

This caused the flames to burst out, burning all three faces and melting their eyes and skin. He pointed his right finger down to their thighs in tandem, "Cleave their legs! Air cutter!"




A sadistic smile as the blood sprayed like a fountain, all three dropping to the ground like flies rolling in the dirt and filth like dogs now missing a leg.

With graceful steps unbefitting of a Savant, Grendel approached them carrying a regal atmosphere despite wearing rags and his torn shirt like a prince's cape.

His cold face became more mysterious and enchanting with each step as the red and blue magical lights swirled around his hands.

"Hello, Lionetta Knight, you seem to be in quite the predicament!"

"Argh....you...bastard! I'll kill you! Filthy Savant!"



"Flame Wall!"

A burst of flames erupted from the ground, its intense heat burning the two orcs to ashes instantly, their pitiful vitality spent so easily the roar of the crackling fire too loud even to hear their agonising screams or wails before they melted in despair.

[Killed Level 4 Orc Warrior - Gained 5 Experience]

[Killed Level 4 Orc Warrior - Gained 6 Experience]

"H-how.... can you use Magic!? You... That mark, why does it not stop you!"

"Hahaha! You asked the correct question far too late, knight."


The sound of Grendels cheap boots approached as his eyes spotted a dead knight with his neck torn. He walked over before stripping the corpse bare, taking the two short blades used normally as sub-weapons, about 40cm long with a nice sharp edge.

Grendel wore smelly used rags, so what did he care for a dead man's clothes...

Because he was proud of his Magic, looks, power and body, he was happy to change while the knight bled out slowly in agony, the flame wall barely burning the wound of his severed thigh.

He didn't take the armour but the black tunic and pants—those were fine, his orc-sized member dangling before it was safely covered in a new set of pants.

"Not the best, but a clear upgrade... How do I look?" Grendel asked the knight in agony, hoping his enemy would give honest fashion advice.

There was a hind of madness that came with his pride, but a man who woke up in a strange world but was greeted with slavery instead of the Magic and sword life he should have?

A joke to think there would be no mental damage.


Grendel stood a few steps away from the knight, his face pale and not lacking any fight.

"P....please....let.....me live.....!"


"Ugh.... my ear!!"

Grendel's new blade sliced through the air, cutting off the knight's ear, causing his body to convulse and roll on the ground while screaming, not seeming to care that he rolled into the flame wall that started to burn him alive.


With a snap of his fingers, the flames faded as Grendel squatted in front of the knight in the distance. The fighting between his Knight Captain and the orcs sounded loud and clear in the distance.

"Hey... Is this attack part of your plan to kill us all, or was it a mere accident?"

The knight rolled on the ground with an array of emotions coming to face and the sins slowly fading from the colours of his body.

However, not interested, Grendel checked the runic board to see if there was any good information, but it seemed that this knight was a little useful, as all he knew was they were part of two different groups.


"I can tell you.... everything....."

Grendel no longer cared about his petty grudge against this knight—the orcs came here not to raid or fight then. What caused them to leave the forest where they resided?

Somehow the things adding together made Grendel want to get out of there as soon as he could, but the only safe exit was through the damn knights and princess!

"Wait... don't leave!? Guha!"

A shard of ice pierced the man's face—this time, Grendel didn't even chant or look at him and snapped his right finger, and the spell activated.

[Killed Level 4 Lionetta Knight Byron - Gained 8 Experience]

"Oh? Discovery!" With a distorted smile, Grendel seemed happy at the discovery, wondering if everyone had to chant or if it was just because he was stupid. There were no mages in the Savants, after all.

Because Mages were worth more than a noble!

'Then why the fuck was I made into one?'

He moved closer to the sound of steel and flesh clashing. It seemed that because of the princess and the maids, the assault on the front carriage was more intense.

'A shame the knight protecting this carriage was much stronger, but why protect the first princess when they serve the second princess?'

"No, hang on..." Something suddenly hit him as strange—how come the younger princess was the first and the eldest second?

The human kingdom was for sure how Grendel remembered in his mind. The eldest would succeed to the throne. "It seems I know nothing about the Beast kingdom's policies... But why is my head filled with knowledge about nobles anyway? Ah, that title, maybe?"

His title said prince from another world—was his former World the same as this? If so, then wouldn't that be great if he could extract the needed information?

Since shit might get real in a few minutes as the clearing a few metres ahead widened to around 20 metres, then even archers could destroy him even with this amazing magic power and affinity.

'Add 4 points to agility and 2 to strength.' It would have been ideal if the system remained the same and only needed 5 more points per level, but the moment he reached level 5, it increased by 25 instead.'

[STR: 3->5] [AGL: 7->11]

⟪Learned Skill Dash⟫

⟪Learned Skill Lesser Stealth⟫

|——— Arrange Skills By Type?———|

Yes | No


Grendel leaned back first, using his spirit eyes to check the two new skills before pressing [Yes] because he needed to keep it organised and hated too much mess. He also noted the ability to hide unwanted skills. "Good, there will always be trash skills eventually."

Activating his Lesser Stealth, his body didn't seem to change much.

Rather all it did was make his feet quieter with each step, and his breathing became almost silent, which was quite interesting; even if he spoke normally, a light whisper sounded.

"Strange...Oh? My voice!"

'There are too many colours for my Spirit Eyes to gather enough information from them all fighting so wildly... Let's move closer.'

Information was key to his survival as he was currently in the Beast Kingdom, but that was all he knew apart from the few villages they carted them off to complete their missions as Savants.

What's more, is that they were blindfolded on the journey to decrease escape chances.

As he approached, the loud sounds of combat became more vigorous, with the shouts of the beast and human knights countered by the growls and roars of the enranged orcs chasing the princess and her maid's scent.

Grendel knew the battle would be tough, so he glanced at his new skills and attributes while his ears listened to the battle shifting ever so slightly closer to the fight looking for someone weakened to pick off with his magic.



[Free Attribute Points: 0]

[STR: 5]

[AGL: 11]

[VIT: 2]

[WIS: 3]

[INT: 10]

[Physical Skills]

[Level 3 - Basic Weapon Mastery]

[Level 1 - Dash]

[Level 1 - Lesser Steath]


[Level 5 - Spirit Eyes]

[Level 1 - Spirit Magic]

[Level 2 - Demon Magic]

[Level 1 - Spirit Form (Locked)]


[Level 1 - Pride]

[Level 1 - Lust]


[Level 1 - Dash]

Increase the speed of the caster by 200% for 5 seconds or until a combat action is taken.

There is no cooldown, but casting several times will cause great strain on the body and mind and common sense is suggested.

[Level 1 - Lesser Steath]

The caster becomes hidden from all enemies who are lower level than the caster or have less agility should they be within 2 levels of the caster.

It has a better chance to work from a distance, and even high-level enemies might not quite notice your presence if unaware.

10-second cooldown - cannot be used within 5 seconds of taking an aggressive action.

Please Support the novel with your daily power stones if possible! Let's try to do better in the WPC event!

Every 100, I will post a bonus chapter!

Lunatic_Pandoracreators' thoughts