
Chapter 34. Rod Ileas

Lloyd Ileas was not the ordinary commoner that everyone thought he was.

In fact, once upon a time, this name remained quite famous in the aristocratic circles of Azeroth. Despite the fact that Ileas County was not distinguished by wealth or prestigious status in society, everyone respected it for its valuable ancestral history.

Ileas was an ancient clan of healers — whose members possessed a rare ability to heal. He was the complete opposite of another famous family of the Azeroth Empire. If the Cassians brought destruction and death, then the Ileases gave people peace.

Like the legend about the contract of the Cassians with the devil, there were also rumors about the patronage of the Ileas family of the goddess of creation. In ancient mythology, she was considered a fairy with emerald hair, who was sent to rid the world of troubles and suffering.