
Chapter 18. The Market

Life is one big ordeal.

That was the conclusion Philip was forced to draw when a penniless family of marauders forced him to participate in such a humiliating event. No, it was even worse.

The next morning the boy was practically forced out of the house to go to the market with Serge. There was nothing to do and he did not fully understand how he had got there in the first place.

The huge market was in the center of the capital and he could buy almost anything there. Fruit, meat, clothing, and jewelry. Traders also came from foreign countries to sell their goods.

It was the first time Philip had been to a place like this.

And, most importantly, he didn't even have to do anything.

When Serge put the potatoes on the counter as usual and began to sell them, all that was required of the crown prince was to sit next to him on a chair and smile pleasantly. That was Mr. Ridley's business idea.