
Secrets of the Sword

Princess Elara of Astoria had a passion for swordsmanship, a pursuit frowned upon by the court and those around her. Despite the disapproval, Elara trained in secret, determined to follow her heart. The arrival of Prince Theron from the neighboring kingdom of Valoria changed everything. Unlike others, Theron saw and supported Elara's dedication. When Theron was called to the border to aid in the deteriorating situation between their kingdoms, he reassured Elara of her strength and promised to return. Alone, Elara continued to train, her skills and confidence growing. She also came to terms with her feelings for Theron, realizing that their bond was more than just mutual respect. Elara's journey became one of self-discovery and resilience, as she embraced her dual identity as a princess and a warrior. With the support and encouragement of Prince Theron, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in their shared future.

lyra_storm · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


Despite their efforts to keep their early morning training sessions a secret, word had started to spread throughout the castle. The warriors who arrived early for their own routines had noticed the presence of Prince Theron and Princess Elara on the training grounds. It wasn't long before whispers began to circulate about the unusual sight of the prince and princess sparring together.


As Elara went about her duties as a princess, she could feel the weight of curious and judgmental eyes upon her. She maintained her composure, refusing to let the rumors distract her from her responsibilities. She was in the midst of reviewing the plans for the upcoming harvest festival when she heard a familiar voice behind her.


"Princess Elara," came the smooth, cold voice of Queen Isolde. Elara turned to face the queen, who was accompanied by several ladies-in-waiting, their expressions a mixture of amusement and disdain.


"Your Majesty," Elara greeted, dipping into a respectful curtsy.


Queen Isolde's eyes glittered with a knowing gleam. "I've been hearing some interesting stories about you lately," she said, her voice dripping with condescension. "Training with Prince Theron in the early morning hours, are we?"


Elara's heart sank, but she kept her face impassive. "Yes, Your Majesty. Prince Theron has been kind enough to assist me with my training."


Isolde's smile was sharp, like a knife's edge. "How admirable of you to pursue such... unorthodox interests. One would think a princess would be more focused on her royal duties rather than playing at being a warrior."


Elara's jaw tightened, but she forced herself to remain calm. "I believe that being skilled in combat can also be an asset to my role as a princess, Your Majesty."


The queen's laughter was light, but it carried a cutting edge. "Oh, my dear, how naive you are. A princess's place is in the court, not on the battlefield. Leave the fighting to the men and focus on what truly matters."


Elara's cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. She wanted to defend herself, to argue that her training was important and that she had every right to pursue her passions. But she knew that any argument she made would only fuel Isolde's amusement.


"And tell me," Isolde continued, her voice a silk-lined dagger, "do you think Prince Theron trains with you out of genuine interest? Or perhaps he simply pities you, finding it amusing to play the part of the benevolent prince aiding the incapable princess?"


Elara felt a sharp sting at Isolde's words, but she held her ground. "Prince Theron respects my dedication and sees the value in my training. I do not believe he would waste his time on pity."


Isolde's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile spreading across her lips. "Such confidence. But remember, dear, perception is everything in this court. People talk. And they will talk even more if you continue this little charade."


Isolde's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile spreading across her lips. "Such confidence. But remember, dear, perception is everything in this court. People talk. And they will talk even more if you continue this little charade."


Elara met the queen's gaze steadily. "I will not let the opinions of others dictate my actions. I am committed to my training and to becoming the best I can be."


Isolde chuckled, a low, mocking sound. "Such bravery. Very well, continue your little games. But remember, the court is always watching. And so am I."


With that, the queen turned and swept away, her ladies-in-waiting following close behind. Elara watched them go, her fists clenched at her sides. The encounter left her feeling humiliated and frustrated, but also more determined than ever to prove herself.


However, as Elara returned to her duties, doubts began to creep into her mind. What if Isolde was right? What if Theron was only training with her out of pity? She was a princess with different passions than the others, her mentor forbidden to train her, and now she was relying on a prince to continue her training. Maybe Theron did see her as someone incapable, someone who needed his help because she couldn't succeed on her own.


The day dragged on, each task feeling more burdensome than the last. The weight of Isolde's words lingered in her mind, but she refused to let them break her spirit. She had faced adversity before, and she would do so again.