
Secrets of the Reincarnated Lady

In a world where the supernatural intertwines with everyday life, Aurora Frostwind, once neglected, embarks on a quest to reclaim her lost powers and face her past. Reincarnated from the powerful sorceress Aria Silvermist, Aurora faces inner demons and formidable challenges. As Aurora regains her strength she starts fulfilling her duty to help lost souls find peace. In a treacherous landscape, she confronts her insecurities, embracing her destiny to bring balance to the mortal and spiritual world that has fallen into chaos.

Gypsy_ash07 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

Aurora's body ached with exhaustion as she collapsed onto the bed, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind. Yet, despite her weariness, she knew she couldn't afford to rest for long. With a determined sigh, she forced herself to rise from the bed and make her way to the kitchen.

With practiced movements, she prepared a simple meal for herself, the familiar tasks serving as a comforting distraction from the chaos of the day. As she ate, she felt her strength slowly returning, the nourishment revitalizing her weary body.

After finishing her meal, Aurora made her way to the bedroom and settled onto the floor in a comfortable seated position. Closing her eyes, she focused her thoughts and began to meditate, allowing the tranquil energy of the room to wash over her.

As minutes turned into hours, Aurora felt a renewed sense of vigor coursing through her veins, her spiritual energy replenished by the power of meditation. Opening her eyes, she glanced out the window at the moon hanging in the night sky, its soft glow casting a calming aura over the room.

Realizing that it was nearly midnight, Aurora decided to retire for the night, knowing that she had an important task awaiting her in the morning. With a sense of purpose driving her forward, she slipped beneath the covers and allowed sleep to claim her, her mind already drifting ahead to the challenges that awaited her on the journey to retrieve her emergency fund.

As Aurora drifted into the realm of dreams, little did she know that the journey she was about to embark on would lead her into the heart of a storm.

Before embarking on her journey to Aetherium, Aurora followed her usual morning routine with meticulous care. She began by performing her daily meditation, the gentle rhythm of her breath guiding her into a state of calm and focus. With each inhalation, she drew in energy and vitality, while with each exhalation, she released tension and fatigue.

After completing her meditation, Aurora cleansed her body with water, the cool liquid refreshing her senses and invigorating her spirit. Despite the lack of running water in her home, she had learned to adapt, making do with what little resources she had at her disposal.

Once she felt sufficiently refreshed, Aurora donned her modest attire and prepared to depart. She grabbed her trusty bicycle, its frame worn but sturdy, and set off towards the nearest subway station. The streets were alive with activity, the city bustling with the energy of its inhabitants going about their daily lives.

Arriving at the subway station, Aurora purchased a ticket to Aetherium and took her bicycle along to travel around Aetherium easily. The subway car was crowded with commuters, each lost in their thoughts as they traveled to their respective destinations. As the train rattled along the tracks, Aurora stared out the window, lost in contemplation as the cityscape blurred past.

As the train pulled into the station at Aetherium, Aurora disembarked and made her way to the surface. As she pedaled her way through the bustling streets of Aetherium, she couldn't help but marvel at the futuristic landscape that unfolded before her. Towering skyscrapers pierced the sky, their sleek and angular forms reaching towards the heavens. The city streets thrummed with the hum of activity, a symphony of bustling crowds and whirring machinery that filled the air with a palpable energy.

As she approached the vault, Aurora felt a sense of anticipation building within her. This was the most secure place in the country, a fortress of impenetrable walls and cutting-edge technology designed to safeguard the most valuable assets. With each step she took, she could feel the weight of secrecy and security pressing down upon her, a reminder of the importance of the task at hand.

The vault itself was a marvel of modern engineering, its architecture sleek and imposing, with sharp angles and mirrored surfaces reflecting the surrounding cityscape. Aurora approached the entrance with caution, her senses alert to any signs of danger or surveillance. With practiced ease, she activated the security protocols, her power signature unlocking the door with a soft hiss of pressurized air.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of dark blue eyes watched her intently from a nearby cafe, their owner filled with confusion and intrigue.

Lucian Thornwood sat inside his car, his usual air of confidence replaced by a furrowed brow as he observed the young woman's departure. Something about her seemed familiar, yet he couldn't place where he had seen her before. He instructed his secretary to investigate the matter.

Despite her absence, Aurora lingered in Lucian's thoughts, her connection to the vault and her sudden appearance in Aetherium stirring a sense of curiosity within him. As he pondered the mysteries surrounding her, a nagging feeling tugged at the edges of his consciousness, urging him to delve deeper into the enigma of Aurora Frostwind.

Shortly after Lucian's instruction, his secretary diligently embarked on the task of uncovering the mysterious girl. After a thorough investigation, the secretary returned with a report confirming the identity of the woman.

"Mr. Thornwood," the secretary began, entering his office with a sense of urgency. "I've looked into the matter as per your request, and it appears that the individual in question is indeed Aurora Frostwind."

Lucian's brow furrowed in contemplation as he absorbed the information. The revelation only deepened the intrigue surrounding Aurora's sudden appearance, leaving him with more questions than answers.

"Thank you," he replied, dismissing the secretary with a nod. He kept on thinking about her connection to the vault and her sudden appearance in Aetherium stirring a sense of mystery and intrigue within him. 

On the other side, as Aurora stepped inside, she was greeted by a single door, uniquely tailored to her presence. Making her way through the corridor, she finally arrived in front of the door that held her most treasured possessions.

With a sense of relief, Aurora retrieved the emergency fund that she had stashed away so many years ago, her fingers tracing the contours of the familiar container. Inside, along with the money, were rare books filled with ancient knowledge and powerful charms that she had collected over the years. Among them was a necklace designed for power gathering, which she decided to take along to help increase her spiritual strength. It was a small comfort in the face of uncertainty, a reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had the resources she needed to face them head-on.

As she prepared to leave, Aurora couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered at the edge of her consciousness. The journey to Aetherium had been a necessary one, but it had also brought her one step closer to the storm that loomed on the horizon. With a final glance around the vault, she turned and made her way back into the city, her mind already racing with plans and strategies for the trials that lay ahead.