
Secrets of the Arcane

During a reincarnation in Aidinth in Dragon Wolf's year, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath. During a reincarnation on Earth in 2001, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes the 21-year-old Julien Weiz, a weak but strong-willed man. What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save yourself, your people or the world from skirmish Arcanist who kill each other? Would you even want to? The Dark Emperor who is the shadow of Julien Weiz and his truehearted lover, Freya, as their magical lives tumble through turbulent events in different realms, again and again. However, Julien finds himself troubled by his magical ideals and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Will his conscience allow him to do whatever is needed to stop the Arcanist? J. D. SHINOHARA explores Arcane, Spell Arts, and Beautiful Empires to full effect in the fantasy novel to end all fantasy novels.

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16 Chs


As his mind went blank and everything turned, white a voice reverberated in the whole area. "Congratulations on unlocking the first seal!"

The voice of the man has dignity and authority. A voice like autumn winds that cools down your soul and authority like the heat of the summer.

The man continues, "I am you and you are me. Don't be afraid and you will know our story. I just want you to know that this is the first seal and there are several seals that you need to unlock,"

"Every seal has its prerequisite to be unlocked. For the first seal, all you will see is just a clarification of what has been done and the path that you should take moving forward."

After the man spoke, a bright light surrounded him. A memory plays and he feels like he is on that memory taking part in what's happening.

He looks around and the first thing he notices is that the place is all with a tinge of orange. The sun is coming down and welcoming the sunset. The fresh air with the smell of sweetness that came from the nearby fruit trees completes this nostalgic scene.

The location he was in now is outside palace walls. He was sitting on the bench leaning on the palace walls and many people are walking on the side of the street

The place is picture-perfect, the scenery you can only see in some paintings or movies.

For this memory, he is just an observer. Julien can't move a thing he is like watching a film.

This scene where this man is sitting and observing lasts for 15 minutes. 15 minutes doing nothing; just silently observing the place and the people walking and chatting.

After that, a scene plays again. The man now is standing in a grand corridor. The man is delivering a speech and Julien can't understand or hear the word that the man is saying. All he can hear is the wild shout of the crowd. The cheers and sounds of praises are everywhere.

He also noticed that there were eight people behind him. You can see that these 8 people behind him are strong. They have an aura that makes your spine chill.

He also noticed a woman wearing a violet robe. A gentle aura surrounds her. Her looks are familiar but he can't pinpoint who it is as if it was already at the tip of his tongue.

While observing this beautiful woman, the woman suddenly turned her eyes to him and they locked eyes.

Julien was startled and he felt that his throat was closing up. That gaze terrified him and after a few seconds, it became gentle.

After the man delivered the speech and the scene played again. Now all of the eight people behind him are in a big room. They are seated at a round table. Everything is silent and still as if time has stopped.

The man began to talk. He is the highest seat of eight and said: "The Ammolite Empire is no longer a threat to us. Thanks to the 4th generals' team and efforts assassinating the 2nd and 3rd princes, their hierarchy was disrupted. This is a major blow to them,"

"We also crippled their number one army, the Arcana Elite troops. Though we incur some losses, the gains we get through this effort blur it out."

The man continues to talk. Julien, who was watching, couldn't help but be amazed by this man. Though he cannot understand any of it he knows that his campaign is great and the veneration is deserving.

He thought that this should be a leader. Not all talks but with action!

During that meeting, Julien takes note of the faces in that room. Their character voices and gestures. He is not an idiot and he knows this is necessary to recover his "lost" memory.

After that scene, a new one played out. They are riding a giant castle ship. Yes, it looks like a castle but this one is floating.

The name of this floating fortress is Hohensalzburg Armada. Inside this fortress are numerous battleships.

The man is standing in the main control room making sure that everything is proceeding with their plan.

A shadow suddenly appears beside him kneeling on one knee. "My Majesty, our scouts have all been annihilated, but one of them delivered the message. The second prince is alive and he is leading a large army." The man said in a cold tone voice.

The lady sitting in the center of the control room began to talk and said "Your Majesty, it seems the report is true, Algrea is a traitor working with the Ammolites."

"Hmph," The man just left a cold snort.

The kneeling man continued, "Based on the reports, this could be a trap. I suggest that we go back and regroup with the main force and plan for our attack again, Your Majesty"

Those who heard all of this began to think. While watching Julien was perplexed "What!? Is this like a movie!? Damn this happens in real life"

A voice began to talk in his head. "What you will see is one of the mistakes I have made in the past. Though I am experienced I am still naive and I trust my generals so much that I trust my life to them."

The man replied to the kneeling guy and he said "Begin with the attack. Use the Armada cannon right away to disrupt their forces. I need to see in my eyes that Algrea is working with those scums."