
Secrets of the Arcane

During a reincarnation in Aidinth in Dragon Wolf's year, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath. During a reincarnation on Earth in 2001, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes the 21-year-old Julien Weiz, a weak but strong-willed man. What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save yourself, your people or the world from skirmish Arcanist who kill each other? Would you even want to? The Dark Emperor who is the shadow of Julien Weiz and his truehearted lover, Freya, as their magical lives tumble through turbulent events in different realms, again and again. However, Julien finds himself troubled by his magical ideals and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Will his conscience allow him to do whatever is needed to stop the Arcanist? J. D. SHINOHARA explores Arcane, Spell Arts, and Beautiful Empires to full effect in the fantasy novel to end all fantasy novels.

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16 Chs

Memories (Final)

Algrea tried to switch the trajectory of the attack upwards to avoid the [Gurgaan Fortress] he knows that certain death will await if he hit that. Freya is not just the master of defense she is also the master of offense.

"Combined with that defensive Arcane, a counter-attack will follow !" Algrea predicted.


As his sword draws near the barrier of light, a crest of four wings divides Algrea and Freya. In a split second, a flash of blinding light appeared and it forced Freya to close her eyes.

[Illumination Set - Aether crest]! A young man appeared on the horizon and shouted the [Aether crest] Arcane Spell.

Algeria's attack was blocked by that shielding light. He feels that he hit a sturdy metal and made his hands numb with impact. He was forced back and collided in the near mountain with the power of force.

Cracks appeared on his Armor and he vomited a mouthful of blood. A large crater formed at the point of impact and you will know if a normal person was hit by that force, not even his bone will remain.

Everything happened in a flash.

Julien's vision began to blur when the scene was cut when Freya charged forward. She was holding her shield using her left hand and using her left shoulder as support for a defensive pose. The force of wind ruffling her hair and like a comet crashing down, a chilling force was formed while moving towards the prince.

"Even in battle, Freya's beauty is beyond words"

Everything went black and after a few breaths, he appeared inside a white hall. The white hall is full of paintings, some paintings depict a grand-scale war, some are portraits of random scenes and people and most are the portrait of Freya smiling.

As he carefully looks at those portraits, a middle-aged man walks beside him, and then he talks.

"She's a beauty, right?"

Julien jolted awake and said, "That right, she really is beautiful!"

The middle-aged man:.....


And then the man began to laugh out loud "Ha ha ha! I guess your taste in women is never lost!" The man slapped Julien's shoulders thrice.

"Cough cough, ahem!" The middle-aged man cleared his throat and began to talk.

"First let me introduce myself, I am Emperor Julien Vix Nograd, the first ruler of Aidinth. They also called me the son of Yvri the Eternal, butcher of Netinenth, and Champion of the yellow.

The Emperor introduced himself with a proud-looking posture, having his chest out and chin up high.

"Ju-Julien!? Is it a coincidence that we have the same name?" Julien thought.

As if the Emperor reading his mind and sighed, "Of course, you are me and I am you, this is why you are in this dream,"

"All right, enough of this small talk. The reason you are here is that you unlock our first memory and with this, you will be able to start your journey to become the master of Arcane."

"Some people called us Arcanist; others called us Witch/Wizard or our power title,"

"Every portion of unlocked memory will grant you Arcane techniques, treasures, or important information which will help you grow,"

"I can also see that you met a strong figure from your outer world of yours. It seems he doesn't bear someone ill will to you so you can decide if you will be joining him or not. The rest is up to you,"

"Next... Since you unlocked our first memory then I assume you met someone already who touched your heart. That means you are a nasty bastard as well.

The Emperor laughed so loud his voice echoed in the room.

The Emperor coughs and clears his throat and then continues talking.

"Let me explain the first level of power and your goal."

Raising his finger…

Since you are reincarnated four times already, your [Mana Base] potential is promising. Normally others will start from the bottom but since I am awesome your Mana base will start at the peak! The emperor said jokingly.

The Emperor then began to conjure a visual and explained; that [Mana Base] is categorized into five levels and it was labeled by its color...

Crimson - Paragon grade

Azure - Royal (rare) usually this is for high nobles

Emerald - standard for Elite

Silver - advanced grade

Bronze - lowers the level

One of the reasons why I opted to reincarnate using a forbidden spell that I created is to reach the highest level of power.

And to attain that we need to have the highest [Mana Base].

[Mana Base] is unique to each individual. Upgrading your [Mana Base] requires monster essence and soul gems which are very rare and expensive.

Another thing is that you can only upgrade your [Mana Base] to the Emerald tier. That level is for Generals in the army or elite units. Being a lacky of a Royals is possible as well. But that's the ceiling.

Now if your [Mana Base] starts from Azure tier, then you can upgrade it to Paragon grade or called Crimson tier. The prerequisite is that you need to kill a Master or God-level beast and get their Star essence.

Easy to remember right?

Julien nodded and the Emperor continued.

The reincarnation method that I devised can level up our mana Base to reach the maximum potential through rebirth and it can be carried over into the next reincarnation. Before I died my [Mana Base] was Azure tier. I'm experiencing a bottleneck at that time and can no longer advance in power.

Of course, being a demigod is already awesome but again in everything, there is always better than you or higher than you.

Now for your goal:

To unlock the second memory, you need to reach the 1st Anointed Of the [Follow of the Path]

To reach that is easy because you already have the Crimson [Mana Base]. All you need to have is ignite it and you will be able to train up straight to that level without any bottleneck.

"Here take this..."

The Emperor throws a ring to Julien.

Julien caught it with both hands.

"It's a Dimensional ring, it can store items and many things. It can even store monsters but not humans. Unless that human is dead. Emperor Julien shrugged.

Oh! and you cannot use it until you reach the 2nd level of [Recruit Arcana].

Just wear it, for now, it can provide you with basic defense and Arcane deflection. It can also multiply your attack power 5 times. Don't lose that ring, it's expensive. Kingdoms might even consider that a national treasure.

The Emperor raised his index and middle finger and pointed them at Julien's forehead.

As soon as it connected, his body started to tremble and a massive amount of knowledge began to enter his mind and his eyes began to turn white.

After 3 breaths of time, Julien snapped out stunned by all the knowledge and mysteries he obtained.

He feels like he can dominate the world using it.

The Emperor noticed that Julien was done comprehending the flood of knowledge he then chucked.

"Feels like you can conquer the world eh? "