
Secrets hide

The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

what we see that won't happen

As the violent storm lashed against the window panes, the mourning families of the Wu Clan and the Liang Clan stood side by side, their hearts burdened by the weight of grief. In the grand chamber of the Wu Clan mansion, adorned with opulent furnishings and shimmering tapestries, a somber atmosphere hung heavy in the air. Zhang Li, Wu Jun's mother, clung to her husband Wu Qing for support, her tears flowing freely as she mourned the loss of her beloved son. Standing beside them were Wu Zhen and Wu Hao, Wu Jun's elder brothers, their faces etched with anguish, while their younger sister, Wu Mei, gazed at her brother's portrait with innocent eyes filled with sorrow.

Across the realm, within the Liang Clan's ancestral hall, the flickering candlelight danced upon the portraits of their esteemed ancestors. Liang Yue's parents, Liang Tian and Liang Xin yu , were caught between conflicting emotions. Their hearts ached for the tragedy that had befallen Wu Jun, a dear friend and ally. Yet, a cloud of doubt loomed over them as they grappled with the realisation that their own daughter, Liang Yue, had orchestrated this merciless act. Regret washed over Liang Yue's countenance as she sat alone in her chamber, tormented by the consequences of her treacherous actions. Despite her remorse, her insatiable greed and ambition had eclipsed any remnants of friendship that once bound her to Wu Jun.

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, deep within the enchanted forest nestled within the heart of the martial sect, a solitary figure materialized on a towering oak tree. The moon's ethereal glow cast eerie shadows on the forest floor as Wu Jun emerged from the darkness, his presence a stark juxtaposition against the gloomy backdrop. His eyes gleamed with determination and a newfound resolve, hinting at a clandestine plan taking shape in his mind. The forest seemed to hold its breath, sensing the weight of his return, as if nature itself recognised the momentous shift in the balance of power.

In the darkness of night below the silver glittering moon wu jun's eyes was glowing as a flamingo like the flame of furnace which can melt anything which come in contact Wu jun on the tree smile dreadfully give death to whole forest he murmured, "Oh my dear fiancee, liaaag Yue hahaha hah!" his scary laugh start to echo in whole forest which broke the silence of the forest he just finished laughing and with another breath he said, I thought to take my time in martial sect to deal with the problem of clan how can I left it but you make my way clear you'll definitely become best pawn in this murim don't worry I won't let you die so easily i also have to fulfill body owner's wish just wait. I never thought you'll set ambush to kill me in carriage as I noticed I was excited with the my heart I was just playing as you decide to play the whole show but it was really fun", with this sentence he vanished somewhere in the air like nothing was there.

[ Few days later ]

The day had finally arrived for Wu Jun, disguised as Ari, to embark on his journey to become an outer disciple of the martial sect. Clad in simple robes, he made his way towards the entrance ceremony, where countless aspiring disciples had gathered, each with their own dreams and ambitions.

The ceremony took place in a vast courtyard, surrounded by imposing stone pillars and ornate banners depicting the sect's emblem. The air buzzed with anticipation as disciples-in-training mingled nervously, their eyes filled with determination and a hint of trepidation.

At the center of the courtyard stood a grand stage, elevated above the rest of the area. A distinguished figure, known as Elder Chen, presided over the ceremony. Elder Chen was a revered martial practitioner, known for his wisdom and discernment. His gaze seemed to penetrate the very souls of the disciples, searching for the spark of potential that would mark them as worthy candidates.

Wu Jun joined the sea of disciples, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He observed the diverse array of individuals around him. Some exuded an air of confidence, while others wore expressions of quiet determination. It was clear that the martial sect attracted people from all walks of life, each with their own reasons for seeking the path of martial arts.

The entrance ceremony began with a solemn invocation, paying homage to the sect's founding masters and invoking the blessings of the martial spirits. Disciples-in-training stood in respectful silence, their eyes fixed on Elder Chen, who radiated an aura of authority and sagacity.

Elder Chen's voice boomed through the courtyard as he addressed the eager disciples. He spoke of the sect's principles, emphasizing the importance of discipline, perseverance, and the pursuit of harmony between body and mind. He reminded them that the path of martial arts was not merely about physical prowess, but also about self-discovery and the cultivation of one's inner strength.

Following his inspiring words, the disciples were led through a series of rigorous tests to assess their aptitude and potential. They demonstrated their martial skills in combat, showcased their control over Qi energy, and showcased their knowledge of various martial techniques. The challenges were designed to push the disciples to their limits, separating those with true potential from the rest.

Wu Jun, drawing upon his past life's experience and knowledge, navigated each trial with skill and finesse. He executed precise movements, his body flowing in harmony with his Qi, leaving the onlookers in awe. Though he concealed his true strength, Wu Jun's natural talent and determination shone through, earning him a place among the top performers.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Elder Chen ascended the stage once again, his eyes sweeping across the disciples who had endured the tests. With a voice filled with solemnity, he announced the names of those who had been accepted as outer disciples, including Wu Jun, who now bore the official title within the sect.

A surge of mixed emotions filled Wu Jun's heart as he stood among his fellow disciples. He felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the journey ahead, yet the weight of his mission and the burden of his past weighed heavily upon him. With his newfound status as an outer disciple, Wu Jun knew that his true test was only just beginning. The structure and complexities of the martial sect, along with the ever-present mysteries of the earth seal, awaited him, ready to challenge his resolve and shape his destiny.

As he looked ahead to the path he must tread, Wu Jun steeled himself, knowing that every step would bring him closer to the truth he sought, not only about the earth seal but also about his own identity and purpose in this world of martial arts.