
Secrets hide

The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Man of mystery and my journey Ch-1

hello everyone I hope you will co-operate with me in this novel ;)

It all started when I disturbed space-time and made a teleportation belt. It created a very huge gravitational wave that was very powerful and noticeable. At that time, every country tried to snatch this technology from me because it changed our perspective on space, void, and time.

On a stormy night filled with terror, rain poured down heavily and the wind blew with full force. I was looking out of the window from the orphanage, towards the forest behind it, which was very quiet. Suddenly, I saw a man who broke the barrier of silence and ran towards the orphanage. He was covered with blood and sweat, and he was breathing very heavily. He ran into the orphanage, and when the guards saw him, they were scared and shouted, "Who the hell are you!" It was very obvious that anyone would be scared in the dark night after seeing a person covered in blood.

Before they could ask him anything, he passed out. The weather was very bad, and if they left him outside, he would die from his injuries. If his injuries didn't kill him, then wild animals would eat him alive. That's why the scared guards brought him in. In his fist, he wore a bracelet which was attached to a crystal gem that emitted a blue light, but it was very dim that no one noticed it.

The storm ended by the next morning, and sparrows were chirping on the branches of trees. Trees were swinging with the fine air, and it seemed like they were celebrating after surviving the heavy storm. Sunlight was peeking from windows and tickling the man's eyes. He shouted very loudly, "Noooooo! It can't happen". He was sweating heavily. He realized he wasn't dead. He tried to get up, but because of his injuries, he couldn't. He was covered with bandages and cotton rolls. He understood that someone had aided him while he was fainted. While he was thinking, he heard a voice, "Sir, did you wake up? May I come in?" He allowed, and a middle-aged woman, who wore simple and plain clothes, entered. She asked him, "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah, I am," he answered. He asked her where he was, and she told him that they found him at the gate of the orphanage. He was trying to leave, but after insisting, he decided to stay here until his injuries recovered.

Days passed like wind, and everyone was astonished at how quickly he was recovering. His injuries were healing four times faster than a normal person's, which proved he wasn't a normal person. He was like pure snow with a blue gem. His hair was as white as silk, and his eyes were like the heart of the sea, which were very soft at other times. He quickly merged with the atmosphere of the orphanage. He played with kids and helped others all day, and everyone was very glad with him, except me. I wore a black shirt and loose pants. My black hair was unfixed, and my clothes were dirty. I was always wandering around the walls. It had only been six months since I came here. What I knew at that time was that I heard a blast and firing voices around my house. When I opened my eyes, I was here. They told me my parents had died, and I asked them to find my sister, but I didn't receive any news of her.

Anyway, that man's name was Azazil, and in a month, all his injuries had recovered. Now, he was about to depart. That night, he met me on the last day.

I was sitting on the border of a mountain. The sun was almost vanished from the sky and birds were returning to their homes. The sky was a light pink and dim orange in colour. A man looked towards me and called out, 'Hey little boy.' I was only 5 years old at that time. I looked up with my eyes, which were black as an abyss and filled with coldness. They were searching for something but couldn't find it. When he looked into my eyes, he was very disconcerted. He asked me in a gentle voice, 'What happened? Why are you so depressed?'

'Just leave me,' I said with a very low voice, filled with loneliness. He said, 'Hey, just chill and tell me what happened. If someone bullied you, I'll beat him.' He said this in a very funny way, and I started to smile. But my expression changed again. He started to console me, and at last, I said, 'I lost my family and don't know how to take revenge. I don't know where my sister is or what she's doing.' I said this in a heavy voice and began to cry heavily.

After hearing this, he hugged me and told me not to worry. 'I will help you. You don't have to worry.' The sun was falling to the earth and emitting a purple-pink colour in the sky, which was vanishing and becoming dark like an abyss. The moon was very bright and big, emitting silver light on the earth. I was just crying near the fountain.

Then, the man said, 'Will you be my student?' I was confused. He told me he was a martial artist and science professor, and he could help me. I started to think. He told me, 'After two hours, I'll go from here. You have to decide if you'll stay here or come with me.'

I took the time and thought about it. Back then, I was still a child, and I didn't know how to give an answer. After an hour, I went to his room. He was preparing his food and tools. When he saw me, he told me with a blooming smile, 'Oh, what did you decide?'

I told him, 'I'm coming with you and accept to be your student.' He was very glad. In his black suit with white hair and blue eyes like heaven, he looked very beautiful. He told me, 'Then, I'll take permission and then we'll be off.' He took permission to take me with him, and like this, my journey started to research the world and find my parents' killers."