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The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Assassination and Planning Ch-10

The night was a canvas of ethereal beauty, painted with twinkling stars that sparkled like jewels in the sky. The moon, full and radiant, cast a luminous glow over everything it touched, illuminating the courtyard with a pearly light. The fragrance of night jasmine filled the air, lending a sweet aroma to the already enchanting surroundings.

As the night wore on, the stillness was shattered by the sound of hurried footsteps. A figure, cloaked in black, emerged from the Wu Clan mansion. It was Liang Yue, the princess of the Liang Clan. Her gait was quick and purposeful, indicating a sense of urgency. She made her way towards the north, where a dark forest lay, infamous for its perilous reputation. Despite the danger, Liang Yue did not hesitate, as if she were familiar with the forest and its secrets.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, she became aware of a presence around her. Though she could not see them, she sensed that someone was watching her in silence. Her intuition told her that any wrong step would mean certain death. With courage, she spoke out loud, her voice echoing in the stillness of the forest, "Shed of Night kills. I come here on my will."

As if in response to her words, three dark figures emerged from the shadows. They were assassins, and Liang Yue knew them well. They were from the Silent Night Cult, with whom the Liang Clan had a close relationship. Liang Yue had a task for them, a dangerous one that could put their skills to the test. She informed them that in three days' time, Wu Jun, the prince of the Wu Clan, would be travelling to the martial sect for his recovery. It was an opportunity for the assassins to strike and eliminate their target.

The assassins agreed to carry out the task, and Liang Yue departed from the forest, knowing that the future of both clans lay in the balance. As she made her way back to her own clan, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she had set a course of events that could change the course of their history forever.

[Meanwhile in wu clan]

The moon reigns the sky and pours its silvery light on everything below, casting a spell of enchantment. The stars twinkle like precious jewels, scattered across the vast expanse of the sky. The cool breeze carries the fragrance of night blooming flowers, such as jasmine and tuberose, filling the air with their sweet scent. The trees sway in rhythm to the wind's melody, creating a symphony of their own. The world seems to slow down, taking its time to appreciate the beauty of the night. It's as if everything is in a state of deep meditation, savoring every moment of the tranquil night. It's a magical time, where anything seems possible, and the universe reveals its secrets to those who take the time to look and listen.

Wu Jun was immersed in deep cultivation. His eyes closed, and his breathing was slow and steady. The soft moonlight filtering through the window cast a serene glow over the room, painting everything in a pale blue hue. The gentle rustling of leaves outside and the distant chirping of crickets were the only sounds that could be heard.

The atmosphere was still, almost as if time itself had stopped. It was like the calm before a storm, the silence before the chaos. The air was heavy with a sense of anticipation, as if something big was about to happen. The room itself was plain, but there was a certain elegance to it. The simple yet refined decor complemented the tranquility of the night, creating a peaceful haven for Wu Jun's cultivation.

The room was almost like a cocoon, wrapping Wu Jun in a world of his own. He was completely immersed in his training, his mind focused on the task at hand. It was like he was in a trance, his consciousness soaring through the skies like a bird in flight. The moonlight served as his guide, illuminating his path and revealing the mysteries of the universe.

As he continued to cultivate, the room seemed to come to life. Shadows danced on the walls, and the moonlight created a beautiful mosaic of light and dark. It was like a symphony, the harmony of night and silence. Wu Jun was the conductor, and the room was his orchestra.

In that moment, he was at one with the universe, a mere speck in the vast expanse of existence. Yet, he felt powerful, like he could conquer the world. The night had a way of doing that, of making everything seem possible. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still beauty to be found.

Everyone was resting in except wu jun as he open his eye, "finally I manage to breakthrough from middle stage to core formation peak stage in this world cultivation level divided in to five major stages and three minor stages major are foundation, core formation, Nascent soul, Soul transformation, and Immortal Ascension every realm is divided in to three minor parts initiate, middle, and peak . And now I succeed in breakthrough but there is problem I could hide cultivation form other but the problem is a martial sect where I has to stay for advance my cultivation and all useful resources are there but if I shows my cultivation level little a bit my plans will ruined. Now I can only thing how can I selected without revealing by dantian".

As Wu Jun continued to pace around the room, his mind raced with thoughts on how to enter the martial sect without revealing his true cultivation level. He felt like a mastermind, planning and strategizing his every move. The lamp in his room was his only source of light, but it seemed to glow brighter as if reflecting the burning fire inside him.

He gave a dreadful smile, as if relishing the thought of deceiving everyone around him. It was as if he was playing a game, but the stakes were high and the consequences dire. His laughter echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls, as if he was possessed by a mad spirit.

But as quickly as the fit of mania came upon him, he regained his composure and spoke in a calm, collected voice. His eyes sparkled with a fierce determination, and his lips curved into a sly grin.

"Let's wait," he murmured, "Martial sect, I'm coming."

The lamp flickered as if in response, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Wu Jun stood there, still as a statue, but his mind was racing with possibilities. He knew that he had to be careful, that one wrong move could jeopardize his plans. But he was determined to succeed, no matter what.